Oh, those 11s

                                         This Paul Klee painting has nothing to do with 11s. But                                      
                                          I like the color.

Last Friday, I was working on a section of our new proposal about travel synchronicities, and was writing  specifically about Hilary Carter’s experiences with 11s. Megan and I took a break and ran to the grocery store. It was supposed to be one of those we just need a few things trips. But we kept plopping things in the cart and when the cashier rang it up – there it was, $111.11.

When it happened, I wasn’t sure what the message was. We’d spent the previous  few days going back and forth with our Internet provider, technicians coming and going, trying to figure out why our connections were slow or non-existent. Then, Thursday evening, the whole system crashed- no phones,  no TV, no Internet. Two more technicians came out Friday and we finally got phones and TV restored, but the wireless connections in our offices were still iffy. So when Megan and I went to the grocery store, I was thinking I’d be coming home to a connection that still wasn’t repaired and I was irritated. Then the grocery tally comes up.

“Mom, look at that,” Megan said, pointing at the register.

By that afternoon, the wireless connections in both our offices work perfectly. We’ve gotten 11s before and 11:11s, but never five of them, 11111. But then we’d never lost the computer connection, the phone, and TV at the same time, either.
It wasn’t long before more 11s popped up, and they seem to be working their magic. Sunday, we received an email from a woman in New Jersey, who bought 7 Secrets of Synchronicity because of a synchronicity involving 11s. Here’s her note:

Hello MacGregors!

I just finished reading your book “The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity”.  I was surprised when I went online to find you that it just came out a few days ago. I purchased it Friday evening 6/4 at Atlantic Books on the Ocean City NJ boardwalk. It is kind of funny how it happened..

 My daughter walked into the bookstore and I followed, but went to the “new age” section.  I have been having a rough time and needed a spark of inspiration to get out of the funk I got in recently.  I never picked books out easily so recently I began to say a quiet prayer to have the right book come my way.  I picked up your book, showed it to my daughter–who gave it a thumbs up, but I put it back because of the price tag. (My husband is on unemployment and things are tough right now).

My husband walked into the store and I showed him the book and made a few comments  about it and he said “Oh like 11:11…or something like that?” and I said “no”… randomly opened the book to the pages about 11:11…we looked at each other and laughed.  I said, that is my sign, I have to buy it!!  (He was let go for $ reasons  on 3/11…hmmmm…)

I loved it. I feel refreshed and rejuvenated. My daughter (12 yrs) can’t wait to  get her hands on it.

Thank you!
Cool story! Good luck.

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23 Responses to Oh, those 11s

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You have to wonder. rAY – THE TITLE OF THT CRICHTON BOOK IS Travels. You'll love it.

  2. Ray says:

    Whenever I think of 11:11 synchronicities I wonder about the 1918 Armistice that ended WW I. The war ended at 11 o'clock on the 11th day of the 11th month. What was going through the mind of the person that thought up that time to end what was supposed to be The War to End All Wars? Was synchronicity involved or was it picked out of thin air?


  3. Anonymous says:

    Please excuse typos! PD tremors in hands. Thanks!

  4. Anonymous says:

    I promise to hush momentarily, but when my mind startes rolling out numbers I pay attention. OIL SPILL resonates to 5, that number so many people are reporting now. Because numbers are never coincicidental and are always synchronistic with events, I'm thinking perhaps the mass consciousness is resonating with the frequency of the oil spill because itis having such permanent, barying impacts on every living thing on this planet. Therefore its frequency is dominating tha mass consciousness in super-conscious ways that most folks don't necessarily notice.

  5. Anonymous says:

    Oh, I'm geting a kick out of this! Just thought about it: You have a Paul Klee (11) painting at the top of a post about 11 ! There's your 11 11…again!

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie – funny, about Klee's name. Interesting stuff on the dreams.

  7. Anonymous says:

    P.S. That Klee painting has such lovely happy colors and shapes! Paul Klee, btw, resonates to….drumroll,please…..29/11 !!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Hey Guys. Hope you're having a glorious time in Aruba! A few mornings ago my youngest son phoned to tell me he had dreamed all night about numbers. I, too, had dreamed about numbers that same night. We journal our dreams, and when he read his numbers to me, they were the same as mine! The context of his dream was trees upon which numbers had been written. The trees with numbers on them were trees that were to be "cut down". He had two groups of numbers, all appearing on the trees. There was a dividing line between the two groups of trees, a group with white trunks and a group with dark trunks, but each tree was due to be cut down. In both his dream and my own, there was a preponderous of the number 23, which is 5, and also a repetition of the number 11. Your grocery bill, $111.11, was actually 3.2, or 32,which of course is 5. As a lifelong esoteric numerologist I tend to automatically, unintentionally think in numbers as opposed to letters, and have noted recently that there is a tremendous upsurge in the appearance of "5". Many of my clients have been reporting this to me, too. Could write a book here on the possible huge implications in this. Suffice it to suggest that everyone take note of any combination of numbers that reduces to the root number 5. It apparently is extremely relevant at this point in time, as your 11111 demonstrated! One point of intrigue: BARACK OBAMA resonates to the frequency of 32/5, Trish.
    Kinda worrisome in terms of my son's "trees being cut down". cjc
    WV: laxedre "relaxed"???

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hilary – that's something I'll watch for.

    Mike – two synchros with 11s! And the one with weight – that's one I haven't heard of.

  10. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I've never had 11's in my life until this morning. I got on the scales and found my weight was (in UK measurements) 11 stone 11 lbs. This showed on the scales as 11:11. (Haven't been this weight for years, so was a surprise).

    Later that morning my wife was in the garden – she aked me what the time was, and it was 11:11.

  11. Hilary says:

    I'm still waiting none-too-patiently for my copy of your book 🙂

    Meanwhile… number synchronicities are very eloquent if you first saw 'your' number as the number of a hexagram in the Yijing. I have a client who is always doing this – she'll get the same hexagram in several readings, and then its number will show up just when she needs to remember the reading – on digital clocks, on number plates, wherever numbers can.

    Anyone would think the cosmos was trying to talk to us or something… 😉

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    would rather the grocery store bill be lower – a lot lower!

  13. Marguerite says:

    Wow, bet that you couldn't get that grocery total again, if you tried! Very interesting! I am looking forward to reading your book, too!

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what a fantastic 11111 story that just kept on rolling along! and wonderful jane story – my 11's still are mostly time related – great post – really interesting – oh, and thanks for hilary carter link –

    wv this time = amogg – i've run "amuck"??? 😉

    oh, and isn't that klee piece colortastic!!!

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Nancy – hope the move and all it entails is going smoothly. DJan – thanks!

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – no official book tour. We're using synchronicity on this one. Whatever comes our way, we see how it feel. Would love to do portland, but it would have to coincide with a trip there, since bookstores typically don't pay travel costs for writers – publishers do. We'll see what unfolds. If something does surface with portland, we'll let you know and thanks for the offer!

  17. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    bUTTERNUT – IT SOUNDS HARROWING. & THOSE 7S! yOU ALSO HAD AN 11! Glad you and yours are ok.

  18. DJan says:

    I have always considered 11 my lucky number, but for no reason I can think of. It has always resonated with me. And if I got all those 11s I would know for SURE that someone was sending me a message. I also am glad to have found you through the internet. I'm going to pick up your book as soon as I get to the bookstore.

  19. Sansego says:

    Oh, I forgot to mention, I was wondering if you guys plan on a booktour for this one? Powell's City of Books in Portland might be a good bet. If you want, I could make inquiries for you. It would be an awesome way to meet you guys in person, and for you to spread the word about your book and blog on synchronicities, as well as sell books and your back catalogue. I think there are enough people in Portland who would show up for a lecture / booksigning on synchronicity.

    Let me know, and I'll see what I can do!

  20. Sansego says:

    I was in Portland's New Renaissance bookstore last night to return some DVDs and wondered if your book was available. Just as I was going to ask someone, I saw one copy of it on the bottom shelf of the new release section. I flipped through it to get a sense of it and liked the topics you cover. I did not buy it yet, as I need to wait until payday. But it will definitely be my book purchase for June, next week. I can't wait to read it!

    Its funny that when I saw the book, my first reaction was, "I can't believe I actually know these people!" Its a big thrill that I've gotten to know you through this blog and discover that you have a published book out now. I guess the only thrill greater than that would be for me to see one of my books in a bookstore display table/shelf someday!

    Congrats on the good work!

  21. terripatrick says:

    Lots of 11's! 🙂

    When I see double digit numbers I often wonder, what's the message? Sometimes I think and watch for more synchronicities to determine the meaning. Other times I just grin and say "thanks" for the numerical reminder from the universe that we are all connected to a greater energy.

  22. Butternut Squash says:

    Love, those 11's. 7's are still all over the place for me.

    I just returned from an exhausting camping trip. 2 tornado warnings at 11 pm, and 3 am. My husband our two exhausted children and about 40 neighbors and I crammed into a 4 toilet out house. 34 miles away from us, 7 people were killed by the tornado.

  23. Nancy says:

    Very cool snychros. I have started the book, but been too busy moving to really get into it. Hopefully next week. I certainly liked the first chapter.

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