
Anne Strieber is thorough, a gem. She continues to send emails our way that she and Whitley receive that might pertain to synchronicity. Today, we received an email about a number cluster – 3:33. Jung considered number clusters to be archetypes that become active within us until we get the message.

We’ve covered 11:11 and its various permutations before, and in 7 Secrets of Synchronicity we talked about 3:33, but not in any great depth. Any feedback on this one is much appreciated – by Jarett, the man who experienced it, and by all the rest of us.

We’ve left Jarett’s email pretty much intact, unedited except for a few commas, periods, indentations for paragraphs. We have also deleted, at his request, his last name.


This question is for Anne Strieber if possible if not any information on this for me would be greatly appreciated. I am a little unsettled by this, I think just because of recent events related by me from a friend. I will start just by giving you a bit of information about myself. I am 32 year old male from Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada. I have always believed in the UFO phenomenon and the possibility we are not alone, but was never active in the study of it.

When I first moved to Halifax Nova Scotia I met a girl and we started dating. We got pretty serious moved in together and dated for several years. While we were together I noticed a number of times that in the middle of the night throughout the relationship I would wake up at 3:33 a.m. At this point in time I did not have any knowledge of the phenomenon and just thought it was my internal clock or some other natural occurrence. This lasted for maybe a year or so. We eventually ended our relationship but remained good friends and still do to this day.

Now, I was just hanging out with her about a week ago, the first time in quite awhile, and we were talking with friends, I can’t remember exactly what about. And then I over heard her saying to someone else that she has been waking up every night for the last couple weeks at exactly 3:33. I listened intently but never told her of the occurrence that happened to me while we dated, feeling like she would think I’m nuts or making things up, seeing that she is a very skeptical person.

About a year or so ago another friend of mine got me listening to Coast to Coast AM and I started becoming more interested in the paranormal, still not thinking my experience was. Then yesterday, March 28/11, I downloaded the show that aired March 13, 2011 that Whitley and Anne Strieber hosted with Richard Dolan. During Open Lines, I believe, Mrs. Strieber touched on this topic and my experience and the conversation with my ex really hit me and I was somewhat startled.

Today I began to look up information on-line about this but have not found much except some people relating this to a religious experience, to which I do not subscribe. I do not outright deny the possibility, but I am not a religious person  and would like information regarding another possible explanation. Any help you can give me would be great.  I just wish to try to understand this a little better.  I know you can not give me a definitive answer to why this occurs but I need more information on this than what the internet can provide me at this point. I have emailed this and another to Stanton Friedman, just because he lives a few hours away from me,  tho I am unsure if he has information about this, to try to understand this better.

Thank you for your time and listening,

PS that image is from soul cards

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19 Responses to 3:33

  1. mathaddict3322 says:

    I wanted to explain just a little more about how to determine an interpretation for a frequency when it seems to be the same, such as 333, 3+3+3=9, and 666, 6+6+6=9. Both series of frequencies equal 9. However, the frequencies which combine to create the 9 are different, which indicates that the interpretation for each 9, while carrying the basic interpretation of 9, is nonetheless altered by its composition. 9 represents “endings”, generally speaking, and again, generally speaking, represents endings so that there can be new beginnings. In other words, 9 represents death and re-birth. 9 represents the release of things, situations, and people, which no longer serve us so that we may move forward to the birthings of new opportunities and circumstances. As a means of determining the areas of our lives which may be impacted by that 9, look at the frequencies comprising the 9. When it is the sum of 333, we understand that the resonance of the 3 is at work and that the 9 reflects changes in terms of creative communication, which is represented by 3, and the impact is much more powerful by the combination of three 3s. So, a cumulative 333 (3 multiplied by itself x3) indicates that profound changes and endings are occurring within the realm of creative communcations, etc. The 9 that is comprised of 666 is relative to responsibilities, specifically, to responsibilities referencing family, home, children. 6 also references teaching and counseling responsibilities, and on its Master level of 33, represents Universal Parent/Teacher/Counselor. Therefore the 9 that is comprised of 666 will entail endings and new beginnings in the realm of family responsibilities, children, especially with regards to teaching, etc. etc. I felt this needed to be made clear, because the interpretation of a particular frequency, when it doesn’t stand alone but rather is the sum of other frequencies, shifts its meaning relative to the frequencies that comprise it as a sum, or root. Using a different series of numbers as an illustration of this, 222, 2+2+2=6. We already know that the root frequency 6 represents family, children, teaching, responsibilities to same. When the 6 is comprised of a series of 2s, it indicates that the impacts will manifest in the form of one-on-one relationships, which is represented by 2. Putting it simply, one-on-one relationships and responsibilites towards family and children will be impacted by a 6 that is the sum, or root frequency, of the three 2s. Sounds complicated, but it isn’t, once one understands the framework of the separate frequencies and the matrix that is formed by their combinations. I haven’t consulted Nicholas to ask his permission, but don’t think he would mind my using his personal frequencies as an example of how this functions in an individual’s life. His soul resonates within the frequency of 9, and 9 is a very high frequency, and is the “final” frequency that a soul might choose to “beam in on” so that it can finish up old lessons and prepare for new ones. His soul is expressing itself through the frequency of 11, which is a Master frequency, and indicates that the soul of Nicholas has decided to complete some old lessons by using his intuition and manifesting higher thought-forms into his life…..11 being the Master frequency which represents such manifestation. Bottom line: Nicholas came into this life with the potential to be a Teacher and Counselor at its highest and most potent levels, and then graduate to new beginnings in other realms of Beingness, which I sense he is doing. (Nicholas, hope you don’t mind my using you as an exemplary guinea pig!! Thanks!)

  2. friend of nica says:

    i also awaken during the night at triple/double digit times – always – 3:33 or 3:30 or 1:11 or whatever –

    and cousin! i’m going to come back when i’m more awake to re-read your fantastic info! such a great storehouse of it all are you! thanks for sharing!

  3. Natalie says:

    Today has been 10:10 a.m, 12:12 p.m, 5;55p.m and 21:21pm on a different clock. My day is still not over yet. My most common ones are usually 11:11, 12:12, 2:22 and 4:44.
    I also drink Bin 444 wine and live at number 4 in a street with only 4 houses. I actually dislike the number four. Can’t stand it in the Tarot either.

  4. mathaddict3322 says:

    I’ve been quiet as long as I can! 🙂 When looking at frequencies, remember that numbers, 0 through 9, in and of themselves, have no meaning; they are abstract, inert and inanimate; it is only when they represent frequencies that they become animate and are no longer abstract. To determine the interpretations of any series of numbers, the frequency represented by each number must first be considered. For example, the series 5465. Take each number as a separate entity and determine its individual influence. Then, add each number factor to the next number factor, 5+4+6+5=20=2. You then have a factor sum of the frequency root 2 comprised of the relative frequencies of each factor in the series, 5465. (We can also divide the factors into two separate parts, 4+5=9; 6+5=11. It still results in the root #20, or 2.) When we interpret a series of the same frequency, such as 333, 444, 666, 222, etc, we must intially consider the individual influences represented by the single digit, and then multiply the intensity of the single digit exponentially. In other words, the series 333 carries the influences of the frequency 3 multiplied x3. Then, carrying the interpretation further, add the series of numbers each to the other, 3+3+3=9. At this point, we have a new frequency of 9 comprised by 3+3+3. Triple numbers are not generally considered to be Master Frequencies. However, the more a specific single number factor repeats in a series, the more powerful the influences of that number frequency becomes, and the sum total of the series, when reduced to a single digit, becomes even more powerful. We don’t reduce the Master Frequencies, however, unless they are being expressed in their lower root frequency and this can only be determined when the frequency represents a person or a person’s various alpha-numeric number conversion relativity. 333 is 9. 666 is 9. But to determine the influences and interpretations of those 9s, one must consider the series that comprises the 9. (The influences of 3s, and the influences of 6s, which are different.) Regarding number series, the power of any frequency is increased incrementally when zeroes are added, by the number of zeroes that are added. 20 is much less powerful that 200000. You get the idea. Nicholas, your call name “Nicholas” is 22, which indeed makes 22 one of your operative numbers. Your entire name as given here carries a soul intent of 9 and a soul expression of 11, comprised, however, by a total of 74. This indicates that the two Master Frequencies 22 and 11 are operatives in your life. Regarding 3:30 as a clock-time for UFO/ET encounters, it’s been well researched and seems to be an archetype for such experiences. I’ve discovered that virtually everything connected to UFOs/ETs resonates within the frequency represented by the number 6, and usually by 15/6. It appears to be a mathematical constant and many abductees/experiencers report that time frame.

  5. Natalie says:

    Interesting how non-believers are taking notice. I guess that means that the number sequences are doing the trick.
    What happens when you are dogged by all of them? There is literally not one day going past where I don’t see at least 3 sets of them.

  6. bozo says:

    somebody signed in for me so guess I should comment

  7. Nancy says:

    Nicolas – 444 is supposed to mean – “just completed an important phase”. It goes well with the job ending and then finding a new one that was better.

  8. "whoot" says:

    hey R,, just wonderin, da ya remember your 33rd…

  9. From my comment at https://www.synchrosecrets.com/synchrosecrets/?p=927: “When I was a child, I was obsessed with “translations” of letters into numbers (A=1, B=2, C=3…). Something was “telling” me that I should improve in this calculation because there will be a traffic accident in the future that might interest me. A person has invited me to participate in this meditation https://www.diamondlightworld.com/333.html. The number plates in this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KuMe6D-TVMc (about an accident and security) have the letters CCC (333 “translated”). It’s interesting and, let’s say, scary that the man from the video is interested in ecology and renewable energy (just like me).” Also, a day before I wrote that comment, I saw this one: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:All_lights_fucked_on_the_hairy_amp_drooling.jpg (333) (sorry about the f word).

  10. Wow…that is interesting that 333 means to make a decision. I had a 444 synchronicity last year. One guest on Coast to Coast AM had talked about 444 being the spirit world’s reassurance to you that everything is as it should be. The last check I received at my job when I was terminated was numbered: 00444000. When I heard the guest talk about the 444 phenomenon and saw the number on the check, I knew that everything was going to be okay. I wasn’t too torn up about losing my job and I found an even better one 75 days later, so it did work out okay for me.

    The most common number synch for me, though, is 22. I experience that number ALL THE TIME, so I consider it my personal number.

  11. Personally I know hardly anything about 3:33 so will be interested to read the future comments to this post. Oh, my previous home, to where I live now, was number 33!

  12. Nancy says:

    From my post yesterday on Numerology:
    333 means time to make a decision.

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