#26 and Palindromes

 This painting by Paul Klee expresses (to me, anyway) the confusion we sometimes feel when certain numbers recur and we aren’t sure what they mean. Number clusters, as we’re written before, are archetypal in that numbers have meaning and when they reappear in our lives, it usually means that archetype has been activated in our psyches.

This synchro came from DJan. It struck me for a couple of reasons, but primarily it was the number – 26. We’ve posted synchros about: 11s, 111s, 11:11; 23; 33; 911;137; 14; 3;126. but never a 26.

Today, on the way home on the bus, I was pondering the curious fact that for some reason I’ve written exactly 26 posts each month in 2010. It happened completely by chance until last month, when I noticed it for the first time, and I intentionally made sure that May contained 26 of them. Then I forgot about it until yesterday, when I realized that if I wrote another one today, I would also have 26 posts for the month of June!

I was thinking about it to myself when I spied a house number, 2112, and realized it is a palindrome. A palindrome is a word, phrase, number, or other sequence of units that can be read the same way in either direction.

My sequence of 26 posts is not a palindrome, but the whole idea of different combinations, lucky and unlucky ones, numbers that read the same in both directions, repeating numbers, fascinates me. I’m superstitious to a certain degree, and I realized that I had to find out what 26 means in numerology. Not much, actually; it’s the 2 + 6 = 8 that seems more important to numerologists. In doing a little research, I realized that I am actually more interested in mirror images, like palindromes. I have long considered my lucky number to be 11, which is one. Dates are often palindromes, the last one having been January 2, 2010, or 01/02/2010. The next one will be November 2, 2011, or 11/02/2011. Is this interesting to you as well?

Just a little teaser before I let you go: are you aware of some of the cute phrases that are palindromes, such as “Was it a rat I saw?” or “Dammit, I’m mad!” Aren’t they fun?

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19 Responses to #26 and Palindromes

  1. Anonymous says:

    'Scuse typos, guys! Fingers seems to slip on the keys a bit when it gets late!
    OMG! Look at this WV: "pride"
    No kidding! And it is so fitting, because some of my pride has been sacrificed to the hand tremors of PD! What a synchronistic WV! cj

  2. JBanholzer says:

    "WOW" and "MOM" up are upside down palindromes of each other. Therefore, in that context, the sentence, "Wow is mom standing on her head" becomes a statement, rather then a question.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Don't worry, Natalie. The 26 in your birthday doesn't "stand alone". It is added to the month and the year. Simply adding it to the month, 9, converts it to a 35, then you of course add the number of the birth year to that to get your full life path number.

    Even though NATALIE = 26, and it can't be ignored, because the frequency of each of our names is considered as well as the total, we focus more on the total…the sum of its parts, then take each part and derive whatever influence it may have on the whole. So, don't be glum, Matey! Your influence of 26 is minimun. Must be addressed in whatever manner it chooses to present its challenges, but they aren't huge!! And, if you entire BD adds to 11, that's a great master frequency. Caution: one must never add or delete any number from a combination, or it changes the frequency. That's why so many folks don't comprehend the way to interpret the "year"….we can't ignore the CENTURY, and many folks don't understand that. :ast year was not "09". It was 2009", which was 11. Must keep all numbers or sacrifce the intergity of the combination! 12-21-2012 isn't 3 3 3, as a lot of people want to make it, by dropping the number of the century. (20) It is actually 3 3 5. Which, of course, is 11. cj hmmm WV: "tergra"

  4. Natalie says:

    My birthday is 26th Sept – 26.9 (in Aus). It is also the 269th day of the calendar year.

    So I have day number 26/ 8 and my name 'Natalie'also adds up to 26 /8.
    Life path 11. OOOOOOOHHHHHHHH.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Gypsy – wow! Lots of your synchros happen on highways, in cars!

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    neat number stories – and cj's response including a blurp on 9-11 reminds me of my own 911 experience a year ago – i posted it on my travel journal somewhere – anyway, this is the story:

    early day began with severe thunderstorm – loudloud thunder – heavy lightening so close you could hear the frizzlepop of it – power out – della the dog frightened and came into my bedroom crying – waited till storm passed to shower [also didn't want della the dog to shower with me] – dressing and get phone call from doctor's office telling me of weird [my word, not his] results on ct scan from last week – i finish dressing for the drive up to doctor's office north of here – get on highway and car passes me in right lane just as my car comes upon blue highway emergency 911 sign – tag on car is HP0911…..

  7. simply says:

    palidromes I don't know,, what's really crazy and bizarre and beautiful are those ambigrams, those things Brown made up for "Angels and Demons",, probably takes some crazy graphic soft-ware to do it, but as far as the message thinking it is this,, if we try hard enough, anything can be turned around…..
    w.v. grazz Z. another stroy about the number 7…..

    "91" "98" "05"

  8. Anonymous says:

    At this point, I think most of us wouldn't mind a small…and the keyword here is "small"… tropical
    system coming s l o w l y over us and giving us a nice steady rain without the high winds and/or damage. The heat is unbearable.
    If Colin becomes a system and makes his way up the coast and we get a few fringe benefits and no one anywhere is harmed, we would welcome it! Rain, pleeeeze. cj

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Anon: that's a cool one!
    LOL, Jim.
    Connie – if that track is right that the hurricane center is showing, it's going to turn well out. I'm betting SC or NC coast?!

  10. Anonymous says:

    You're very welcome, Guys! You know my mind functions in numbers rather than letters, so you're speaking my language! Love it!
    And must say again, the babies with the lemons in the previous post are a riot! I received an email from a mutual friend of ours last night with a series of photos of cats that had me rolling on the floor! I'll forward it to you via email. maybe you can figure out some way to put it on the blog. It's just too funny to be missed! Happy August, everybody! OH, off subject for a moment, COLIN is brewing down below, getting more fierce by the hour. Drats. Hope it fizzles. WV: "aliting"… a lighting? cj

  11. JBanholzer says:

    The first words ever spoken by humankind, "Madam in Eden, I'm Adam" was a palindrome. Immediately following this, was the first thought balloon palindrome, which formed above Eve's head and which said, "S.O.S EVE S.O.S"

  12. Anonymous says:

    Every time a RACECAR runs a lap, you could say that it's running back again.

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Mike – so you just had a dictionary synch with palindrome! Running back again: I never realized the origin of the word.

  14. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I'm fascinated by these number clusters. As for palindromes: I'm a little old fashioned and have a dictionary next to my computer. I opened it up and palindrome was on that page (it's got 2000+ pages). I see the word is from the Greek 'palindromos' meaning 'running back again' – any significance?

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie – was hoping you would interpret! Thank you.

    I had to look up the ditty another anonymous left. I think the first word is supposed to read: nipson.According to yahoo answers, it means:

    It is a palindrome (the sound ps is represented by only one letter in the Greek alphabet) and it was written (in Greek) on the apex at the entrance of Saint Sophia church in Constantinople (now "Istanbul"). It means "wash your sins not only your face".

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Love the 8s!

    Vicki – Esperanza comes out on 9/14.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Trish and Rob, you know I can't let this one pass without comment! As a numerologist for four decades, and having graduated from modern numerology to metaphysical mathematics, which is much more ancient and esoteric than either method of modern numerology, I've learned much about 26. The most famous and authoritative source on the systems used today was Cheiro,
    (Count Louis Hamon, 1866-1936). On page 83 of his text CHEIRO'S BOOK OF NUMBERS, he wrote, "26: This number is full of the gravest warnings for the future. It foreshadows disasters brought about by associations with others; ruin, by bad speculations, by partnerships, unions, and bad advice." 26 is actually the most karmic of all numbers, and it is the frequency of the word itself: KARMA resonates to the number 26. The word CANCER resonates to the number 26. The list goes on and on.
    In the many years of my practice with clients, I have found Cheiro's observations to be true, and I call #26 "the bugaboo 26". Contrarily, it shares its root number 8 with 17, which is a highly spiritual number, symbolized by Venus, and is called "the Star of the Magi". The word GOD resonates to 17/8, as an example. So here we get into the discussion we've had in the past, AS ABOVE, SO BELOW….simpler, positive and negative, the opposing poles of each frequency. In and of itself as a root number, 8 denotes references to money, power, and authority. When it stands alone, or when it is derived from 17, 71, 35, 53, etc., its influences are usually quite positive and desirable. But experience has taught me that 26 is, unfortunately, representative of the negative energies of its root #8. I've seen this demonstrated more times than I can possibly describe. As a symbol for those of us who receive psychic messages through numbers, 26 can be universally as easily interpreted as the combination
    9-11. (Either emergency, or emerge-and-see, depending.) But whenever I find the 26 appearing in a client's 'program', it invariably presages a warning of some kind. This isn't meant to be a negative comment, just one that comes from experience. cj

  18. Anonymous says:

    Nispon anomimata mi monan opsin

  19. Vicki D. says:

    Interesting especially the mirror phrases.
    A funny thing this past weekend, I was playing scrabble and played the word "dour". We commented on how it was an old word but a good one, well later I was reading a book by Stuart Woods and he used the word dour! And the characters commented on the use of that word!

    Those are the kind of synchros I get.

    I am sure before long someone else will use that word.

    My oldest daughter gets the number synchros all of the time, they usually add up to 8 which is a good money vibration.She just got a new apt. And her apt number of course, added up to 8 .

    I just saw that Esperanza doesn't come out until mid September? Aagh,!!

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