Spirits Speaking

from deviant art

Sometimes, people who comment here leave such compelling synchros that we bring them forward as posts. Here’s one from Jeri Gerald, whose stories we have used in both of our synchroncity books.


Here is another fun story for you. My sister was looking for a Christmas ornament that had belonged to my mother. This was a few years after my mother had passed away. She knew it should be in the playroom of our family home but the room was as large as a two car garage and about as full as a hoarder’s basement.

She was poking around in one of the large walk-in closets in that room when she was startled by a box dropping off the shelf behind her. Of course she found the very ornament she had been looking for inside the box.


Spirit communication, anyone?

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6 Responses to Spirits Speaking

  1. gypsy says:

    love when things like this happen – surely the spirits speak! wonderful story, jeri!

  2. Darren B says:

    There’s nothing like the presence (presents) of spirit at Christmas to bring some otherworldly meaning to the holidays .-)

  3. DJan says:

    I’m busy catching up on all that I’ve missed lately. This one was very interesting. Also the circus synchro in the last one. I love your posts…

  4. A neat example. Seek and we shall find.

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