333 and the Paranormal Ring – or Perhaps Not


This story comes from Mike Perry in the U.K. When I first read it on his blog, I was intrigued not only by what happened, but by the time it occurred: 3:33 AM. In UFO lore, this time is important.


With the curtains tightly drawn the room was almost pitch black and all was quiet. Without warning there was a clattering sound as something hit the wooden floor and rolled towards the far wall.

“What on earth was that?” said my wife, suddenly awake.

It had woken me too and as I glanced at the digital clock it read 3:33.

I snapped on my bedside lamp to look around our bedroom.  The noise seemed to have traveled across the room to my side of  our bed. I saw nothing at first until I spotted my wife’s wedding ring standing on end near to the window,

“It’s your wedding ring,” I said, and Karin looked at her finger to make sure.

“How on earth did it get over there?” she asked, not really expecting an answer.

“No idea.”

I retrieved the ring, handed it to her and she slid it onto her finger where it usually resides quite happily.

Karin was soon fast asleep again but I kept wondering about what had happened. How could a ring have rolled across the floor and then remained upright, as per the photo? (I took the photo this morning to illustrate the post).

I thought about the number 3, the ring or circle and so on, but nothing of any real significance came to mind and … I fell asleep.

In the morning my wife said, “I think I know what must have happened. I put some hand cream on before going to bed and must have taken my ring off to do so and left it on the bed cover. It probably got kicked off during the night and rolled across the floor.”

Okay, but to roll right across the floor on its edge, at precisely 3:33? I don’t know.

I Googled the number 333 and most sources seem to say it represents something similar to:

“333 – The Ascended Masters are near you, desiring you to know that you have their help, love, and companionship. Call upon the Ascended Masters often, especially when you see the number 3 patterns around you. Some of the more famous Ascended Masters include: Jesus, Moses, Mary, Quan Yin, and Yogananda.

I’ll be giving it some more thought. Any interpretations welcome!


It’s synchro weirdness, the most mysterious kind!


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6 Responses to 333 and the Paranormal Ring – or Perhaps Not

  1. Natalie says:

    Hmmm……I have had the exact experience. Only last week in fact, in Tasmania. Mark’s ring went clattering in the middle of the night. Hmmm. My time to wake lately though is 444.

  2. Nancy says:

    Very strange – especially waking up again, feeling scared, at that time. Not a coincidence.

  3. Just to add to the story. A couple of nights ago I again woke at 3:33 with a feeling of being scared – nothing much and I soon fell asleep again. I hadn’t mentioned this to my wife and at breakfast Karin told me how she had woken during the night (I don’t know what time) feeling very scared and said her heart was really thumping away, as hearts do when frightened.

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