The Heat Is On

Natalie lives in Australia, where it’s now winter. As anyone who follows her blog knows, she’s got her hands full with five kids and a new job as a psychic reader. Her synchronicity really drives home the point that’s the fundamental tenet of the Seth Material – we get what we concentrate on. The humorous aspect of this particular synchronicity is that what Natalie got came in an unusual way, and may have a trickster element to it.
Yesterday, I met up with a friend for a coffee, in order for her to return a book to me that I needed for work. I was late, as is usual lately (Grrrr), and rather flustered too.

I had a broken gas heater (for two winters no less), a broken home phone for a few months, and a broken down car of at least one year, on and off. The car is our van, and we need it for such a large family to get around in. It has been in the driveway for a while after it stalled constantly at busy roundabouts. 

I was VERY cross with my dear hub,who was in charge of these things, and left home rather peeved in HIS work car. When I got to the restaurant, I was ranting to my friend about the bloody heater, and we talked about the value of purchasing a one new, versus repairing mine. As it had been raining, she had put my book in a plastic bag, and I noted there was a yellow slip of paper in the bottom.

It looked to me like a school newsletter so I didn’t worry too much about it and neither did she. So there it stayed. I did some more errands and piled my items in the plastic bag. When I got home, I was still grumpy at my hub and unpacked the bag upstairs. He was downstairs in the office. When I got to the bottom of the bag and grabbed the piece of paper to bin it, I had to laugh.

It was as I suspected, a school notice for one of Michelle’s kids, who was to participate in a performance called:

Obviously, the universe was behind me in getting the message across to the reluctant or forgetful hub. Gotta love synchronicity.

This entry was posted in Australia, law of attraction, local travel, travel. Bookmark the permalink.

9 Responses to The Heat Is On

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, how neat was that wv and natalie!!! just absolutely love love it!!! 🙂

    and terri is right about better sense to "ear" than to "fear" –

    neat wv's all around!

  2. Natalie says:

    Terri, his ears were not working!

  3. terripatrick says:

    These are my favorite type of synchronicities! So fun!

    WV: affear

    not sure what to think about that WV. aff ear? af fear? I'll go with the ear one – makes more sense to listen then to fear. 🙂

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    How funny! Gypsy's word verification was really relevant to Nat's life!

  5. Natalie says:

    Thanks Guys!
    Jenean, my spiritual mentor is called Ric. He is a close friend to both Michelle and I, and another R.M.
    Ha,ha and indeed, he does bring me joy.

  6. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Nice one – a sense of humour makes life what it is.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good way to look at it, Butternut!

  8. Butternut Squash says:

    Very funny!

    In situations such as these, I tell myself, "The universe is laughing with you not at you."

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, too funny! what a neat story! hope it's humorous nudge to get the heater fixed is not lost on hubby! or on the repairman you may end up having to call!

    interesting wv here = joyric – joy rick? hubby's name wouldn't be rick, would it? 🙂

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