A Planetary Empath in Bangkok

Our March 11 post on Planetary Empaths  was followed by several others on the same topic. Here’s another one, which I found on Healing Mudras’ blog. She’s a Reiki healer and has a unique take on mitigating the symptoms these individuals experience before disasters, natural or manmade, or weather related phenomenon.

I’m beginning to think that planetary empaths may be part of an emerging paradigm connected to climate change. The article she refers to in the Global Coherence Initiative may offer an explanation for why planetary empaths experience what they do. Now, from healing mudras:

A few days ago, an email from the Global Coherence Initiative landed in my mailbox exactly when I was pondering  events that have unfolded in recently, say in the last  3 weeks. The article, Solar Activity, Volcanic Eruptions, EQ, weather and cycles on Earth,  addresses the connection between the magnetic field, solar activity, heightened needs for healing, weather empathy and other events. In reading it, I felt better. On the spot. This was not because it gave me explanations I did not know, but because it actually gave me explanations I already knew – in a scientific manner, with graphs and figures.

Since the end of April 2010 until about a week ago, the temperatures in Bangkok reached record highs both in degrees and humidity (Explanation: Solar Activity and solar storms can raise Temperatures). On May 5th there was a Solar Storm and weather empathy is something I know affects my blood pressure regardless of the country I am in, the age I am or the diet I am following. Whenever a major storm is occurring, I either feel down and weak, or simply unnecessarily tired. If the event is very significant I may even feel depressed.

As a matter of fact, two days  before the earthquake that struck Haiti on Jan.12th 2010, and in particular the exact day it struck (which in my time zone is 12 hours ahead) I felt sick, depressed, sad and very weak. Moreover I started to cry for no reasons and while dragging myself our of the house to get ‘better,” I called a Reiki Master friend of mine and just cried over the phone for absolutely no reason.

In the streets I walked like a zombie, while repeating to myself that I would  stand up no matter what! Upon my return home, I was feeling better and had enough energy to smile, drink water and even switch on my PC just to read about the disaster that occurred in the Caribbean Island. I made a research on weather empathy and connected it to another research I had made earlier on for my Book – Quantum Togetherness and felt some kind of relief. At the same time, I felt I would have to learn to recognise ‘early warnings’ for the next time.

On Monday 10th May 2010, a similar event occurred to me to the point where I had to cancel a dinner invitation. I told my friend over the phone about being concerned about this because of the tight connection between this depression and other events. ‘ I am a bit worried,” I told her. My right brain, though, was alerted and started to enter in meditation mode, intuitively asking me also to start chanting OM every morning while meditating. So I did.

Every morning I would combine meditation with light yoga and chanting. This eventually cleared up my throat and I lost voice tone for a few days, too! The energies in Bangkok for the past 3 weeks have not been very conducive to peace and calm. A two months old demonstration was being held not far from our location, and pressures were mounting as to how to end such political unrest in the most suitable manner for all. Eventually, a few days after the public transportation systems were cut off, the sky started fill with thick smokes of uneasiness. The schools closed and shopping areas started to close earlier. Indeed something was mounting and energy were flying very low.

While I continued to meditate and chant my daily OM, my daughter started to get far too energetic and restless. Uranus is about to enter Aries as is Jupiter, while Pluto in Capricorn pushes for change and de-rooting of the old structures. Saturn retrograde in the last portion of Virgo is shrinking opportunities.

Another email in my mailbox was indeed explaining about the tough rides we are about to experience between May and September 2010 especially since the Grand Cardinal Cross will form in the sky in early August.

As a Reiki Master Teacher, I dug into all the knowledge and skills available to us to smooth the corners and stay on top of things. I tried to let it all go and relax while while an actual military operation was unfolding at our doors: helicopters in the sky,  grenades attacks and black thick smoke of fire filling the skyline from our windows. Not only the smell, we could also see and hear the action outside. It was a true opportunity to learn to let it go even more! To practice Non-Attentive Alertness. The ability to remain alert and informed without practicing emotional feeds. A true hands-on experience and open classroom!

Then this email landed. The one from the Global Coherence Initiative and I just felt relieved. I was somehow prepared for the shocks and aftershocks  and still my left brain was looking for explanations – or confirmation. When I read the article, I also compared it with the content of another email on the transits of Uranus and Jupiter and the hot summer in front of us [Read more on this on the previous post] and I determined to continue to meditate, chant daily OM, teach my daughter to do so and love the beautiful greenery and protection that we have experienced in the past 2 weeks or so.

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11 Responses to A Planetary Empath in Bangkok

  1. d page says:

    I am glad the nuclear plants are OK:
    "Japan quake update: magnitude 6.2, centered 25 mi off east Honshu coast; no major damage or injuries; nuke plants OK"

  2. Anonymous says:

    Just came online. Gypsy and I exchanged emails this morning about our awful symptoms, as she said, and also about the similar behaviors our dogs are displaying and have been for several days. Both her dog and mine have been howling, and it's uncharacteristic for both dogs. Mine is service-trained, and she seriously breaks training by howling…something she's never, ever done. Got to check on that quake. Gypsy and I knew something was brewing. A 7.7 quake is bad enough. Hope that's all it is, but my pooch never has behaved this way prior to quakes, so I feel something else may be imminent.

  3. Nancy says:

    Very interesting. I've been practicing the same thing – stay informed but to not react negatively. It's not easy.

  4. Natalie says:

    Wow. It is a constant revelation of what magnificent design we are.The more people listen to themselves, the better off Mother Earth will feel as well.

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, gee – this morn i got a note from cjc asking if i was having symptoms as she was, too – and i told her i've had headaches etc for several days – in any event, we exchanged notes about our own symptoms but i've had a house full of people and have been in and out so hadn't checked news since 6am – also, my daughter's lab and cjc's dog have been acting up – wonder if any injuries/what damages etc – thanks for update!

  6. d page says:

    I've been unable to function for 2 days. I spent 11 hours in bed , and got up this AM with dizziness & a migraine. When the migraine ended abruptly (I took nothing for it), I checked the breaking news Twitter feed and saw that the quake had just happened.Also, the Easter Quake here (7.2 on the border of Mexico), it caused a new fault line to appear near by. The earth hasn't stopped moving here , since. I haven't gotten used to the constant internal alarms.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    DEBRA PAGE JUST alerted us to a 7.7. quake in the Indian Ocean:

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, great advice no matter – and specifically for those impacted upon by planetary disturbances – i came across the same article not long ago and found it so intriguing – remindful of lynne mctaggart's comments in the intention experiment – for several years, actually, ever since i read mct's book i've kept saying i was going to chart out my own reactions/responses and see if/how they correlate with actual events – and have just never done it – in any event, great informative post to any one – and ditto comments above!

    wv=gradyi – grade you? gradual?

  9. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Om is a powerful mantra, some say it is the sound by which the universe was created, so guess it could well help with a lot of the ills on earth.

  10. lakeviewer says:

    I believe most of us begin as empath; then, we get lost, stop paying attention, spit in the face of evidence.

    Great post.

  11. Anonymous says:

    Good advice even if you're not an empath.

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