What Happened to Michael

                  Picasso’s The Face of Peace

      Judi Hertling is probably a mystic, but doesn’t know it yet. She has experienced some amazing synchros, one of which we used in our book. She sent us this new one and it’s amazing.

      For several weeks, Judi Hertling of British Colombia, had been dreaming of her ex-husband, Michael, whom she hadn’t seen since they had divorced in the 1980s. She had been happily married to her present husband for twenty years, so these dreams about her ex puzzled her. She wondered what had happened to him. She searched the Internet for clues, Googling his name, going through online phone books in Edmonton, where they had lived during their marriage. She couldn’t find any trace of him, so she asked the universe to send her an answer about how he was.

     On a flight to Calgary to visit a friend, Judi happened to sit next to an elderly woman. They struck up a conversation, “relaxing into easy stories and anecdotes about city life and family.”  Judi found herself telling the elderly woman, Marg, about her husband who worked overseas, their life together, and how she too had once lived in Edmonton.

Not one to talk about her previous bad marriage especially to strangers, Judi surprised herself by telling Marg that she had gotten married the first time around in that city, but that it hadn’t worked out. She explained that although it had been a very painful time in her life, she realized it had been a great lesson in forgiveness and compassion. Her only regret had been the loss of her former in-laws with whom she had had a wonderful close relationship.
She told Marg about the softball games that her former father-in-law took her to during the summer, his love of model-trains, and the on-going crib tournaments that she loved playing with him. She spoke of her ex-mother in law’s  wonderful cooking and baking and her kind, gentle ways. Marg, listening intently, finally asked, “What was your husband’s name?”
“Michael. Michael Hart.”
 “I can’t believe this,” Marg exclaimed.  “I’m Margaret Hart. Michael’s aunt. He passed away several years ago.”

      Now that Judi knew what had happened to Michael, she never dreamed of him again. The universe had sent her the answer she requested.

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11 Responses to What Happened to Michael

  1. Clarity says:

    Wow, great story – thanks for sharing. The Universe certainly delivers when you ask but what I find most difficult is to step aside and trust that it will work, especially when I'm emotionally attached to the outcome. Apparently, Judy really knows how to do this – that is awesome! 🙂

  2. Jeninacide says:

    That is amazing! Loved this one!

  3. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Super example.

  4. Natalie says:

    Beautiful story.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Her other one was powerful, too. She's another synchro generator – like you, Gypsy!

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    incredible story! the voices of our dreams and our relationship with the universe! loved this story and went back and read her previous one which i somehow seem to have managed to miss the first time around – thanks for linking!

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Judi seems to have sweeping synchros like this!

  8. Peggy Gero DaValt says:

    Awesome synchronicity. She had asked the universe to provide an answer that came in the dream form and the connection with Michael's aunt.

    Very cool and amazing!!

  9. Peggy Gero DaValt says:

    Wow…that's amazing. I believe if you ask the universe for answers, and if you pay attention, it will answer you back as in this case.

    Very amazing!!

  10. Nancy says:

    Wow, that was really amazing. Another nod to how the Universe answers our desires.

  11. Vicki D. says:

    Whoa that is spooky!

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