What $ Can Buy

This update isn’t about the horrors of the spill. It’s about BP’s efforts to control the public’s access to information. According to ABC News, BP has bought several phrases on search engines like Google and Yahoo, so that the first link that shows up leads people to BP’s official website. A search on Google, for instance, for the term “oil spill”  now brings up a link to BP’s official website at the top of the page. It says: Info about the Gulf of Mexico spill. Learn more about how BP is helping.

“If you look at it from BP’s perspective it’s a brilliant move,” says Kevin Ryan, CEO of  Motivity Marketing.  . “The other option BP had was to just not do this and let the news interpret what’s going on. But they’re getting so much bad press that directing traffic to their own site is a great PR strategy.”

Scott Slatin, an analyst who runs search engine marketing company Rivington in New York, estimates that BP is paying upwards of  $10,000 per day to maintain the various search terms.”They paid to lock themselves into the first position against the oil spill terms, essentially putting a positive message on top of the news,” Slatin said.

Debra Page has really nailed it on her latest post.

 – Trish

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15 Responses to What $ Can Buy

  1. Ray says:

    It looks as if the corporate climate at BP has been the next thing to a criminal enterprise since at least the 1960s. This article makes afraid to go anywhere near anything owned by BP. It isn't just deep water drilling, but pipelines, refineries and pipelines.

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You bring up good points, Ray. I don't know much about desalination plants in Fl, In southeast Fl, our water comes from Lake Okeechobee. But it's something to check into.

  3. Ray says:

    The oil isn't there yet. I am just asking what if it does hit the bay.

    I don't imagine that is the only desalinization plant in the area. I hope that whoever runs those plants will have enough sense to shut off the intakes before the water is contaminated. If the water gets into the system the system is gone.

    eques: Plural Equites they were drawn from the senatorial class in ancient Rome.


  4. Marlene says:

    wow.. that water will never be able to be used again..I don't think that process can eliminate the toxic compounds in it now..I just can't stop thinking about the marine life..dolphins, seals ect..it really touches me deep in my soul..they did not deserve what we did to them..

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow. Didn't know this, Ray. Interesting that there's been no mention of it on the news.

  6. Ray says:

    BP is paying dividends to stockholders in order to have less money to pay damages.

    I watch a program on the Science Channel called How is it Made. One episode last night told how Tampa Bay's desalinization plant works. Ten percent of the area drinking water comes from the Gulf of Mexico. How do you get crude oil out of the intakes? Is this source of water doomed if the spill works its way into the bay?


  7. Adele Aldridge says:

    BP = Bull Poop

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    If this disaster doesn't change policiies about offshore drilling – any kind of drilling, shallow, deep – then we deserve whatever we get.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Watching the face of the CEO of BP on his continuously-running "public service" message which, bty, is costing God only knows how much to run several times each day on every major channel, is watching a human with no emotion. he demonstrates absolutely no sincerity and no truth. It's written all over his face. One would think he would at least attempt to act sincere, but he doesn't. he simply states BP will pay the bill, but remorse? No. Or sympathy for the lives lost? No. It's crass and unholy. The losses are incalculable in every aspect of this tragedy and will no matter what is said to the contrary, BP will never be held accountable and will never belly up. MY suggestion would be to shut down every single service staion within the United States that sells BP products. Every single one of them. Shut their doors. Then re-direct the monies that are going into their pockets from those lost sales into the spill issues, which are mounting minute by minute. Our gov't has the power to do that. But they won''t. They would use "free enterprise" as an excuse. But there is certainly a legal loophole around the "free enterprise", just as the gov't creates loophoiles around anything else it wishes to change. So lock the doord of the BP retailers! If ewnough of us demand this, it might make a dent. cjc

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    just another indicator to the world of BP's only priority! obviously their PR people didn't realize it isn't rocket science to figure out their motive – thanks so much for sharing –

    wv=speadi= speed spread???

  11. Shadow says:

    quite ingenious. but it does not mop up the spill, does it…

  12. Nancy says:

    Well it's not working. They can't spin this one.

  13. d page says:

    The $$$ mean nothing to them yet.

  14. maggie's garden says:

    Slimballs…I heard reported on CNN last night that BP still hasn't paid $$$ for the clean up being done on shore. Yet they are spending $$$ on advertising and redirecting their site??…slimballs…

  15. Marlene says:

    disgusting…spending that money on that..I have not watched the news for days now..I am glad things like this are surfacing..

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