Category Archives: telepathy

Bookstore Telepathy

We told this story here a couple of years ago about an incident in a bookstore that combines synchronicity and telepathy. We’ve re-written it for The Synchronicity Highway, and because it’s one our favorites we’re putting it up again as … Continue reading

Posted in synchronicity, telepathy | 2 Comments

Telepathy & Past Lives

That title combines a couple of concepts that we don’t usually see together.  That’s because telepathy is usually something that takes place in the present and doesn’t involve other times. However, when I read a recent e-mail from Jane Clifford … Continue reading

Posted in reincarnation, synchronicity, telepathy | 4 Comments

A Moldavite Telepathic Moment

 Moldavite is not a common stone. But it certainly has a colorful history. Nearly 15 million years ago, a meteor crashed in what is now the Bohemian plateau of the Czech Republic. It’s believed that moldavite is a result of … Continue reading

Posted in moldavite, synchronicity, telepathy | 9 Comments


We mentioned this study after the New York Times wrote about it last month–and the reaction–but now here’s more details. ESP. Extrasensory perception. Despite all the studies done by J.B. Rhine, despite Carl Jung’s writings on the subject, despite the … Continue reading

Posted in telepathy | 75 Comments

A Telepathy Experiment with Rupert Sheldrake

Telepathy: mind to mind communication. In the larger Jungian picture, telepathy falls under the umbrella of synchronicity.  We’ve written about this phenomenon before, as in Jung and the Sympathy for All Things,  and have also written about British biologist Rupert … Continue reading

Posted in experiment, Sheldrake, telepathy | 22 Comments


  In 2005, we got new neighbors, Kevin and Annette and their two kids. Annette has an identical twin, Janet, who recently moved in with her husband and son until they can find a home here. I was curious whether … Continue reading

Posted in annnette and janet, telepathy, twins | 11 Comments

Telepathy and Synchronicity

  In a post back in June,  Jung and the Sympathy for All Things, we wrote about telepathy as a facet of synchronicity. Essentially, telepathy is mind to mind communication, but often happens when two or more people come up … Continue reading

Posted in aurora borealis, telepathy, trickster | 15 Comments

Intelligence vs. synchronicity

Cats respond to humans through their intelligence. But how much do they know and how much of what might be perceived as intelligence is actually synchronicity? This story looks at that question.***I’d just awakened and was sitting on the edge … Continue reading

Posted in animals, cat, Intelligence, telepathy | 6 Comments

Jung and the ‘Sympathy of All Things’

In Jung’s autobiography, Memories, Dreams and Reflections, he relates a story about an apparently telepathic connection to a patient he had been treating. He had gone out to deliver a lecture, then returned to his hotel around midnight, but had … Continue reading

Posted in c3, death, Jung, suicide, telepathy | 11 Comments


Here’s another story from Max Action, the guy now famous for the Magic Teapots story. Max also contributed Chicago Breakfast Bums, and The Little Prince. This synchronicity occurred a couple of weeks after the teapot incident. In the couple of … Continue reading

Posted in max, objects, telepathy | 1 Comment