Category Archives: 11

Fireworks & the #11

On most July 4 celebrations, we hang out with our neighbors, who usually buy a ton of fireworks and invite the neighborhood into their yard. But this afternoon as we were leaving the dog park, one of our friends suggested … Continue reading

Posted in 11, synchronicity | 11 Comments

11s Everywhere

Today, I had an appointment (randomly assigned by computer) at the motor vehicle department to renew my driver’s license. Because of changes in Homeland Security laws, you now have to present a passport, two pieces of evidence that you live … Continue reading

Posted in 11, 111, 11:11, synchronicity | 16 Comments

More 11s!!

We never tire of synchros involving 11, 111, or 1111. This cluster of 11s comes from Vicki Watt, whose blog is here.  It does seem as if some of us are shadowed by these numbers. In the tarot, card 11 is … Continue reading

Posted in 11, synchronicity | 17 Comments

A Cluster of 11s from Brazil!

  A reader from Brazil, Rita Galloro,  sent us the following email about the Portuguese version of 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. Hello Trish and Rob, I’m just fascinated with this book! I always have been interested about this theme and … Continue reading

Posted in 11, synchronicity | 15 Comments


      On the morning of June 8, we left Arenal Lodge and set out in our rented 4×4 for Monteverde, Costa Rica’s cloud forest, one of the country’s protected regions. More than a third of Costa Rica is … Continue reading

Posted in 11, Costa Rica | 19 Comments

More 11s

M.C. Escher woodcut We’ve done quite a few posts on the synchronicity of numbers, particularly on 11, 111, and 11:11. I don’t know what it is about these numbers, but sometimes when I’m writing about them, they appear in my … Continue reading

Posted in 11, 111, 11:11, Numbers | 25 Comments

9-11 and the 11s

Yes, it’s 9-11 again and worth mentioning some of the numerous synchronicities related to that fateful date. If I had a chance to interview Khalid Sheik Mohammed , who is supposedly behind the planning of the World Trade Center attack, … Continue reading

Posted in 11, 9-11, World Trade Center | 14 Comments


Here are several short synchronicities that serendipitously came together about the same time. We’ll start with a couple related to the number 11.  +++There are days when even the synchronicities seem to be working against you, it seems, possibly nudging … Continue reading

Posted in 11, local travel, short synchros, yoga | 14 Comments

Those 11s Again!

Jung considered numbers to be archetypes. In his scheme of things, repeated synchronicities involving the same numbers suggests those numbers have become active in your psyche. With that in mind, here’s another synchronicity involving 11:11.  We’ve done several posts on … Continue reading

Posted in 11, 111, 11:11, India, travel | 20 Comments

11-11-2009 = 11-11-11

We don’t often put up two posts the same day, but we can’t overlook the fact that today is 11/11. Of course, it’s 2009, which adds up to 11. So we’re re-posting our 11:11 post from June 22. Also, you … Continue reading

Posted in 11, 111, 11:11 | 15 Comments