Maui Bound: Message from the Universe

We discovered Nancy Atkinson’s blog, Lover of Life, shortly after we started our blog in 2009. We began to correspond and when we discovered we were going to be in Oregon at the same time last summer, we got together for lunch. I think of this meeting as a synchronicity that blogging and the Internet facilitated.

Nancy travels frequently and I asked her if she had any good travel synchros. She sent this one, which certainly seems like a direct message from the universe!

While in Hawaii a month or so ago we decided to buy a waterfront condo on the island of Maui. It looks very similar to this picture. The condo buying has not been without some worry, however. 
It is in a unique location but is on a leasehold, whereby the owner can actually take back the property. When we decided to buy the unit, with another couple that we have been friends with forever, before our marriages or children, we talked about having this opportunity to share this with family and friends, and be able to spend several months there each year after retirement. However, at one point we were ready to back out of the deal after reading a disclaimer in the paperwork that said it could be taken back by the owner of the land and they would not owe the condo owners anything.
One of the people involved is a development attorney and he did some research. He talked with a board member of the building and found that it is in negotiation with the owners of the land to buy the property and it would revert to a fee simple transaction. At that point the value of the condos would jump and our investment would probably go up as all the other fee simple buildings run much much higher than our building. Six out of the ten buildings on this stretch have already done this. The state has given these leasehold owners until 2012 to sell their land to the condo owners and reap a tax break. An incentive to get it done as the State wants to do away with leaseholds.

So the synchronicity is that Herrad, who is a blog friend living in Amsterdam,  sent this to me today.  This just after we agreed with our friends to go ahead and take the chance on the condo in Maui just this week. She has no idea that this has been going on. It feels like the Universe is sending me a message to take a chance on the new and be open to the adventure ahead of us. (Which is exactly why our husbands pushed us girls to do this.)

It takes a lot of courage to release the familiar and seemingly secure, to embrace the new.
But there is no real security in what is no longer meaningful.
There is more security in the adventurous and exciting,
for in movement there is life, and in change there is power.

~ Alan Cohen

About a week or so after Nancy sent this synchro, she sent an update. She had been jut finished reading two emails regarding the closing on the condo,  and then immediately got an email – again – from her friend Harrad. This one include a quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson: “All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.”

It certainly seems that Nancy’s decision to buy the condo in Maui is right in line with the universe’s plan. 

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14 Responses to Maui Bound: Message from the Universe

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's a great quote, for sure. Certainly relevant.

  2. Christina says:

    That's the second time this week I've encountered this quote. I've never seen it before.

  3. Gemel says:

    Great story. If we don't take a chance here and there we miss out on the chance of true magic to enter our lives…..

  4. Raksha says:

    Both of those quotes are keepers, the Alan Cohen quote and the Rilke one.

    Sorry I haven't been posting much lately. I've been obsessed with the flotilla incident (Israel) and its aftermath ever since it happened, and haven't been able to think about much else. And yet now that the smoke is clearing a little bit I'm actually seeing a few glimmers of hope, a change for the better in people's attitudes. I guess I'm an eternal optimist, even when I seem like the complete opposite. I believe the Mavi Marmara incident may have been a kind of catalyst. Maybe it broke the stalemate in the slow-moving train wreck known as the Israel/Palestine situation.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    This synchro inspires all of us to take that Castaneda leap!

  6. Sansego says:

    I love that quote by Alan Cohen. Definitely something to post in my apartment as a reminder that this is the year to take the risk in quitting my job and possibly moving back east.

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, wow!!! fantabulous story! good for you all, nancy!!!

    for me, having literally lived my life in a constant state of change and movement, the quote is especially meaningful – and perfectly right on point for your story!

    now, where's my own hula skirt!!!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    terri – don't know how i missed your comment. I'd say that's really a confirmation.

    Honolulu city lights! How cool. Good for hubby.

  9. Nancy says:

    Aleksandar – That quote speaks to exactly how I am feeling about this. I have to wonder if this has something to do with the "images" I had many years ago. I had worked on Kauai for six months – sailing through the islands for another month or so. When I came home, it was with the intention of going back and sharing an apartment with some local girls in Honnolulu. I never made it back. Until now…

    We recently moved, in the last week, and somehow my husband found a little record of "Honolulu City Lights" by the Beamer Brothers given to me by the two local girls cited above. It says:

    "Remember us! All our love, your sistas, Lauren & Danny"

    I don't even remember this record. Where has it been hiding for the last 30 years? Even my husband saw the synchronicity in this one.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great quote by Rilke!
    I had to remove the last photo, Nancy, because there was some strange spacing going on. And love the third level of this synchro!

  11. Aleksandar Malecic says:

    That quote looks nice with this one:

    "You must give birth to your images.
    They are the future waiting to be born…
    Fear not the strangeness you feel.
    The future must enter you
    long before it happens.
    Just wait for the birth,
    for the hour of new clarity."

    Rainer Maria Rilke

    Yes, Rilke meant exactly what the readers of this blog might see in his words.

  12. Nancy says:

    It was so strange that while we were trying to decide whether or not to do this, Herrad, who knew nothing about it, was sending me these pictures with the sayings beneath them. It was so obvious that the Universe was saying – go ahead, take a chance, there is a reason for this right now.

    Another snychro? You posted this on the day that we sign the papers and wire the money to Hawaii…

  13. simple says:

    heh Rob, the guy is slow on the up take obviously,, the comic writer got them going to the movies,, and their showing "Raiders of the Lost Ark" to complicated w.v. god's honest "praink" think I'm in the middle

  14. terripatrick says:

    I chose to wear a t-shirt that's a few years old and was sort of on top of the drawer this morn – its graphic is a map of the Hawaiian Islands. 🙂
    I see this post as an assurance that the next adventure of my life is beginning – and boy am I ready! LOL!

    WV: sureq

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