The Blog Universe


You spend time posting to your blog and creating a blog that attracts visitors. Blogger allows you to back up your blog in the export section of your dashboard. But it’s in xml, a language that is basically useless unless you’re transferring your blog to another server or restoring it. As a result of our experience, detailed here, I spent hours yesterday trying to find a way to convert our backup to a PDF file. Once it’s in PDF, you can open and read it like a book, convert it to word, print it out, whatever.  The problem is that most services that do this charge for it. Blogger has a service where you can pay between $15-25 to have your blog printed as a book. But there’s an even better option.

It’s here. First, go into the blogger dashboard in draft mode. Press the export button and download the xml file. Save it to your hard drive and to a flash drive or external hard drive. Then go to blogbooker and follow the directions. If you have a large blog, you should set the filters for smaller chunks of time. I tried multiple times and it wouldn’t work, so I wrote to blogbooker. The person who wrote back requested my xml file, which I sent. He/she replied that the file was valid, but too large. So by doing it in smaller chunks, I was able to get several pdf files of our blog, photos, images, comments and all. It doesn’t save the template, but you’ve got the important stuff, the content. Blogbooker operates only on donations and it’s worth every euro or dollar that you donate.

This way, if your blog ever vanishes, you’ve got it backed up in PDF. Forever.

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11 Responses to The Blog Universe

  1. Healing Mudras says:

    wow wow wow wow !

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The PDF files out looking for cool, with chapter headings, a table of contents, and all the images and comments are preserved. My next step is to find a way to convert PDF to word files, which supposedly is easier than xml to pdf. Stay tuned.

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    FANTASTIC INFORMATION!!! i've tried and tried to do the same thing – and novice that i am, never got it all to work! thank you SO much for this!!!

  4. DJan says:

    I did try backing up my blog and was distressed to see that it was useless. This is great information and a tool I will use! Thank you so much for sharing this important information.

  5. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Very useful, thanks!

  6. Marguerite says:

    Very cool! Thanks for the great links!

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I figure we can all benefit from this tool!

  8. Butternut Squash says:

    Thank You for all of your work! I was just thinking about doing this. Hooray!

  9. Nancy says:

    Love it! Thanks.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I was able to get all but two weeks. It's a terrific tool.

  11. d page says:

    Thank you thank you thank you!!!

    I was having a hell of a time!

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