Carl Sagan, ETs, and Crop Circles

An article in The Canadian, begins with this intriguing premise: “Did Scientists in 2001 translate an Extraterrestrial message implicitly designed to warn humanity about the ‘9/11 deception’?”

Read the article by clicking above and then watch the video. Very interesting stuff, for sure.

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7 Responses to Carl Sagan, ETs, and Crop Circles

  1. gypsy says:

    there IS still good out there – and down here – i know it –

  2. Lauren Raine says:

    I went to England this past summer partly because of my fascination with crop circles, and the ancient sacred landscape (Avebury, Silbury Hill, etc.) within which they mostly occur in Wiltshire Country. Attended symposiums, met a lot of people who have lived with and pursued the mystery of crop circles, and I even was able to visit a crop circle and walk in it. I left more confused than when I went.

    Some of these formations are amazingly complex, like the two cited in the video. There are also numerous researchers who have written about anomolies within the circles – crops apparently bent but not broken by intense heat, radiation readings, people becoming ill or feeling healed within circles, white powder left on the crops, etc. There is a famous video ( taken by a man who apparently camped on a hill overlooking a field, and recorded two lights forming a circle in the early dawn. However, he vanished just a few months after the video was released, and no one has been able to find the person who claimed to have made the video in 1996.

    There is also no doubt that many circles, some quite complex, have been made by people who think of themselves as artists. The “Butterfly Man” in Holland, for example, is one of the largest crop forms to have ever been made, and was created by a group of some 55 artists in a single night. I myself met a woman who formerly lived in Avebury, and had no reason to lie to me, who told me she and a group created a number of crop circles. There is a lot of publicity, and money, generated in the area by the phenomenon, and also, crop circle makers (human) can’t exactly fess up, because their activities are usually on private property and illegal, and most farmers in Wiltshire aren’t seemingly happy about having their crop destroyed. I believe her, and so do researchers like Freddy Silva, who has determined there are human made crop circles (in his opinion, most of the later ones), and what he calls “authentic crop circles”, ie, circles that cannot be explained or demonstrate unique phenomena.

    Some people (at the Symposium I attended) think the “warning” on the disc crop circle had to do with different kinds of aliens, the “greys”.

  3. Nancy says:

    Very interesting, indeed!!

  4. Definitely very interesting, haven’t heard about this before. (The link isn’t working for The Canadian)

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