About the 3:33 in the July 11 Eclipse

                                M.C. Escher’s Three Worlds

On July 11, we put up a post about the solar eclipse in Cancer that occurred at 3:33 EDT. Solar eclipses trigger external events, which was certainly the case for Connie Cannon. But her experiences also address the cluster of 3s in the time of the eclipse and resulted in some layered synchronicities.
Ted and I went to Jacksonville yesterday in the Durango to browse around.  On the way there, the pump in our SUV air conditioning more or less “exploded”, sending billowing smoke out from under the hood.  The trip was awful, as the real temp outside was over 100 degrees and the heat index was 108, so the inside of the car, even with the windows down, was unbearable.

Chris and Susan and the girls also went on a short road trip yesterday.  Their car, a sporty Chevy, blew its conditioning pump.

I was still wearing the cardiac artifical intelligence device.  At 3:30 EDT, (I always immediately look at a clock when this occurs because 1- I need to time the event to know how long it lasts, and 2- I’m going to instantly take medication  and need to know what time I took it), my heart went crazy,  blood pressure sky-rocketed, and heart-rate was trying to do the jive dance.  This continued off and on for the remainder of the day.

Got home.  Carey called.  He had a blow-out on a brand new tire while he was doing 70 miles an hour on U.S.1 (that was the speed limit there.)  He was OK because his truck has automatic stabilizing feature.  After buying a new tire and being on his way home, he was speeding and got a speeding ticket.  The time and date on the speeding ticket was 3:30 pm EDT, 7-11-2010.  Now here’s the kicker:  He was driving through a “road construction” area, but on Sunday there were no workers present.  The speed limit there, however, was posted at 35mph.  Carey was clocked at driving 33 miles over the speed limit…..68mph….and fined accordingly!

I was in a deep sleep last night, dreaming; was suddenly brought out of sleep with a hard cardiac arrhythmia.  My eyes hit the bedside digital clock.  It was 3:30 am EDT, 7-12-2010.  I of course took the medicine and recorded the event on the monitor, even though it registers everything on its own.  The arrhythmia lasted
EXACTLY 3 hours and 30 minutes, then spontaneously converted to normal rhythm at 7:00am.  I was wide awake throughout.  Can’t sleep when your heart is doing that kind of wild dance.
 So it looks as if the series of synchros consistently addressed 3s. The odds? Considerable.

This entry was posted in 3s, clusters, solar eclipse. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to About the 3:33 in the July 11 Eclipse

  1. Natalie says:

    What a thing to happen!

    wv = comet ery

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, no, absolutely not – get tired of the mathematical universe info – i soak it up like a sponge – love it –

    get this wv=ovirels = solver I

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Love these 3s and the 5s, Connie. So interesting, this numerical stuff.

  4. Anonymous says:

    Hi Gyps, I got the message and you are right. Those number 5 synchros are stunning! (I sent you a response.) I know folks get weary of hearing it from me, but we live in a mathematical universe in which all its frequencies are connected and measured by numbers. Can't escape it. Nevertheless, it does continue to astonish! cj in MU WV: disced

  5. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Definitely considerable odds! Fascinating story.

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, gee, cousin cj – what a terrific eclipse/3 story!!! and the connection with transportation/mechanical things fascinating! my most constant connection with 3's is awakening at 3:33 am for no apparent reason at all – anyway, i had a string of 5's going on last night and sent you all a note about the weird stuff –

    great story!

    wv = telessew

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