Clusters from space

In 7 Secrets, we devote an entire chapter to clusters – numbers, names, words, objects, symbols. We recently wrote about clusters involving figs, which was pretty unusual. But now comes something even more bizarre – clusters of meteorites repeatedly striking the same house. Here’s the story.
Radivoje Lajic of Bosnia says his house has been pelted by meteorites on six occasions. The first meteorite struck his house in November 2007 with the latest one pounding his roof in June. “The chances of being hit by a meteorite is so small that getting hit six times has to be deliberate. If you rule out the possible, then the impossible must be true,” he told a reporter for the Telegraph of the U.K.

The culprits, according to Lajic: Space aliens. “I am obviously being targeted by extraterrestrials. I don’t know what I have done to annoy them but there is no other explanation that makes sense.”

Belgrade University scientists have analyzed the rocks and confirmed that they are meteorites. Apparently, all the strikes have taken place amid rain storms. “When it rains, I can’t sleep for worrying about another strike.”

Lajic sold one the meteorites to the University of the Netherlands in order to finance a steel reinforcement of his roof. Scientists are now studying magnetic fields around Lajic’s house as a means of explaining the frequency of strikes.

We’ve heard of one other case like this one. In that case, the family’s house was not only hit by rocks, but objects were flying about the inside of the house. Such poltergeist activity is often linked with the presence of a teenager, and indeed a teenage girl was living in the house. The rocks, as far as we know, were never confirmed to be meteorites. Not so with this case. Still, it would be interesting to know if one or more teenagers were living in the Lajic house at the time of the attacks.

Aliens aside, the odds of being hit six times  in four years by meteorites is a remarkable synchronicity. Oddly enough, the meteorite that Lajic is holding in the photo from the Telegraph of the U.K. looks remarkably like the head of an alien, or maybe a Mayan Indian wearing head gear. Once again, go figure.

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8 Responses to Clusters from space

  1. Natalie says:

    Really strange!

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    wow! what a story! and great great questions – i was wondering of any ufo activity, too – but no matter, what a great story! and that piece of rock he's holding – truly bizarre how it does look mayan! gee, very neat post!!

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good points, Debra! I definitely believe that some people are magnets – and not just for meteorites or poltergeist activity, but for attracting synchros.

  4. d page says:

    Higher magnetic fields also are associated with increased paranormal phenomena. Living over water increases magnetic fields, and certain veins of rocks create the same field. For some reason, certain people seem to be "magnets" as well. (All this has been learned by modern paranormal researchers, including Pacific Paranormal Investigations, whom I am a consultant for.)

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I would be more inclined toward a poltergeist explanation than aliens in this case. But we don't know all the facts behind the story. What does he do for a living? Who lives in the house? What other unusual activities are taking place there? Have there been UFO sightings, abductions? Does someone in the house have extraordinary psychic abilities, etc.?

  6. Nancy says:

    This is really weird!

    Interesting that poltergeist activity is related to a teenager. The time that we were having this type of activity we not only had a teenager, but a teenager had died in a car accident, and had tried to call her the day of the accident.

  7. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Remarkable to have been hit six times, but not too sure about the alien explanation – interesting!

  8. Vicki D. says:

    That is wild, and you can see the profile, it looks mayan to me.

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