Here are several short synchronicities that serendipitously came together about the same time. We’ll start with a couple related to the number 11. 
There are days when even the synchronicities seem to be working against you, it seems, possibly nudging you to become aware of certain patterns in your life. That was the case for Natalie when the number 11 kept coming up, seizing her attention.

“I have some not so good ones from yesterday….Our car got a flat at 1:11 yesterday afternoon, our daughter vomited all through her bed at 11:11pm, and then my washing machine flooded the laundry at 1:11am. Sheesh!”

It’s up to Natalie to decide what pattern in her life attracted those experiences. Or maybe it was just the trickster, tweaking her awareness in trickster fashion!But, given what has come up recently for Natalie (subsequent posts) the 11 may have been telling her that her psychic work was about to take new, unprecedented directions.,
As we’ve written before, Jung considered numbers to be archetypes and when we experience a cluster of a particular number, that archetype has been activated in our psyche. Mike Perry has heard all about the 11 phenomenon, but until recently it never part of his own life. 

“I’ve never had clusters of 11’s in my life until this morning. I got on the scales and found my weight was (in UK measurements) 11 stone 11 lbs. This showed on the scales as 11:11. Haven’t been this weight for years, so was a surprise. Later that morning my wife was in the garden and asked me what the time was, and it was 11:11.”

BTW, 11 stones, 11 pounds converts to 165 pounds. Numerologically, that translates to 111, by adding the 6+5. Or, 11+1. So either system, Mike still gets 11’s in the tablulation. For Mike, the experience seems to be a matter of awareness. Now he’ll probably notice more and more such clusters.

Could all the 11 synchronicities being reported somehow relate to the idea that we are in the ‘eleventh hour’ as the Hopi elders said in their message a few years ago?

Moving on, here’s one from Jane Clifford of Wales about a travel trailer, or caravan, as they’re called in G.B

“In summer I like to have a small caravan as a spare bedroom. I had my eye on one that I could see from my house for a year, but it was not for sale. If it had been, it would have been beyond my budget until, that is, a little water got in one window over the winter. So it needed a little attention, and went on the market. Now it is mine and at a bargain price! I was as happy as a kid with a new playhouse! Yesterday, a friend passed on a novel, and the first page was about a family excited with their caravan!

Jane happened upon an old magazine and found a couple other short ones–the first is surprising, the second astonishing. .

Mrs Williard Lovell of Berkely, California had locked herself out of her house and was trying to get in for 10 mins when the postman delivered a letter from her brother containing the spare key he had gone off with the previous week. (Talk about timing!)

Charles Coglan, a Shakespearian actor, dropped dead on stage in Calveston, Texas while playing Hamlet in 1898. Since his home on Prince Edward Island was 3,500 miles away, he was put in a vault in a Galveston cemetery by the sea. Soon after a hurricane hit, flooded the cemetry, and his coffin floated away. Eight years later, some fisherman on Prince Edward Island spotted a battered box floating near the shore. Coghlans body had come home and he was re buried for a second time near the church where he had been christened!  

Finally, here’s one that happened to Rob on the evening that we returned home from our trip to Aruba.

“While unpacking, I happened to pick up a copy of Yoga Journal from a stack of magazines in my office. I glanced at the cover and focused on the title of an article. It was called: 9 Poses to Ground You after Traveling.

“Synchronicity.  I was still feeling somewhat ‘up in the air,’ so I decided to read it. The author, Ross Rayburn, explained that his teacher, John Friend, believes that ‘travel results in decreased apana vayu, the downward-moving, or rooting, energy of prana.’  So Rayburn designed a sequence of poses to root your energy down in order to help you feel physically strong, mentally clear, and energetically balanced after returning from a trip.

“I tried it, and it helped!”
That one’s a good example of how we can attract the energy that we need when we need it. It’s about being in alignment, being in the right place at the right time. That’s the essence of synchronicity.

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14 Responses to SHORT SYNCHROS

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    >>How could a scientific atheist explain away that one?

    Easily. As they say in the world of random logic, give an unlimited number of monkeys typewriters (computers now) and unlimited time, eventually one will write the great American novel.

    That's the logic (and the silliness, IMHO) of synchronicity deniers. – R

    wv: axess…access for the monkeys?

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good luck, Nat!

  3. Natalie says:

    Astounded by the coffin man!

    We are going bush today on our secret mission. We were to be leaving first thing, but Mark has a few loose ends to tidy, so It will 11 a.m. before we can get away.
    Please send white light. 🙂

  4. Sansego says:

    Thanks CJC. I was wondering, though, does anyone else recognize the number 22 in a lot of movies? I don't know if its just me, but in many movies I watch, the number 22 will appear at some point in the movie (a license plate number, a number on a uniform, a page number, a door number, a floor number, the cost of something, etc.). Seeing it in so many movies made me wonder if its the "secret number" to Hollywood or something.

    In the above post, I really liked the story of the Prince Edward Island actor who died in Texas, and whose coffin ended up back in PEI due to a hurricane. How could a scientific atheist explain away that one?

  5. Anonymous says:

    Sansego, 22 is a Master frequency, and is actually the combination of 11-11 carried to a higher resonance. Many folks report lots and lots of synchronicities with 22and it generally appears in correlation with the manifestation of the etheric into the material, ie, an architect has a blueprint in his mind and the idea of the blueprint ultimately manifests into tangible reality. Hope this helps a tad. The 22 is filled with compelling phenomena! It represents "building"; the "foundation" or "Square", on a more elevated level.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Glad you got the book, Sansego. If I recall, we either didn't have enough stories on 22 or we had to cut what we had. With a word limit of 65,000, a lot of stuff we wanted to put in didn't make it.

  7. Sansego says:

    I bought your book on Monday and have been reading it each night and loving it! I love the examples you present the reader, as it does help know what to look for in synchronicities. For the numbers one, I was a little disappointed that you did not have a few paragraphs or pages on the number 22. I've read that other people have had experiences with that number.

    Once I'm done reading the book, I'm sure that I'll have more questions for you.

  8. Nancy says:

    Love it! I also really like the Hopi Elder message and will post it tomorrow.

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Part of any synchronicity seems to be awareness – i.e, the car example you mention, Mike. But I agree with you on the numbers. They really do seem to fall into a whole other category.

  10. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Regarding the 11 clusters: I think you are right about 'awareness'. Though this can also happen with absolutely anything. If someone mentions, say, a certain unusual model of car we'll probably see several of them in the following few days – whereas we probably won't have noticed them previously, even though they were no doubt actually there. It's part of the filtering system of the brain.

    11s though are a different category.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good one, Gypsy. 1:11 and clusters. Striber mentions this bubble on his site, too, I think, and some stuff about methane gas.

  12. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what neat stories!!! and a "cluster" of them, to boot! all of which remind me of a little one of my own from day before yesterday – i was reading 7 secrets, actually, as i ate my lunch outdoors in the sun – and was thinking about the whole thing of the gas bubble that's now been noted in the gulf and debating over whether or not send the articles to my daughter in northern louisiana – she has health problems, just finished a major move and i knew she would be worried about my granddaughter who is in lake charles – so anyway, i have this mental debate with myself – should i or should i not – glance at the clock – the time was 1:11pm – i called her – oh, and the page in the book? page 95, about "clusters of 3s" [1+1+1=3] –

    anyway, neat post, as usual, macgregors!!!

    and how about "tar pool" on the wv above?

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sounds like tar- boo – please

  14. musingegret says:

    Woah! That's a lot of synchros to contemplate first thing in the morning—many thanks for all the "ponder fodder."

    P.S. This wv just cracks me up for some reason—

    wv: torboopl

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