
In 2005, we got new neighbors, Kevin and Annette and their two kids. Annette has an identical twin, Janet, who recently moved in with her husband and son until they can find a home here.

I was curious whether the research I’d read about the psychic bond between twins was true for them. They attested that it absolutely is. So one evening while we were all sitting around outside, Janet told me several stories. Here’s one of the most powerful.

Some years ago, Janet was living in Memphis with her the guy she was dating at the time. She worked for Channel, so she had numerous bottles of perfume that lined her shelves.  One night, a loud crash from the bathroom awakened her and her boyfriend bolted out of bed. “Someone’s broken into the house, they’re in the bathroom,” she whispered.

Her boyfriend grabbed a baseball bat and moved quickly and silently toward the bathroom, Janet right behind him. No intruder. But every bottle had fallen from the shelves and shattered against the floor,almost as if someone had swept an arm across the shelves, knocking them down. “Right then, I knew something had happened to Annette. I just knew it.”

Moments later, the phone rang. It was Annette, who lived in another city, and she was hysterical, sobbing. She had just been robbed at gunpoint, while delivering a night deposit to the bank for her employer. “While it was happening,” Annette recalls, “I was praying that the guy wouldn’t kill me. I was telling God that if I was killed, Janet wouldn’t survive it. Kevin would, somehow he would get past it, but Janet wouldn’t. I called her before I even called the police.”

I ask her how the bottles got broken. She just shook her head. “I don’t know.”
“Some sort of telekinesis? A release of energy?”
“Maybe. But I honestly don’t know.”

Now here’s an additional synchro. I’m writing this on May 31 and scheduled this post to go up on the next available date, June 16. And then I suddenly remembered that Annette and her sister are Geminis. I had done Annette’s chart, so I looked it up and sure enough, today is her and Janet’s birthday. Happy birthday, you two!

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11 Responses to Twins

  1. Adele Aldridge says:

    I love twin stories but never heard one like this. Totally amazing!

    About the birthday synchron – I have known 4 people with birthdays on June 17th. I seem to have spots in my chart that bring in a focal point of energy yet I have no planets on this particular date.

  2. Marguerite says:

    Fascinating story! I know several sets of twins and their connection is incredible and think that many share one soul.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    And these two have so many more stories that we could spend hours just collecting them!

  4. Gemel says:

    What a wonderful story, energy connection is amazing, and it never ceases to leave me speechless…

  5. Natalie says:

    Great story! I loved Connie's explanation too.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I figure there must be a strong karmic connection between identical twins. I believe that we do choose our parents and all the circumstances into which we're born, which makes twins even more intriguing!

    I forgot to ask about the perfume!

  7. Nancy says:

    This reminds me of the instances of things falling in the bathroom after my father died. No reason for them to topple, but it happened several times. I do believe that twins have a special connection – if for no other reason then they decided to incarnate together.

  8. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    So often there are real connections between twins. There is the theory that we choose our parents. If this should be the case the connections between twins may have been established over several or even many lives – and therefore more powerful.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Beautiful story. Someone in Spirit once explained to me that the "umbilical" between twins is quite similar to the umbilical between a mother and child…that although the physical umbilical is severed at birth, the etheric umbilical remains intact, unseen but nonetheless very much THERE, and that "messages" are continuously passing back and forth along that pathway, which is why so often we hear not only stories about twins, but also stories about mothers who KNOW something has happened to a child, even when the child may be on the other side of the world. Miracles of creation, our connectedness. cjc

  10. DJan says:

    I have always loved that Escher print. I think twins have a special bond that is not shared by those of us without one. Great story.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i love twin connection stories – just love them – and this is a really exceptionally neat one – happy happy, twins!

    i was beside myself many moons ago when my own paternal twin granddaughters were born – from the moment of birth, whenever they slept or played, they were touching each other in some way, even in their sleep – always – if one of them moved the least little bit, they scooted in their sleep until they were touching again, never awakening – i used to spend hours just watching them –

    oh, and about the chanel parfum – i do hope some of the precious drops were saved!!! 😉

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