Synchro at the Apple Store

                                         Manhattan’s Apple Store

We went to the Apple Store at our local mall (not the one in the photo!) to look at the new MacBooks. The man who helped us out seemed well-informed about the products, so while Megan was cruising around the store, I asked him how the iPad compared to a notebook for writing. Ever since the iPad came out, I’ve thought about how light is is compared to my notebook and if it could be a substitute for my notebook while traveling. In the course of the conversation, I explained why I was interested in an iPad. He asked what kinds of books I wrote, so I mentioned the synchronicity book.

“What’s synchronicity?” he asked.
“Meaningful coincidence.”
His eyes widened. “Oh, my life is filled with those. You want to hear a couple?”
“You bet. I’ll post them on our blog, would that be okay with you?”
“Sure.” And he proceeded to share his synchros.

On a September 1 years ago, his mother, who had cancer, slipped into a coma. He flew to New York to be with her and stayed with his brother and sisters near her bed for about a week. Her doctors didn’t have any idea whether she would regain consciousness or simply pass on and he had to return to work. He and his siblings believed their mother would die on September 19, the day of her anniversary. “And at six AM on September 19, I got a call that mom had just passed away. What are the odds?”

“Skip ahead a few years,” he went on. “My dad had slipped into a coma and wasn’t expected to live. It was February 1. My brother and sisters and I believed he would die on February 14, on our mother’s birthday.”

“And he did?”

He nodded. “But that’s not all. I don’t mean to be depressing here, but in 1975, I had an infant son who died suddenly of crib death. On the day my mother died, September 19, it would have been my son’s twenty-first birthday.”

Odds. Wow. And what are the odds of hearing stories like this at an Apple store?

This entry was posted in apple store, deaths, local travel, parents. Bookmark the permalink.

14 Responses to Synchro at the Apple Store

  1. Barbara Martin says:

    Life is not as random as we humans seem to think it is.

  2. Cole says:

    Hi guys! Maybe you both are just putting that energy vibe out there for these events and encounters to happen, you're open to it, so it finds you, wherever you are. Fun story.

    So I dropped off my kids today at their aunt's house to catch a little breather for myself and I headed out to do some shopping. Being a little unfamiliar with the area I drove around heading toward the direction of the nearest mall. I ended up seeing a Barnes and Noble on the way and pulled over to see what I could find and take refuge from this terrible Midwest heat. Inside I walked around for an hour, looking everything over and trying to recall the books that have been recommended to me.

    After picking through the New Age section and about to leave I walked through the aisle and stop at the last minute and looked over. There was your book right on the top shelf smiling at me. 🙂 So I bought it and an ice tea and went back out to my car. I turned the car on and sat there for a minute and opened up your book and looked at the back flap.

    Rob you wrote Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade? And Trish, Ms. Award winning writer. Here I thought you two were just a cute couple from Florida that dug yoga and wrote a book. I checked the time to get going back to my sister-in-law's house, yep 2:22 pm.

    Looking forward to reading your book tonight! Have a good evening!

  3. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    There are often stories to be heard but most of us are too interested in what we want to say next, rather than listening and observing. We must miss so much.

    Great stories, love the number / date connections.

  4. Natalie says:

    Very cool. 🙂

    We have similar things happen in our family too with births and deaths.

  5. Nancy says:

    No kidding! What are the odds?
    Cool Apple store!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Gypay, am waiting with bated breath to hear about Grandfather and numbers!
    cuz in MU Durn! Another funny WV:"refam"

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie – those WVs are a riot!
    Maggie – I'm going to hang out in your garden!
    Gypsy – do tell us about these # connections!

  8. Anonymous says:

    Sorry for the repeat, guys. Don't have any idea how that happened. But am still giggling over that second WV: "munlets". It brings to mind little gremlin-type entities who are running all over the place. Crazy. Funny. (Seeing it in my head!) cj in MU

  9. Anonymous says:

    I think it's such a gift, Trish and Rob, that folks love talking with you two! You learn so much, and so do they! Mention the word 'synchronicity', and people just seem to jabber away about synchronicities that have happened in their lives, and they are often puzzled by them. Such great fodder for your next book, eh? It's just amazing how many no longer accept the concepts of accidents and coincidence. What a good story from your encounter in the store, and unexpected! cj in MU Look at this odd WV: "trial"
    Can't help but wonder…..????? OK. Had to come back and re-do another WV. It's another doozie:
    "munlets". That onje makes me giggle….don't know why!

  10. Anonymous says:

    I think it's such a gift, Trish and Rob, that folks love talking with you two! You learn so much, and so do they! Mention the word 'synchronicity', and people just seem to jabber away about synchronicities that have happened in their lives, and they are often puzzled by them. Such great fodder for your next book, eh? It's just amazing how many no longer accept the concepts of accidents and coincidence. What a good story from your encounter in the store, and unexpected! cj in MU Look at this odd WV: "trial"
    Can't help but wonder…..?????

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    wonderful "apple" story!! it's wonderful to run into someone like that and hear their own stories – and have that great sense of connection so that each opens up themselves to the other –

    and cj – great story – can't remember if i ever told you about my paternal grandfather's death and the string of dates associated with it? anyway – i love number connections too!

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Having a good summer here, maggie. But it's hot! No hurricanes, though, so that's great.

    Connie – figured you would like this one. The gentleman was just so open about it all.

  13. Anonymous says:

    I don't think there is anything more synchronistic in our lives than numbers, including timelines. My Dad died when he was 42 years old. He had had brain surgery on 10-9-1958=42.He died on the 24th day of the month (42 in reverse). He died in 1959, which = 24 (again, 42 in reverse). My older sister, his first child, was born when he was 24. He was a cattlebuyer for the same company for 24 years, from the time he was 18. He died from a malignant tumor. Tumor is 24. His Masonic burial occurred at 4:20 in the afternoon….on the dot, as required in Masonic Ritual. MY mother's maiden name number was a 42. It just goes on and on. I did comparisons on numbers connecting him and my Mom, and while I won't go into those here due to length, suffice it to say that the number 21 was the operative frequency throughout their marriage, in virtually all ways. One thing about them I will mention: they both died on a Sunday, which is 21and when I noticed that, I began to do the study of the frequency between them, which did indeed turn out to be constant 21s. (One other remark, she died in 1980, 21 years after he had died, and he became ill during the 21st year of their marriage, passing away nine days after their 22nd anniversary.) The number synchronicities are just endless and uncanny. Numbers apparently are universal synchronicities. cj in MU

  14. maggie's garden says:

    I think it would be so fun just to hang out with the two of you….you get to bump into such interesting people that seem so open to you both. You must have wonderful energy auras.
    Hope you're enjoying your summer.

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