A Nine-Spotted Ladybug synchro

Ladybugs are usually considered a sign of luck, just as dragonflies signify that you’ll be hearing about important news. Ladybugs are also seen as a symbol of protection and of wisdom.

Here’s a synchro story from Tracy Rivas related to ladybugs, including a special and rare none-spotted one.


Ladybugs always used to cluster at my grandmother’s house and after her passing ladybugs came to be associated with her. In fact, when we see one we say “hello” to her knowing she is contacting us from the other side.

When my dad was in the hospital after emergency surgery we saw a ladybug walking along the crack in the sidewalk even though it was late fall. When my mom was really missing her mother she went to the mailbox to get the mail and there was a ladybug inside the mailbox.

My son was falsely arrested and while he was being held in jail prior to a bond hearing I was worried about what would happen when a lone ladybug went walking across my kitchen window screen directly in my line of sight (I was doing dishes), even though it was October 17th.

I took it as a sign everything would be fine and later charges were dropped. Today I saw the comment where Trish had come by my website and read my review of your book “Synchronicity and the Other Side.”.She had invited me to stop by your blog and share my stories of synchronicities. I was debating whether I should when I opened an email whose opening line was “9 Spotted Ladybug Sighted after 29 Years” and knew immediately I should come by.

One final thing, I looked up the 9 Spotted Ladybug out of curiosity and discovered it is the official insect of New York State where I used to live. A final item to the synchronicity, the nine-spotted ladybug was thought to be extinct in New York State. It’s discovery there is what lead to the article I received in my inbox today.

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4 Responses to A Nine-Spotted Ladybug synchro

  1. Darren B says:

    I did have a ladybug fly through the vent in my car and start crawling up the inside of my windscreen over a year ago,when I was driving through the car-park at work.
    I thought it was incredible because I had all the windows up and the air-conditioner on,so it wasn’t an easy feat for a ladybug to get into a moving car.
    I ended up researching ladybugs on the net and expecting other ladybug synchros to happen to me…but they haven’t…yet.
    I have a small almost life-size,ceramic ladybug on my bookcase,which I bought from around about that time,but as yet have had no more weird or synchronistic meetings with these fascinating creatures.
    Everybody has their own symbols that are meaningful to them,that will show up time and again throughout their life,or even just for a brief but meaningful event in your life.
    Like Mike said,for him it is white feathers that makes him pay attention and take notice.I know for Mike Clellend it is owls and 1234 number syncs.
    For me it’s dozens of symbols,numbers,places,songs,bands,movies,movie actors…anything from sad clowns (Emmett Kelly),Sacred Kingfishers (I have only ever seen the one live one),Crows,Springsteen,Sting,Costner,etc.
    It’s not so much the symbol,person,movie,etc that you have to look out for,as it is the events and symbols that talk to you on a What the F***!!! level.

    For instance I was never that much of a Peter Gabriel fan until the day I was burying my cat in a hole in the state forest,with the radio going and Peter Gabriel’s song “Digging in the Dirt” came on.I later explored his other songs and got a lot out of them personally,also Gabriel (the angel) syncs (even though I’m not into organized religions that much) have been guiding to me also.
    That’s where syncs are important,to make you ‘dig’ into them,make you ask mental questions to yourself.The more you pursue those synchronicities the more other synchronicities will open up to you and they will lead you into places that rationally you never would have gotten to.
    Synchronicity is not really in one particular symbol or totem.Sure you will have your favourites like ladybugs,white feathers,crows,particular songs or whatever,but the value of synchronicity in my experience anyway,is to examine those WTF? moments and mull it over.Pursue the symbols presented to you in that sync.
    For instance I was reading Mike Perry’s blog about his trip to Spain and he had taken a photo of a plant called a “Bird of Paradise”. Which turned out to be a small sync because I have one growing outside my computer room here.This little synchronicity involving the “Bird of Paradise” branched of into heaps of synchros involving Spanish style churches in my hometown Brisbane built on land belonging to the Perry’s to finding a PNG artist named Larry Santana who paints wonderful paintings of real birds of paradise ,which a guy at work (who is from PNG) thanked me very much for finding because his dad was looking for a painting just like the one I found on the net.
    I even bought Snowy White’s CD with “Bird of Paradise” on it,because I’ve always liked that song,but never knew what it was called.It now has more meaning to me when I hear it…just like “Digging in the Dirt” does whenever I hear that song played.

    So if I had to say what is the most important thing to look for when it comes to synchronicities,it would be going back to that really first “what the (?)” moment when Peter Gabriel’s song came on the radio and I was told the rewards come from digging around the (dirt) syncronicites,not just the synchronicites themselves.
    Sometimes it may just be what seems like a sign of comfort,like a white feather or a Rainbow Lorikeet on “Australia’s Funniest Home Videos”.
    And sometimes it’s a piece of cosmic string leading you to a ball of cosmic synchros that will blow your mind,if you do a bit of digging.
    These synchronicity ripples spread out,coming into contact with people you may never meet in your own personal life on this planet.There is just no way the mind can get an overview of how important a synchro may be,not just to you,but literally hundreds of others.Take Carl Jung’s Scarab synchro for instance.Do you think at the time that this synchro occurred that Carl would have realized just how important this syncro would be to the lives of millions,and not just to his generation,but to future ones as well?
    Synchronicity is a fascinating subject and I would encourage anybody to dig around in those WTH? moments and real in the string,because that’s where the real rewards lay.

    • R and T says:

      Have always loved your story about the cat and peter gabriel and the parrot and your father in law. Those two are such classic spirit communication stories. And it really is the WTF moments that seize you!

  2. I think this is a great story – it would be such a shame if we missed out on such ‘sightings’ by being too skeptic. With me it’s white feathers, with some it’s ladybugs but, whatever, they can be very comforting, if nothing else.

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