UFO Over the Nazca Lines

This video is intriguing and apparently hasn’t ever been debunked. What’s interesting about this cloud…is that rain falls over this area for only 20 MINUTES A YEAR!


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7 Responses to UFO Over the Nazca Lines

  1. What a great clip, I’ve always wanted to see the Nazca Lines from a small plane.
    I doubt anyone in the plane even noticed that dark spot at the time. But if I was the one running the camera I would have watched it over and over when I got home, and then wonder, what is that? Then zoomed, slowed, and voila. Cool.

    • R and T says:

      I had a little adventure at Nazca years ago. I was going to take a 45-minute flight over the lines, but when I arrived at the small Peruvian town by the same name, one of the two planes had just crashed killing three people. So I decided to take a local bus out to the lines and climb the tower. The bus dropped me off after a ride of about half an hour and there I was alone in the desert. I walked over to the tower, climbed it. I could see no lines at all. It was as if I was the last person in the world perched in a tower.

      I have no recollection of how I got back to the town. Maybe I hitched a ride. I don’t think any buses came by. In fact, there were no buses leaving Nazca for Cuzco for three days. So I boarded a truck with a dozen descendants of the Inca Empire and spent two and a half days bouncing over the freezing Altiplano and sleeping on bales of cocoa leaves. It was quite a journey with lots of little adventures en route. Not all fun, either. – R

  2. The Nazca Lines are something special and mysterious by themselves. The UFO looks very much like some of the original shaped vehicles, almost a throw back – interesting!

  3. Darren B says:

    I love the Nazca Lines.I always remember watching “Chariots of the Gods” as a kid and marveling at them.In fact the whole of that movie would send tingles down my spine and make me so emotionally happy that I even bought the LP soundtrack as a teenager then the CD and DVD as an adult…and I still play them.That movie and soundtrack is better than doing drugs to me (not that I do them) when I hear it or see it,and I couldn’t give a toss what people say about von Däniken .I love that movie,and I’m not even into UFOs that much.
    Go figure ?
    And that You Tube clip above looks fairly convincing to me.It’s an area I would expected to find them in,anyway whether this clip is real or not.

    • Darren B says:

      The filming of the Nazca Lines are worth marveling at alone,never mind the UFO that’s thrown in as a bonus.They were obviously made to be viewed from the air.So either the natives made them for themselves,which would mean they either had some means of flight themselves or could astral project at will…or they were made for somebody else.There aren’t that many rational choices on offer here…except to throw them into the too hard basket and ignore them.-)

    • R and T says:

      Mystical, for sure.

  4. gypsy says:

    what a video – what images!!! love the still frames! incredible! did you find any remarks of any of the passengers on the plane about what they saw? have you all flown over the lines? i’ve always always had such an interest in them – such an incredible thing in and of themselves -and now to think of the impact of weather/geological impacts upon them is so disconcerting –

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