The Medium

Jung placed psychic phenomena under the larger umbrella of synchronicity. Of the many types of psi that exist, mediumship is perhaps one of the most mysterious.

Author Jane Roberts channeled Seth, who described himself as a “personality essence no longer focused in physical existence.” Author Esther Hicks channels a consortium of souls known as Abraham. The TV show The Medium popularized the concept, but we don’t need Patricia Arquette for this story. It comes from Connie Cannon, who we wrote about in Planetary Empaths.

I’ve been doing clairvoyant readings all my life, and am now elderly.  A middle-aged client from Germany, whom I shall call Jan, made an appointment to see me.  I need to clarify that I do not allow my clients to give me any information whatsoever prior to the reading.  Only their first name.  The source of the information that comes through me is disembodied entities….I am a medium.  It is a rule of mine to never, ever give death predictions, under any circumstances.  I am, however, a voice for spirit,  and have learned to trust their judgment.

On the day of her appointment, after I moved into an altered state, my other worldly helpers told me to tell Jan that she was coming to the light at the end of a very long, hard tunnel, and that from that point her life would improve beyond her wildest imagination.  They went on to tell me that her husband, (whom I learned later was middle-aged and healthy), would sustain a massive stroke in late May, be placed in a full-care nursing home,and that by the end of June he would make his transition to the other side.

They went on to say that her burdens would be lifted afterwards.  I silently argued with my helpers, because it was a prediction of death.  But they instructed me clearly, “TELL HER NOW!”  So, I told her exactly what they had said.  And, we taped the session.

That night, Jan phoned me.  She told me that she was locked into a horrific marriage with a brutal husband from which there was no escape, and that she had purchased a gun and had planned to take herself out that very afternoon.  But after her session with me, she felt as if she had reason to go on, and she disposed of the gun..  This was, by the way, in April.  I heard no more from Jan until the first week in July.

She came by my house that week and told me that her husband John had sustained a massive, debilitating stroke in May; he had been placed in a local full-care nursing home, and at 11:15pm on June 30th, he had expired.  45 minutes prior to the end of June.  I have all of this documented.

In this instance, a revelation of the husband’s departure was obviously deemed necessary, to prevent Jan from ending her own life.  She had had all she was able to tolerate, evidently.  Spirit knew that, but I did not.  I hear from her occasionally.  She owns a small German restaurant, lives in a wonderful retirement community, and has a genuinely happy life.

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15 Responses to The Medium

  1. Marguerite says:

    What a great story that ended very well for Jan! There must be a few, looking after me, for sure. I always try to listen carefully to my inner voice, as it has served me well, throughout my life..

  2. Raksha says:

    Connie: Wonderful story! My spontaneous take on it: I don't have that gift and don't feel called upon to channel for other people. At least I hope I don't have it, because then I'd have to use it and I don't think I could handle the responsibility.

    Love and Light,

  3. d page says:

    Such an interesting story. I admire how comfortable you are with your gift. I am also medial, but I am more introverted with it. (It was the subject of fear and abuse when I was a child.) I have had "Beings" give me information to save lives before, as well. It's as amazing to me as it is to the people it helps! The dead communicate with me as well, but I have never been comfortable with this. I have never tried to train any of these abilities, but it seems that things "come through to me" when needed. Thank you for sharing this story!

  4. Natalie says:

    Wonderful post. Sometimes, it is SO hard to just trust the message, but I happy that Connie did. 🙂

  5. Raksha says:

    Barbara: I agree with you that there are spirits who accompany us on our life's journey. It's possible to contact them, engage in dialogue with them, ask them questions and receive answers. I have been doing that through automatic writing for over 20 years now. Like you, I almost never feel called upon to channel for other people, and I have no desire AT ALL be known as "a channeler." So it isn't exactly a secret (although it used to be), but I try to keep a low profile about it for that reason.

    I do automatic writing aka channeling mainly to gain insight into whatever is going on in my own life, especially as to how it relates to the big picture (the Millennium or Great Turning), and sometimes also into the motives of people close to me, although I have to be extremely careful to avoid projection in those cases.

    Re "If you can sit quietly for a time without thought, ask a question and an answer will be provided. It takes a bit of practice to keep errant thoughts out, but once you can sit quietly for 20+ minutes and are listening the voice will come."

    Right! That's how I do it too, except that I sit quietly at a table with a notebook or a sheet of looseleaf paper in front of me and allow my mind to become receptive. And then I write down my question and wait for the answer–and write it down as it comes.

    I discovered my ability to channel by accident in a writing workshop, when the class was doing an automatic writing exercise to help us get past writers' block. We were told to write as fast as we could, whatever came into our heads, without judging it or worrying about whether it was coherent or not, whether it made any sense or not. My automatic writing took the form of a dialogue immediately. I was intrigued by the process and kept it up for a few more days before I asked my source to identify himself. He told me he was my "resident earth spirit" who had been with me my entire life, although I wasn't consciously aware of his presence. Apparently his "assignment" was to protect me from myself, to keep me out of trouble as much as possible. Right away I felt sorry for the poor thing, knowing what a thankless task THAT was, especially during the more "feral" periods of my life. 🙂

    But I kept right on communicating with him…and eventually with three others.

    Love and Light,

  6. Barbara Martin says:

    This was a good story to remind people that there are always different spirits that accompany us on our life journeys. My encounters with spirits/angels often pertain to me rather than others. The advice relates to choices I might make and the consequences of those choices. Rarely does the advice have to do with other people.

    But, yes to the Macgregors and those who visit here there are entities that accompany you during each life time. If you can sit quietly for a time without thought, ask a question and an answer will be provided. It takes a bit of practice to keep errant thoughts out, but once you can sit quietly for 20+ minutes and are listening the voice will come.

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i have had problems all morning on comcast – and internet just crashed few minutes ago but back now –

    i think you're right cjc about each of us having the ability – to some degree or other – and that it's a matter of being still and listening – neat story, too!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Missed the PBS documentary, musing. I didn't realize that Switzerland has right to die laws.

    No computer problems here, connie.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Question: is anyone else having computer issues today? I'm on Comcast. My computer started acting weird last night and continues today. Just wondering if others are having electronic problems? Thanks! OMG, a weird WV that seems relevant to my last coments about "Tom"…I am Connie. Here's the WV: conatom.
    Pretty kewl! cj

  10. Anonymous says:

    Good morning, co-residents of MU! Over the years I've had a handful of such incidents with clients, and because I do my best to try to keep readings upbeat and positive, there was a time when I would always put up a stubborn resistance on the rare occasion when my OtherWorldly Helpers would offer suggestions that seem negative. (They very, very rarely give instructions to clients, just suggestions, although as in the case of Jan, they instructed ME to offer her the information.) However,I have learned that they have a much wider and broader view of the totality of our experiences because they are not hindered by physical bodies, and I've learned that on those rare occasions when their information seems to me to be negative, it always comes from a Place and a Space of Love and Need. This will be a bit lengthy, but it demonstrates this Love: I once had a client phone me from another city. "Mary" and her husband had tickets, with their in-laws, to take a cruise, and Mary wanted to know how the "number-frequencies" looked for the timing of their cruise. They had booked it months previously. Trying to make a long story short, my Helpers instantly said an emphatic "NO!! Don't go!" They, (Spirit), went on to explain that Mary's husband, who was apprently in excellent health, has an extremely sick gallbladder and if they went on the cruise, his gallbladder would rupture out in
    the middle of nowhere and it would be catastrophic. Mary, a pharmacist, argued a bit that her husband had no symptoms, but she trusted Spirit, and gave her husband the info. He balked; said he felt fine; she insisted. They consulted their primary doc, who said "Tom" presented no symptoms; he was in great shape. Mary didn't tell them a "psychic" had given warning, (thank goodness!), she just insisted they do an ultrasound on Tom's abdomen. A few days went by, days when they would have been in the middle of the ocean on the cruise ship. Tom had the ultrasound and was immediately admitted to the hospital for emergency surgery. His gallbladder was inflamed to the point of bursting, which it actually did just an hour or so before they got him into surgery. The toxins went systemic, and he spent several weeks in ICU, but survived and recovered completely. Mary phoned me after all this had occurred, with gratitude. I told her exactly what I tell everyone: I have NO powers. This is not false modesty. I am only a Voice for Spirit, which for me is a Connection to the Source of All That Is. I cannot and do not take credit for the wonders of Spirit, and am eternally humbled to be a Voice they can use. I believe each of us individually has the ability, in one way or another, to connect to the Source and often that connection can be made through true meditation such as that which is taught by Rob. I am deeply grateful to simply have opportunities to be of service, especially in these circumstances such as Jan's and Mary's when it becomes a matter of choosing a path to disaster or to healing. There are synchronicities in our day-to-day lives that open up those connections to the Source, if we can slow down sufficiently to pay attention. Mary later told me that Tom confessed, after the fact and after his long road to recovery, that he had actually suffered stomach distress, pain, queasiness, etc., but had not wanted to disrupt their cruise plans, attributing his tummy discomfort to "stress". He had been given signals; he chose to ignore them. I truly, truly have the conviction that each of us has such awareness within us, if we just can slow down suffiently to listen and heed that wee small Voice of intuition. It's our Higher Selves, guiding us! cj

  11. DJan says:

    That is a wonderful story. it makes me realize that we do indeed exist outside of time and space, and that whether or not we have a destiny, we still do have a free will. If Jan had not visited the psychic and listened, she would have been the one to die. Wonderful story, and I really appreciate you relating it to me, today.

  12. Nancy says:

    What an amazing story! Spirit woks in amazing ways. Sometimes it's really nice to know we're not all by ourselves in our earthly existence. We have help, we just need to open ourselves to it as Jan did with Connie.

  13. musingegret says:

    Stories like this are so very intriguing to me, mostly due to implications that challenge my belief systems. For instance, if the point of power is in the present (per Seth and others) then is one's death concretely predestined as to date/time or merely probability based on current lifepath or timeline?

    Also, was the horrific husband's death a 'good thing' and the deflection of a planned suicide also a 'good thing.'

    Off topic: Did anyone else see the PBS Frontline documentary last week about the chronology and carrying out of a man's medically assisted suicide in Switzerland? Thoughts?

    Thank you MacGregors, once again, for such a provocative and interesting post.

    wv: prettowy (?) {pretty way; pre to why?}

  14. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    An amazing story. It must be difficult what to tell 'clients' in some circumstances but comforting that, in this case, there was the right guidance.

  15. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what an incredible story! and for connie to trust in telling jan notwithstanding her own hesitation made the literal life-saving difference! a great story, connie! and a beautiful ending for jan –

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