The Dead Speak, Part I

 One of the chapters in our new proposal is on spirit contact. So while we were working on it, we suddenly ran across several synchronicities about that very topic. This story is from Natalie, who wrote about it on her blog. It’s a zinger.

The Escher lithograph, Magic Mirror, is how I see the kind of work Natalie is doing.

Thirty-one years ago in Australia, over a four month period, three girls went missing. One of them Natalie talks about in this story is Deirdre. The other one we’ll call Anne. Let Natalie tell it from here.

For many weeks, I was repeatedly awakened in the middle of the night with a song playing in my mind. The song is a recent release, called Mr. Mysterious. (Click the youtube video below to hear the song).

Even more unnerving was when I felt a coldness on my right side, something repeatedly touching my right arm, and then a tugging on my left eyebrow hairs.

This was scaring the life out of me, as there was an ominous ‘feel’ to these visits.

Seventeen days ago, a girl started talking in my ear. No problem there, except she was dead.

She has been missing for 31 years. I knew nothing about this until she started talking to me two weeks ago. She is presumed dead, though no body has ever been recovered.

At first, I thought my over active imagination was making up the scenario she was showing me. She gave me a place name and I had never heard of it. A google search revealed that not only does the place exist, it matched the scenes she showed me 5 a.m. the other morning.

While she was talking to me, she gave me names, family scenes, pictures of siblings, her middle name (which the public wasn’t aware of). She said that other girls were with her in spirit. I think have found one of the other girls on the net, and she looks just like the image I was shown by the first girl.

By a series of really strange ‘synchronicities’, almost all the information she gave me has been verified by an aquaintance of her parents. The meeting of the aquaintance was synchronisitic also. What are the chances of meeting a person who has solid knowledge of a spirit who ‘just happens’ to start talking to me at 5 in the morning, about a case that is so cold it is freezing.

Also, another family friend of this girl came into the shop on my very first day there, and took my business card.

To top this all off, last Monday, Mark and I went to look for The Seven Secrets Of Synchronicity  at a large book store in the city. They didn’t have it yet, but I felt drawn to stand near the New Age section and just get a vibe for another book to read. I was immediately pulled to the very bottom shelf, and in particular to a  new book called ‘Never Alone’. I had been feeling very alone, as I am so often misunderstood, and was  feeling very inward anyway, what with all this stuff going on. The book was written by an Australian medium of note Debbie Malone, who just happened to be a medium helping police find missing people. The first three chapters were about the perpetrator I had been shown. OMG!!!

To make it worse, he wasn’t acting alone, and he was invoved in Satanic rituals which involved the torture of animals and humans. He was also tuning in to the medium and somehow they found out where she lived and they attempted to harm her as well. Along with all that, there were facts about the case that my spirit girl had given me two weeks earlier, suggesting that she was taken by these monsters. 

A few days later while researching on the net,I found out that one of the main suspects was a police officer who blew his own head off during the investigation. One of the victim’s leather jacket was found at his house. He was the head honcho as reported by the medium, but the AFP wouldn’t look into her claims at the time of the investigation.  The article on the net that I found this week, cited his invovement and the police coverup in 1993, was written by a guy who was also subsequently murdered.

To say I am spooked is an understatement.

The ‘coincidences’ are quite staggering to me, but still I can’t do anything about the information I have received so far as:

1. I don’t want to hurt her parents unecessarily if I have my wires crossed…………It is their child after all.

2. I don’t know how to approach the police.

3. I am waiting for the spirit to bring her mother to me, if it is indeed her (the missing girl) that I am talking to. I arranged for two signs from the missing girl, one came the very next day, one is yet to happen.

4. I am scared witless.

5. What if I am wrong?? The implications of this are enormous to the people I have involved so far.

6. What if I am right?? The implications of this are enormous to everyone. 

I have been in ‘lock down’ since this started happening, as I wanted to be as centered as possible, in order to receive her communications. I needed to make sure  that I wasn’t hallucinating. I felt also that all other regular activities were very trivial compared to the enormity of this situation.

I cannot explain the amount of synchronicity that I live with, it is truly remarkable. STILL, I can’t quite grasp that I may be onto something here. There  has only been one more message from the missing girl, and that was to tell me that Mark was about to come home with a bunch of flowers. In less than 5 minutes,  he was home with a bunch of apricot and cream carnations. 

 He hadn’t bought me flowers for months.

Mark and I went for a drive to the area that I think she is in, and the emotions were all over the place. We are going back later this week when we can get a babysitter. It is rugged terrain. I am doing this for her mother, the poor lady is repeatedly in the newspapers still pleading for someone to come forward. She is a tortured woman. I have been told by two other mediums that I will find her, I hope I do.

I am now waiting for her to send her mother to me for a reading, I can do nothing more until that happens. Wish me luck and lots of light, I am gonna need it.

Stay tuned for part 2. 
To hear the lyrics of Mr. Mysterious, click below.

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14 Responses to The Dead Speak, Part I

  1. Natalie says:

    Thanks Connie, I will do. ♥

  2. Anonymous says:

    Natalie, if there is anything I can do to help you, please feel free to contact me. I've walked so many times in the shoes you are wearing, and can feel your conflicts and emotions on many levels. Trish and Rob know how to contact me if you feel inclined just to talk to someone else who is where you are, spiritually speaking. Regarding that "nasty" blogger, shut him down and off. The more you respond to him, (I'm sure you know this), the more thrills he'll get from harrassing you. Remember he's only an illusion….words without a body….because he can only reach you via the computer. If he goes beyond that, then you immediately get the law involved. You have Guardians. They'll guide you well. Heads up, dear! cj

  3. Natalie says:

    Thanks everyone for the support. It really has been bizarre. Most especially since I only started doing this work on June 1st. I have been a stay at home Mum for the last 6 years.

    This morning (Thurs) I was given another location and I have just found out (Thurs. Night) that there is another girl missing, only 30 mins from the location I was given.

  4. d page says:


    Thank you for sharing the true struggles a psychic goes through. You are a strong woman with an amazing ability.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I loved Nat's story the first time I read it, but would never be able to do this kind of work. Too emotionally overwhelming! Butternut – love that perfume story.

    We'll post part 2 of this on the 3rd, I think it is. Got to check.

  6. Natalie says:

    Thanks, Connie. I am in awe of you.
    It was happening last night again, and I tried to block it.I was given another location just on waking.

    Nancy ~ In regard to that song, it gets even creepier! Another blogger sent me a weird email saying he was Mr Mysterious and that he was 'visiting ' me on the Astral while I slept. He is in the US and would be awake while I sleep. Therefore, easily sending me 'off' vibes.I told him it was against Universal Law to invade someone's Aura without permission and he got rather nasty. 🙁

    Butternut ~ I am the biggest softie, sook you could imagine! 🙂 I don't know why this is happening.

  7. Sansego says:

    Trish & Rob,

    I think your WV is interesting in light of the article you pointed out on the Huffington Post: "inonit" = "in on it"!


    Your experience would terrify me…but obviously, you are in a great position to help this soul close the case so that her mother can finally have peace. Its like the movie "Ghost". Count me in as a supporter of what you are doing, because its not easy what you're tasked to do, but it is necessary. Best of luck to you!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Butternut, don't you just love those unexpected kinds of visits? They are so reassuring and somehow filled with the promise of what we may all look forward to when we shed these fragile rags of skin! Once in a while someone will visit me and bring me the fragrance of flowers, and my Grandma comes with the fragrance of the Avon talc powder she always used after her baths….a softly sweet and comforting smell that envelopes me. It's not been available for many years, and I "feel" her when she comes. My Mom comes with the scent of "Charlie" perfume or a rose. I have no physical sense of smell, so these "psychic gifts" are especially appreciated. Wonderful. WHOA. How's this for a WV: 'eligeal' Illegal? Or more appropriately to the comments: elegial, as in elegy. (Beautiful Music for the deceased.) Luv it! cj

  9. Butternut Squash says:

    Natalie must be very strong. I have a friend who does psychic work for the police. She is very bold about what she knows intuitively. But she has to witness some very yucky stuff. I don't usually have waking encounters, only whispers of visits just before I wake. This morning a beautiful woman wearing a complex floral perfume stood next to my bed. Don't know what it means, but it was pleasant.


  10. Nancy says:

    I read this on Natalie's blog and was totally blown away. I have always steered clear of anything scary – just for this reason. You just never know what you might stir up. Natalie has the best of intentions, and I hope she helps this mother find peace, but also stays safe herself! There is no doubt she is a gifted with physic.

    (I don't like that music – wow, visceral reaction.)

  11. Anonymous says:

    Natalie, having been in your situation on several occasions, I can truly empathasize. Although you are sitting on a razor blade, I would suggest you overtly ask Deirdre or your Highest Helpers to guide you to a law enforcement agency or person who will be open to your work. Don't worry about being pooh-poohed or being the brunt of skeptics and jokes, even though it hurts. I'm a born medium, have always lived with one foot in the land of the living and one foot in the land of the dead. Often my psychic antennae stop on a frequency that I wish they had not accessed. Awhile back, a deceased young woman made contact with me and began to show me images of the University of Florida campus, a campsite in woods near a railroad track, a man whose description was quite clear, the man's name, the song he listened to constantly on a tape player, etc. The man's name, which the deceased girl gave to me clearly, was Danny Rolling….no one had ever heard of him; not the police, not the FBI. The song was Sugar Shack. Much, much information. At the time, female students were the victims of a serial killer at U of F. But the authorities had not a clue. I went to our local police dept. and risked laughter and derision, which certainly came, but nonetheless I persisted in the face of their scorn and gave them the information and they took it all down and had a sketch artist draw his photo from the description of him the dead girl had "shown" me. Two weeks later, the FBI found a man named Danny Rolling, and the rest is history. His campsite, his favorite song, everything. The only discrepancy in my "information" from "Across The Way" was that I saw Rolling wearing eyeglasses, and in the months leading to his trial he was never wearing glasses in media photos, altho I had told the police artist that he wore them, and they were on her sketch. Surely enough, at his publicized trial, he was sitting at the defense table wearing those thick-lensed glasses. He has since died. Working with law enforcement as a psychic has untold challenges and the medium has to be extremely strong. This comes from much such experience. Sometimes the images and messages we receive are garbled and twisted,
    and sometimes they are crystal clear, and therein lies our resistance to share. One more story: a frantic woman (mother) came to see me a few years ago, whose son was missing. (Older son.) His picture was on billboards in the big city to our north. In an altered state, the son spoke to me from The Other Side. I clearly saw him, saw his dumped body's condition….which was awful….saw the three men who had battered him to death, saw where his body had been disposed of across the state line in another state, saw the truck they hauled him in, etc etc, details upon detail. It broke my heart to have to tell this mother her son was gone. What if I was WRONG???? Oh, what if I was wrong???? We taped the session. The mother took the tape to the police, and altho they accepted it with skepticism, they followed the clear leads and found her son's body, and by locating the truck he had shown me (again, he was on the Other Side), the authorities ultimately found the three men who had murdered him. I get no satisfaction from this kind of psychic work, except it does bring closure to grieving folks. But it's frightening, and it can make us targets, and I'm not being melodramatic. We SEE, and we HEAR, and we KNOW, and if we can be of service, we have to search our souls to determine if we should share what we see, hear, and know, with people who can do something about it. It's a huge risk. Only you can decide what must be done. cj

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Here's an interesting synchronicity, an article on what happens after death that appeared on the Huffington Post today.

    wv: inonit

  13. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I'm quite lost for words. To say this is remarkable is an understatement. Definitely lots of luck to you but, as for 2 – I would personally find a way to do this.

  14. Natalie says:

    Yep. I am reading it, and I still can't believe I am living it.
    No wonder I have the Heebies.

    Thanks for posting. 🙂

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