UFO in China Closes Airport

On July 7, a UFO over China shut down Hangzhou airport and 18 flights were diverted. Normal operations resumed an hour later, but no explanation was offered. People living near the airport snapped photos, like the one depicted above.

On July 15, in Chongqing in eastern China, a second UFO had residents on edge. Witnesses told the Shanghai Daily that “four lantern-like objects forming a diamond shape that hovered over the city’s Shaping Park for over an hour.”

The video below is impressive.


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16 Responses to UFO in China Closes Airport

  1. Anonymous says:

    Natalie, when I saw your WV, "kinest", the thing that immediately popped into my mind was "kinetic", as in kinetic energy. That certainly seems to be yet another synchronictic WV….many of which are certainly coming up on the blog! Oops…here's mine, and its a giggly one: WV "squet"

  2. Natalie says:

    :O Such a lot going on isn't there?

    wv = kinest

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, and cj, thank you SO much for your thoughts on the numbers – and while i am contemplating some major changes involving one-way travel, i don't feel my 5 experience the other night to be personally oriented – i mean i was concerned about "something happening" during that time – it was a safety issue i felt – and continue to feel – thanks again so much for your wisdom and time and energy, cousin!

  4. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    OMGosh!!! we launched a missile over china????? and what's this about a higher layer of the atmosphere shrinking? saw a blurp earlier this morning on one of those little news banners at the bottom of the screen but only caught those few words so i'll be checking that out – so, we have the interior of the planet on standby for a major explosion and from above we have our planet's atmosphere shrinking! that's not a very pretty picture to contemplate!

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    The US would be crazy to take on china in this way. But nothing surprises me anymore.

  6. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I see that the Chinese are saying this (in the video) is an American missile.

    Quote: 'Song Huagang, the secretary general of Xinjiang Astronomy Society, the object is impossible to be a UFO. In fact, the United State launched an intercontinental missile on June 30. People can observe the intercontinental missile with their naked eyes in some part of Xinjiang.'

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I don't feel good about his cap. Too much mounting pressure.

  8. Anonymous says:

    Well, Gyps, 5 is a curious and fascinating frequency. Recently I found myself immersed in 5s, too, and decided to do some investigative studies using recent relevant dates, names, incidents, etc., and see if any of them resonated intuitively. In general, 5 is the frequency of motion, travel, activity and many changes occurring rapidly. Flip side of the coin, I remembered that 9-11-2001 is a 5, so decided to go in that somewhat negative direction to see what may lie in the immediate future in terms of potential disasters, etc, considering what is going on in Iran, in the Gulf, with the quakes, heat waves, floods, basically all over the planet. I've learned that 5 is a highly POTENT frequency, whether it appears on its positive or negative pole. Right now, earth is transiting a universal 3 frequency, (2010), and we're experienceing many 11s as we go along. Togther, the 11 and the universal 3 create that 5. OIL SPILL is 14/5. I found 5s virtually everywhere. So, in answer to your question, I expect your SuperConsciousness is tapping into the frequency and connecting you to what is happening, either as it occurs or just before. I hate to mention this, but "bomb" resonates to 14/5, and DISASTER resonates to 32/5. We must think positive, though. I wish I psychically felt better about this GOM business. It just 'feels' like a catastrophe waiting to happen.
    cj "cuz" in MU WV: "burbull" bubble? as in methane gas? NO!!!

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    well, that would make more than one of us on this thing – last night when i kept being awakened every hour or so with the double 5's thing going on, the first thing i thought was the cap – i really do not have good feelings about it notwithstanding i do try to envision it working well and thinking positively – michio kaku was on the media again yesterday/today talking about the dangers of the pressure build up – and cj am wondering of your take on the double 5's i wrote you about? oh, and the good guys over china? geeeee, i don't even want to try to fathom them being anything else [but friendly] – but an amazing video –

    wv=amicu – amicus curiae literally in latin legalese means friend of the court – ok, so that answers the friendly vs. not friendly question, boys and girls – they're friendly!

  10. Anonymous says:

    I suggest we all get together and head out to Mystical Underground! 🙂 These WVs are really sychronistic today, for some odd reason: This one is "depin"
    as in Deep End, or maybe DEPEND ?
    I feel Deep End. Strange, though, these all day WVs. It's as if the Universe is talking to us, maybe.
    Crazy stuff. cj in MU

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    My first thought when I heard about the DC quake was that it was related to the capping of the rig.

  12. Anonymous says:

    OK Lads and Laddies: Just in case no one noticed, D.C. had a mag 3.6 quake this morning, the largest quake in that area in recorded history, according to USGS. Lots of DC bigwheels have departed. Prez and family are on yet another "vacation", this time to MAINE. Article on http://www.urbansurvival.com notes the possibility that the build-up of pressure at its source five miles beneath the now-capped gusher being suppressed by the capping of the oil well is spreading far and wide, along fissures, and causing these quakes, which will become more and more widespread and more and more intense. I think if we RE$ALLY want to be in a safe place soon, we should follow the politicians and go where they go. Yep. I'm being a doom and gloom prophet. The China UFOs? Surely do hope they're the Good Guys and can do something to help! Whoa! Check out THIS WV: "realtele"
    real tell or reality? cj

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think so, Nancy. Strieber has something up o0n it. So does Huffington Post, which is where I originally saw the video.
    Yeah, Jen, my feelings exactly.
    Connie – eerie wv

  14. Jeninacide says:

    That is SUPER impressive. Wow.

  15. Anonymous says:

    Carey phoned me late last night and asked me to come to the computer and pull these photos and stories up. I have some very powerful feelings about this. Nothing that can be said at the moment.
    cj oh crap. Look at the WV:

  16. Nancy says:

    I heard about the UFO on July 7th from Marcus's blog – but this one is also interesting. Is this what was hanging over Shaping Park?

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