Coincidence Studies

Psychiatric Annals introduces their December 2011 issue this way:

“Coincidences are common to us all. This issue explores the possibility of a scientific origin for these events and suggests psychiatry has a role to play in the creation of a new field of study: Coincidence Studies.”

The four articles in the issue are entitled:

Synchronicity: Coincidence Detection and Meaningful Life Events

 An Initial Study of Extreme, Measurable Forms of Synchronicity

 Exploration of Anomalous Mind-Matter Correspondences

 Measurement of Synchronicity in a Clinical Context

It’s good to see the scientific community taking a serious look at synchronicity, rather than simply labeling it ‘magical thinking’ – read non-scientific thinking.  Yet, such studies clearly remain outside mainstream science. I can just imagine the skeptic forums puzzling over the topic of coincidence studies.

The first article starts out this way:

“Early therapeutic use of coincidences is described by Carl Jung, who coined the term ‘synchronicity,’ referring to the low-probability co-occurrence of two different events in a narrow window of time, perceived as striking for the individual experiencing it. 1 It is now accepted that, for coincidences to qualify as a synchronicity, they have to be meaningful, and help one’s individuation.”

The last sentence is an important one in therapeutic terms. It suggests that synchronicities are guideposts for healing, a positive factor for mental, emotional and spiritual development.

The scientific jargon that’s used is interesting and a bit humorous. The first article repeatedly refers to WCS-2 in their data analysis. What is it? Weird Coincidence Scale. We wonder what happened to WCS-1!

The first study looks at the relationship between age and synchronicity – something that we had never considered as a factor. But, according to the study, it is. The older you are the more likely you are to accept synchronicity.

“Age and probability/chance were negatively related; as age increases, agreement with the statement, “I believe coincidences can be explained by the laws or probability of chance” tends to decrease. Considering this was the only finding regarding age and coincidence detection, replication studies with larger, more representative samples are needed to clarify the true relationship.”

Interestingly, the second study also uses the Weird Coincidence Scale-2. We assume that was not a synchronicity, but part of a coordinated effort to measure coincidence in a similar manner.

What I like about the second study was that it actually included an example of a synchronicity – a complex one involving two scholars simultaneously pondering the importance of footnotes. The story is followed by a detailed analysis of the synchro. To me, it was a synchronicity that only an academic could fully appreciate. Someone not familiar with synchronicity reading this study would probably scratch his or her head and wonder what it was all about.

That’s the problem with academic studies of meaningful coincidence. They tend to make a mysterious  subject even more complicated and more confusing. But that’s my non-scholarly take. Trish feels about the same.

Yet, it’s interesting to peruse these studies, and it’s potentially important for our advancement if the scientific world accepts synchronicity as a reality. We’ll take a look at the last two studies tomorrow.



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25 Responses to Coincidence Studies

  1. Rob and Trish says:

    We’ll be doing some number crunching ourselves on a synchro that we will post on New Year’s Eve, Dec. 31. It’s one of those rarities that has a clear cut means of defining the odds.

  2. I think that what some have alluded to here is correct. You can’t really fully appreciate synchroicity or deep intuition with the logical mind. Still, it’s great that these studies are being done. And they are important in raising awareness in mainstream academic and scientific circles regarding the “non-rational” aspects of life and the cosmos. After all, it’s these things which actually reveal the true nature of who we are, not crunching numbers.

  3. Darren B says:

    I like how the host of the radio show asked Rob if his power animal was the wolf and he said,”no,it would be more like the panther”.
    Oddly enough I have a tattoo on my right shoulder that I got when I was around 20 years of age of a black panther.Why? I don’t know.It just appealed to me on a deeper level.
    I still have it,even though it is a bit more faded now.And even though I wouldn’t say it was my power animal,it does still appeal on some level still.
    I like cats,so maybe that was a big reason?
    I’ve had to listen to the podcast from the beginning because I had only caught the last 23 mins the first time.
    Good interview.

  4. Darren B says:

    Here’s a coincidence,I just clicked on your link to The H20 Network on your side bar,to checkout what shows of interest there was to listen to
    (don’t ask me why…a little internal voice just said go a check out this link? I don’t know why really)
    and who should be on the air –
    “Synchronicity : Authors Trish and Rob MacGregor Return”
    (I’m listening to you both now,with 23 mins left of the show)
    I have never checked out this link before…so what are the odds of catching you guys live on the show without knowing you were going to be on it ?!?
    Also I see there is an Anthony Peake interview there as well and I just ordered his book,
    “Is There Life After Death? The Extraordinary Science of What Happens When We Die: Why Science Is Taking the Idea of an Afterlife Seriously”.

    I can’t believe I checked this site out and caught you live…is this really a live broadcast or just an old link that says it’s a live show?
    It sounds fairly recent.

    • R and T says:

      OK, this one is truly bizarre. We hadn’t put up anything about this radio show – we usually do it after the fact and put up a link. How intriguing that you “just happened” to hit that link, right then?!

      • Darren B says:

        So it was really live…how bizarre?
        See what happens when you follow your intuition?
        It leads you to some really strange “coincidences”.-)
        Here’s my new motto –
        Go with the flow,because you just never know.

        It actually sounds like an old advertising jingle for the Northern Territory in Australia.
        “You’ll never never know if you never never go!”
        Which is probably a reminder to me to plan a trip to Uluru/Ayers Rock soon.
        I’ve never been to the red centre of Oz before,but I feel I should…once the money materializes that is .-)

    • R and T says:

      Daz – it was a live show, that we did this afternoon, between 4-5:15 or so. Truly synchronistic!

      • Darren B says:

        I keyed this inquiry into Google search images
        “You’ll never never know if you never never go!”+Northern Territory”, looking for an advertising poster with that slogan on it,but couldn’t find it.
        Although,half way down the page I found a picture of a rainbow lorikeet,which I thought was unusual,so I clicked on it and it sent me to this page ;
        which just tells me that I have to visit the rock I guess.
        I better start packing .-)

  5. Nicholas says:

    My “hardcore” atheist friends are very dismissive of coincidence having any meaning beyond statistical probabilities. Its frustrating to talk about coincidences / synchronicities with them. What gets me about coincidence / synchronicities is when an external event happens that confirms or validates something you thought about. Its like an instant manifestation. How is that possible, if not for some spiritual force? For me, the matching of outer events with internal thoughts within a certain time frame is enough “proof” that we live in a spiritually-directed universe and not a strictly scientific materialistic universe.

    • “How is that possible, if not for some spiritual force?” Well, things can occasionally be scary. If we speak about meaningful coincidences or purposes in general, I’ve been recently almost constantly on the opposite side to an hardcore atheist/nihilist. Coincidences are more frequent and bizarre than ever before, but at the same time I have no idea what they might mean a month or even a week from now.

      • Speaking of scientists believing in synchronicity:

      • R and T says:

        Bizarre and frequent! Yes. If you look @ Daz’s comment, after yours, there’s one that’s very bizarre!

      • Darren B says:

        What I have found with synchros Aleksandar,are that they are like guideposts on a trail that keep you moving in the right (hopefully) direction (life path?) without wandering off in another direction and getting lost.They are not answers in themselves (although some can be) but more like directions on a treasure map.
        Syncs to me are less about the destination and more about the journey.
        When I look back over the past year of following my synchronicities and gut feelings,I’m amazed at the rich experiences they have brought to my life,not just for me but for people around me,and people around them…on and on.
        When you throw a little pebble into the water you can’t imagine how big the ripples are going to be,or how far they are going to travel.
        Don’t be in a rush to get to the destination…take time to marvel at the journey that you are on…and the syncs will multiply, guaranteed.
        Just keep following the crumbs…and enjoy the hike.

    • R and T says:

      Nicely said, Nicholas!

      • Nicholas says:

        Have you heard of the Brazilian film “The Astral City”? I was at New Renaissance Bookstore last night and one copy of this film was in the discount bins. I never heard of it but decided to buy it and then I watched it last night. WOW!!! Why didn’t this movie make it in theaters in the U.S.? Highly recommended!!! Its about a doctor who dies and finds himself in hell, and then gets rescued and brought to the heavenly realm and learns about the purpose of life. Its consistent with the spiritual ideas I’ve read about from psychics and Near Death Experiencers. It has some good visual effects. This was the movie that “What Dreams May Come” failed to be (in my opinion). It’s in Portuguese with English subtitles. Apparently, it was only released on DVD a few weeks ago, so I have no idea why it was in “the remainder bins” at the new age bookstore. They should stock up on this movie! I’ve never seen anything like it!

  6. DJan says:

    Leave it to the scientists to take all the fun out of it! I laughed at the description of WCS-2. I don’t find it curious at all that older people recognize syncronicity more than younger people; the older I get the more I realize that somehow the whole of reality is not easily understood. Or explained. 🙂

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