Darkening of the Sun

Today’s total solar eclipse occurs at 3:33 PM EDT and 6:15 GMT. Most of the eclipse will occur over the Pacific Ocean, so not that many people will be able to see it. Chile’s Easter Island will be epicenter for the eclipse here on earth. About 4,000 indigenous people – the Rapa Nui – live on the island and they’re going to be sharing the island with thousands of scientists who are arriving for the event. This eclipse will be the first total solar eclipse to occur over Easter Island in more than a thousand years. Here’s a terrific article about the eclipse from The Pulse, Chile’s all English newspaper.

Astrologically, there are a a variety of opinions about this eclipse. They can be found here (midway down the page), here, here. You may also want to check here to find out how this eclipse may impact you. Click on your sun sign for a review of the month and for personal info about the eclipse. The thing to remember about all eclipses is that they have lessons to teach us – collectively and personally. If you don’t have any lessons to learn from this eclipse, then you should breeze through the day. The effect of an eclipse isn’t always exact. Events can sometimes radiate outward for as far as six months. Or over the course of a lifetime. Princess Diana was born under an eclipse – and died under one.

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13 Responses to Darkening of the Sun

  1. Nancy says:

    No. But just watched Crazy Heart on Saturday, great movie!

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I just checked Netflix to see what's coming up for this week and saw that at the top of the list–right after Crazy Heart–is TOTAL ECLIPSE!

    It's been on the list for weeks, but came to my attention today. It's a '95 flick starring Leonardo DeCaprio. I've forgotten why I picked it. Anyone seen it? – R

    July 11, 2010 3:28 PM

  3. Anonymous says:

    3 3 3 = 9 = endings and new beginnings. An appropriate timing for such a momentous event!
    cj in MU
    WV: entedili

  4. Simonbuc says:

    They're extraordinary events – I witnessed the 1999 one from the Normandy countryside. It's quiet there anyway, but I was struck by the utter stillness around the eclipse itself. Birds stopped singing and flying, cattle lay down, not moving – all the world went as still as if the end of the world was imminent. There must have been some extraordinary energy in play that day,

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Very interesting. It's said that the areas which are in the eclipse path can be adversely affected. Seems like chile has had its share of problems already.

  6. Ray says:

    Saw an eclipse at sea through a view box made by the chief engineer.

    Isn't this interesting after this year's Chilean earthqake and multiple massive aftershocks and the discussion in this blog about Chiloé and the ghost ship?


  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I was struck by those triple 3s, too!

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    love the triple 3's in the eastern time for the eclipse – and what an incredible experience to get to be there on easter island! thanks so much for all the sites! and had not heard that about princess d –

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Years ago, saw a partial solar eclipse. It was eerily beautiful. The birds were confused.

  10. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I've seen one eclipse here in Cornwall, England years back and it was something very magical. Would love to witness one again sometime.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'd love to be there, too. Have always wanted to see those huge stone figures.

  12. Butternut Squash says:

    Very interesting! I wish I could be there. I love the fact that they decided not to put any TV cameras there to keep it authentic to the remoteness and to respect the significance of the event.

  13. Natalie says:

    Many thanks for the links, Trish.♥ So much to digest….Wow! I am very excited by the possibilities on a personal level, but overall it looks a bit scary for humanity.

    How eerie about Princess Di?
    Such a remarkable human being. I cried and cried when she died, and I am definitely not one to care much about celebrity. One of God's own angels that one. 🙂

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