Spirit Contact

I’m not sure why this image fits this post. Maybe it’s because Dali always impressed me as an artist who lived with one foot in either world – that of tangible reality and that of spirit. At any rate, this synchro is about spirit contact. We’ve posted several synchros like this one  – here and here and here.  I know there are others, but these are the ones that come immediately to mind.

Spirit contact is one of those areas that straddles categories. It can be synchronistic – but it can also be just, well, strange and vague. Michael Crichton, writing in Travels, talks about what he felt when he first viewed his dead father at the funeral home.  “Immediately, as I walked into the room, I had the crazy and unexpected thought, He’s here. He’s still alive. I tried to figure out why I had thought he was still here. I checked again. Yes, I felt it. He’s here. He’s hanging around this room. He’s confused. 

There are apparently many types of spirit contact. Butternutsquash dreamed  of dead Tibetan monks. Trish dreamed of her mother’s death several weeks before she passed on. Rob’s mother saw his father’s initials on a frosted window several weeks after he had died.  These things happen. Science dismisses them because they are anecdotal. But these events for the people who experience them are immediate, personal, powerful,.
Sylvia Rastelli’s son had such an experience with her recently deceased father. 
 In 2005 my father passed away, each time I see a crow, (it is him)  that is another story.  My husband and son went to the cottage, it was late September.  My father passed away August 15h.  At the cottage near bedtime, my husband was reading and my son was lying in bed.  On the second floor, they heard significant mumbling, it was quite loud because everything is so quiet at the lake.  My husband does not fear these experiences, although it was the first time it happened to him. He went upstairs to check and looked around.  He acted calmly, he did not want to scare my son.  He was not scared, he went to bed, the mumbling continued and what really impressed him (he knew it was my dad paying a visit, also my uncle Lester had passed away two weeks earlier from a stroke driving his car.)  Laz closed his eyes and  (silently) told the mumbling spirits “stop it your scaring the boy”.  The mumbling stopped immediately! That is what impressed him the most.  My uncle lived out west but loved our cottage and our family.  My dad built our cottage from the ground up, it is his legacy, he was very attached to his family. Laz just knew in his heart that they were communicating with their loved ones.”

We asked Sylvia what her dead  father actually said. She replied:

To answer your question, it was strictly mumbling(a humming sound,  like a conversation,but no words).

I have an interesting footnote to this story.  My son Dominic started junior high during that time.  The school counselor came to his class, because he had written that he did not enjoy school.  He went to her office,  they had a nice conversation and he shared with her(the counselor) what happened at the cottage.

What was incredible is that she had the same experience during the summer.  Her parent passed away, she was in Japan packing her parent’s belongings and on the upper floor she heard dishes clinging, it was very mysterious.  This was a wonderful synchronicity, this meeting with her was meant to happen, they both had something important to share.  It was special for a child to talk about this with a warm and intelligent person.  When you are chosen to experience this, it is a special event.  Their loved ones were communicating with them.

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17 Responses to Spirit Contact

  1. Shadow says:

    what a beautiful story. and you're right, it IS a special event. and i think more people could have them too if only they'd open their minds to the possibility thereof….

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Any part 3 yet on your story, Nat??

  3. Anonymous says:

    Completely off topic, but just got home from store and turned on computer, to see the news on my home page. Cap is leaking oil and gas now. But gov't says leave cap on. Wonder if the folks on the east coast of FL should get our scuba gear and water-wings out and ready? Not trying to be funny. This seems to be a catastrophe of gigantic proportions just building and building. cj hmmm WV:

  4. Natalie says:

    Wonderful stories all! Just my cup of tea. 🙂

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, and cj, thanks so much for the tum phooey wv!!! you're right – but better now!!! 😉

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, thanks so much for putting such a "light" on things for me, cousin! i certainly like to believe that and since none of it was ever disturbing to me, i've always carried it with a sense of wonderment – and the tenant who died in my little cottage – he's the one i mentioned who had left behind the "spider" plant that was literally dead and that i salvaged and which continues now, nearly 6 years later, continues to flourish n my window – odd you mention that about your own degree of discomfort with your MIL's house – there wasn't anything negative associated with the little man in the basement at all, but, in general, with the house itself – at least that's how i always felt when i was there – thanks again for the insightful words –

    great sansego story too –

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – fascinating story.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie – got an error message for your post, so will try to publish again in a few minutes.

  9. Anonymous says:

    Maybe, dear cousin of mine, it wasn't your aura. maybe it was your sweet HEALING LIGHT that drew them to you and you to them and brought you opportunities to assist them to move on! I've found this to be the case often. But when the energy of a spirit is uncomfortable, that's difficult to do. All we want to do is get away. I don't go into my deceased mother-in-law's old house where she still resides, except to hug my BIL hello, then I go back outside and sit on the porch because I clearly see and feel her, and her energy ins't compatible with mine. So even if it's 5 degrees outside, I wrap up and sit in the rocker on the porch, which is preferable to my to being in her space. I defnitely know how those spook experiences made you feel! cj in MU Hey Cuz, check out this WV:
    "tumfui" (Tum phooey) Seems to be applicable to you these last couple of weeks, huh! 🙂 hee hee

  10. Sansego says:

    What a timely post! Last night on Coast to Coast, they talked about proof that we have a soul that survives death, and how closed-minded the scientific community is to any information regarding the paranormal. I admit that it is frustrating talking to a skeptic / intellectual / atheist who deny even coincidences and synchronicities, always attributing them to chance (along the lines of a hundred monkeys typing on a typewriter will eventually write a Shakespeare play!).

    My mom had an interesting experience involving her mother, whom she had not seen since 1975 on the family's last trip to Thailand. In 1990, she had a dream where she saw her mother in a fancy gown in a palace-type of structure, which she found odd, because her mother was a poor and simple woman who lived in a village in northeastern Thailand, near the Mekong River.

    After she had the dream, she contacted her half-brother in Thailand, asking if her mother had passed on. She learned that their mother did indeed die, and the date. Her relatives in Thailand were too afraid to tell my mother the news…but I guess her mother told her in spirit.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, yes, for sure, cj! and i never felt uncomfortable at all with the little man in the basement – in the beginning a bit curious as i really thought my SIL had stayed home and was working in the basement –

    i think one of the most interesting parts of this whole thing during this period of time, the little man in the basement makes himself known, both new owners kill themselves and the cottage i move into had just been vacated by a man who died in his bed there – not really sure what that says about my aura right then!

  12. Anonymous says:

    All these stories are just so incredibly supportive of the fact of on-going life beyond the physical body! Gypsy, we do know that sometimes those on-going lives aren't happy ones and the deceased needs encouragement to move on, which they doin't always do. Ted's mother, my MIL, lived in good health to be 100, and was still plowing her own garden at age 99! But when she died, (her old heart simply decided it had beat for a century and was tired), her Spirit didn't leave and move into the Light. She stayed in the now-110 year-old homestaed on the side of the mountain, "living" with the older son who resides in the house. She says when he "goes", she'll go with him. So, when we go up there, my medium son and I always see her sitting on the sofa where she used to sit, or standing in the doorway to her bedroom, and in the house she stays. A world of persuasion didn't get her to go on. She's waiting for the son who shared her home for some 35 years, to die, then we're hoping both of them will go where they need to be. Meanwhile, she moves things around and admits knowing she's "dead", but refuses to leave. Since she never hurts anyone or anything, and is stubbornly hanging around, we just pray that when Buddy goes, she'll go as well. Her energy is so strong that many folks who aren't sensitive can feel and smell and see images of her on occasion. Weird situation! cj

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, these are terrific stories. Smells do seem to be more common than we might think. When we toured the Biltmore in Asheville, I kept smelling pipe tobacco. I finally asked one of the guides if the hotel was haunted. He looked sort of amused, then said well maybe. Some of the guides/guards had reported smelling pipe tobacco at odds times of the day and night.

  14. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Great post and comments. Re cj's comment about 'smell'. I had this with my dad after he died.

    Dad used to smoke Golden Virginia tobacco and roll his own cigarettes from this. He was the only person who has ever been 'allowed' to smoke in our house.

    After he passed on, when I was on my own in the living room, the smell of his tobacco became overwhelming. I remember saying to my wife, 'Dad's just been to visit us.'

  15. Nancy says:

    When my daughter was a teenager she had a traumatic event with the death of a young boy and fellow student. This young man had called my daughter earlier in the day, many times, but they didn't talk. He was killed in a car accident on his way home from baseball practice. For weeks afterward she would scream out that someone was in her room. (She still has sleep issues that date from this time.) One day I was sitting downstairs and I heard her mirrored closet door open and slam shut. (This after weeks of slamming doors, doors opening when they were latched shut, etc.) I was the only one in the house. I went upstairs and firmly told this young man to leave and go to the light as he was scaring my daughter and making her sad. It stopped. Just like that. I think he was confused and needed closure with her. There is much to that story, but there is no doubt that in most cases they will stop if they think they are doing harm.

  16. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what beautiful stories of spirit contact – the particular beauty is of the child and "counselor" sharing their own personal experiences – being brought together to do just that – although not of a loved one, this post reminds me of experiences i had in the 100 year old farm house that my daughter and her husband bought about 8 years ago and lived in for about 4 years before buying a new modern home – in any event, they moved in the day of the birth of their little girl in the midst of a major blizzard – the house had a main floor, a second floor and a finished attic, as well as a basement which was what one might call partially finished – it had always been used as a kind of workshop thing – the house itself had been moved about 10 miles inland from where it had been built on the shore – a vent system had been installed at some point, for heating [through which sound traveled easily] – during the first few weeks there was constant activity and noise with moving in, etc – but then, that was done and i would be home with baby during the day and everything was quiet – almost immediately, i began to hear noises from the basement – not just noises, but talking and coughing – i remember calling my daughter at one point and asking if her husband had stayed home and was in the basement and i might now have seen him yet – i mean, there were the sounds of a man "talking" and "coughing" – not to be mistaken for anything else – there was also a "feeling" of extreme sadness in that house, even after it was totally renovated and the yard landscaped beautifully – [later learned that the owner who had built it had died in it] – when my daughter put the house on the market, the very first couple to look at it bought it on the spot – they were an odd couple – my daughter and her husband remarked about it many times, how there was something about this couple that they had only just met – the bottom line is that within a year of buying the house, the man committed suicide by hanging in it and within a short time of that the woman also killed herself – the house sits empty now, delapidated after several years of being empty – i've driven by a few times but there is such an ominous feeling even from the road that i cannot bear it – the other weird thing is that when i moved into my place from there, i moved into a cottage on the beach – however, i did not know when i signed the lease that the former tenant had died in his bed there just the month before –

  17. Anonymous says:

    What a wonderful, poignant story! As a born medium, of course my experiences with folks on The Other Side are endless. But I'd like to share an experience that transformed my husband from being somewhat skeptical, (although not entirely) into a true believer. Ted owned a dental lab for more than forty years. For twentyfive of those years, here in FL, he was in partnership with a dentist who was absolutely a soulmate of many shared past lifetimes They even looked enough so much alike that people thought they were father and son. Making a long story as short as possible, Doc passed away from prostate cancer. During his many many decades of being a dentist, he had acquired and absorbed an odor that was specific to him; that couldn't be washed away. It was a combination of several medicinal smells and was unmistakeably Doc's smell. After Doc's death, Ted retired the lab and went back to his childhood work of renovation. He came home one day and told me he had been in his truck at HomeDepot, and Doc's "smell" had saturated the truck! He said he could actually "feel" Doc in the vehicle with him and swore he heard Doc' great, happy chuckle. I was thrilled, of course. It continued to happen on occasion, and Ted finally told Doc's widow, with whom we remain very close, that Doc comes to visit him from time to time. So SHE confided that almost every morning at 4:40am, which was his time of death, Doc appears to HER in their bedroom! The rest of the story: Ted had a terrible toothache; it was abcessing. Pain was awful. I suggested, ""Call Doc in and asked for his help". He said he felt silly doing that, but did it anyway. Within about 90 seconds, the living room filled with Doc's odor; we both smelled it; both "felt" Doc; I could "see" Doc, and instantly, Ted's tooth stopped hurting and his mouth, he said, tasted like cloves! Doc had actually "treated" Ted's toothache with a common pain reliever! A true story, and one that made an absolute believer of Ted, who continues to have visits from Doc. My husband no longer doubts, and this is such a blessing! And Doc, THANK YOU!!! from your 'adopted' daughter, cj Oh golly look at this WV: "sesseses" as in abcesses! How cool is that! Doc must be manipulating the blog a bit!

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