Another 7 Secrets Synchro

We’ve heard from several readers about the synchronicities they experience connected with our book. This one came from Ray Getzinger, who posts frequently here. We used a couple of his synchronicities in the book. Ray has traveled extensively and always has great insights on everything from politics to, well,


I just finished Part One of The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. Synchros are coming left and right as I read.  As I get to Premonitions and Precognition I began to think about how I met my wife only to see my story on the next page. Then when you were on the chapter on clusters I see my name again. On the next page you wrote
about multiples of 8. I started thinking about that. I was born 1/7/44 = 88. That was yesterday. I have been thinking about it since with different combinations. My wife was born 4/18/43. By using 1944 I get 10+8=18 the day of the month she was born. By adding 4+3=7 I get the day of the month I was born.

When I was reading about the Trickster I saw a white pickup truck with the word COYOTE written on the side of the bed. I did a search on my phone and found several links at least two of that said White Coyote.

When I read about 911 and the story of Vicki DeLaurentis I was reminded of the following picture done in the 1990s, The Towers by Boris Vallejo:

The first time I saw this picture a few years after 9/11/01 it was shocking to look at. 

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5 Responses to Another 7 Secrets Synchro

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    So teapot, you're where I first heard about Boris?!

  2. Natalie says:

    Looks like Ray is in the flow alright. 🙂

  3. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    more numbers stories – love them! and that image!!! geeeee!!!

    wv=geoutanc = geo u tank it? or
    get out?

  4. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Look forward to reading your book. The hardback is now available on Amazon UK (but presently out of stock). No date as yet for the paperback version.

    Interesting synchros.

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