Double Rainbow!!!!

Gabe Carlson of Minneapolis sent us this YouTube video that has gone viral with millions of hits, and even two songs made from it. See below.

Says Gabe: People make fun of the guy for freaking out like that, but I think he was gobsmacked by synchronicity – if you look into his older videos you’ll see he’s got several videos of rainbows – he goes and finds them in waterfalls and tapes them, brings guests from out of the country to walk through them and see them, etc … then one day he saw that monster double rainbow right outside his front door and it floored him!

(PS – enjoy the songs he has inspired too!)

Imagine if this guy saw a UFO!

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13 Responses to Double Rainbow!!!!

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Ex – don't know how we missed your cool story. Looks like the double bow was your sign about how things would turn out for your daughter!

  2. Ex Pluribus Unum says:

    Just stumbled across (and bookmarked) your blog… was struck by the double 'bow. I had been doing a great deal of research into sports and performance psychology (which is indirectly related to mystic events)and sharing the best of it with my daughter, a premiere fast-pitch softball catcher and slugger. On the day we both left (her from Maine by planbe, me from Mass. by car) to travel to two weeks of spring training, I left work early and when I went out the door, full of anticipation about her senior year performance, there was this giant full double rainbow. I will forever remember it. Her senior year performance got a huge boost in the Florida games and is legendary; she ended up league MVP and ranked in the top 25 nationally in five categories, including #2 slugger. Not bad for a 5'7" kid from a place where they have to shovel off the filed to play.

  3. Adele Aldridge says:

    I can imagine that seeing this double rainbow "in person" was way more fantastic than what could be recorded. I started laughing and laughing at his orgasmic sharing experience – not making fun laughing, just made me laugh. He was as enjoyable as the rainbow. And I liked his song.

  4. whalechaser says:

    Two years ago after a late afternoon thunderstorm, I looked outside and found the same thing. I went berserk! I know what he felt. It is truly amazing. I see them every year now, they are still awe inspiring, but not like the very first time! WOW.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Great story, Gwendolyn. And what a comforting synchro!

  6. Gwendolyn H. Barry says:

    old friends I haven't seen since before mom crossed over stopped in and we laughed and cried over all the good old days etc…
    They were sorry to have missed mom, having been in South Mexico while she was leaving. Deb (the friend) said one night in '88 she remembered dreaming of mom… a vivid dream and the when she woke she went out to beach to shower and found a double rainbow stretching across the land behind her …. she wondered whatever could mean?

    The day mom crossed, as she was leaving a vivid double rainbow appeared over south FL outside of her vast picture window in the hospital…my friend say a double rainbow in s. Mx on the same day…

    my friends left a while ago … they are returning to Hawaii … and I'm staying here in south FL to love the seas and do what I can and read my emails and find your emailed blog… and thought you should know about
    with your post of double rainbows… I wonder what else will come along…?

    thanks guys…. grounded me.

  7. Nancy says:

    He was exactly the right person to see it! LOL! Wow, what an amazing sight.

  8. Anonymous says:

    I triple-quadruple all of Gypsy's OMGs!!!! What a rare sight….and I can't help but wonder how many little leprechauns were gathered around the pots of gold at each end of the rainbows! I've seen simultaneous rainbows…one over the sea's horizon and one over the intracoastal waterway, like mirror images of each other, but never, ever have I seen two together like this! Such gorgeous colors! (Chakras!) Beautiful bounty from the heavens! cj Oh geez…take a look at this WV: "legmolog" (:<O

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good one, Mike!

  10. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    OMG! He's obviously not an athiest. Reminds me of that old joke about the biggest problem for an athiest – they have no one to talk to during those 'special moments'.

  11. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Did he vent? Snicker. Yeah, I think so!

  12. Cole says:

    Oh that is too funny, I thought Jeanine was just really excited as well with the OMGods!!!! Then I watched the video. Very cool, but yes, I think he did need a moment to himself as well, it clearly was very meaningful to him, rightly so. How many double rainbows do you have outside your front door.

    Fun post, thanks.

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    is EXACTLY what i would do should i happen upon a double rainbow!!! and one as incredibly beautiful as this! OMG! magnificent!

    and WHAT a video this guy did – although i confess that there were several times i thought he needed a moment of privacy! 🙂

    fabulous post, macgregors! fabulous!

    wv=dervent – did he vent??? OMG!!!

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