Wacky, quacky tale

A lighter synchro today:

We’ve reported on the troubled tales of Robin Hood, the thief, Johnny B. Goode, who couldn’t be good, Jim Beam for public intoxication. Now we have a belligerent Donald Duck thumping a car in line in front of him. Thanks Jim Banholzer for the heads up on this one.

Police in Massillon, Ohio, arrested a drunk driving suspect who shares his name with Disney’s most famous waterfowl. Law enforcement officials say 51-year-old Donald Norman Duck was intoxicated when he pulled into a drive-through pizzeria around 5:25 p.m. Saturday and repeatedly bumped the car ahead of him. Click his name for the full tale.


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8 Responses to Wacky, quacky tale

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, i saw the media coverage of the dolphin – in japan i think – with the second try, he did get all the way out, bless his heart! i thought the same thing, too – it being an indicator of the state of things – and then this morning alejandro came in all excited saying that he had found his "lost toy" and he was holding it in his hand, singing a lullabye to it – "it" was a dolphin!

    just a ducky post, you two!!!


  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think I would've changed my name as soon as I knew who Donald Duck is!

    Hadn't heard about dolphin jumping out of tank. Will look for it.

  3. lakeviewer says:

    Oh so funny! How appropriate during these hot times for a duck-named-man to go a-water and quacking at cars. Yeah, funny, and sad too.

  4. Nancy says:

    That was a cruel thing that man's parents did in naming him Donald Duck! LOL!

  5. Anonymous says:

    Did you guys see the vdeo from yesterday's news of the dolphin jumping completely out of its tank at a japanese water park?? There was no dialogue, but it is a AP news video. I'm trying to find the story. The poor creature made a couple of attempts to clear the tank before finally making it, and many personnel immediately begant to surround it with the cool watewr bags, etc, but I've heard nothing more. Anyone have any news about the outcome? He (or she) wasn't trying to hurt anyone. It just wanted out of the water. An omen of things to come, I cant; help but wonder? Even in its relatively small tank, it would feel vibrations from a quake. Or maybe it was sick? News? cj

  6. whalechaser says:

    Well Gee…makes you wonder if somewhere way, way back if he had only changed his name, things might have been different.

  7. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Dear, oh dear and it's not Donalds's first offence either, whatever next …

  8. Anonymous says:

    Love it love it love it! Thanks, Guys, for sharing this tidbit of giggles! I clicked over and read the whole DD story. Shouldn't feel sorry for the irascible Mr. Duck, but who can help it? Poor fellow, having to live with such a name. No wonder he inbibes a little snort or two and smokes dope. His Mama must have been on something herself when she named him! Wonderful and light-hearted post! Thanks once more for the smile! cj

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