Simply Pharaonic

We’ve written a couple of times about columns  Dick Cavett has written in the New York Times in which he expresses his befuddlement regarding astonishing coincidences that have occurred in his life. In spite of being well read, Cavett seemed surprisingly ignorant of synchronicity and all that has been written about it.

Now, here’s a synchronicity that involves Cavett. In this instance, the synchronicity was experienced by Marc Seifer, a psychology professor at Roger Williams University, and the author of Transcending the Speed of Light–Consciousness , Quantum Physics, and the Fifth Dimension. In that book, which explores consciousness and its relationship to science, Seifer includes a chapter on synchronicity. This story is taken from that chapter, and happened in 1975.

While his girlfriend was shopping, Seifer waited in the car and read a book on parapsychology. He came across a passage that contained an unfamiliar word–pharaonic– and figured it was related to the word pharaoh.  When his girlfriend returned from the shop, they visited a nearby museum, and found an Egyptian exhibit in the basement that included the mummy of a pharaoh. 

That, in itself, seemed like an interesting coincidence. But that evening, while watching the Dick Cavett show, Cavett actually used ‘pharaonic’ in a sentence. “This astonished me, as before that day I had never even known that such an adjective existed,” Seifer wrote. Simply pharaonic.

After I wrote the above story, I was about to close the file but felt there might be something more to include. So I paged ahead in Seifer’s book and something caught my eye. On the weekend of July 5, 2007, Seifer decided to look for a quote to include in his book from Jane Roberts. So he dug out his copy of Seth Speaks, which he wrote that he hadn’t opened in possibly twenty years.

“I looked through the book and saw all the underlining I had done back in the 1970s, but could not find a quote that fit my needs.” So he put the book away. The following night, a friend came over and as soon as she arrived mentioned that she’d been reading Seth Speaks. “She reached into her pocketbook and retrieved the very same purple paperback that I had put away less than twenty-four hours earlier.”

Okay, here’s an added twist. Trish and I also have that purple paperback and we, in fact, did find a quote from it for The 7 Secrets of Synchronicity. We used it at the beginning of Chapter 7, The Global. Here it is:

“You cannot begin to understand the nature of mass events of any kind unless you consider the even greater framework in which they have their existence.” – Jane Roberts

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5 Responses to Simply Pharaonic

  1. Natalie says:

    And Natalie is reading that very purple paperback book, along with 7 S of S as we speak. 🙂

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    It's one of my favorite Seth quotes. Good synchros, Sansego! I think you're right about how these quotes hold implications for you now.

    Mike – love the idea of stuff just falling into place!

  3. Sansego says:

    Before I read this post, I was looking for information on "The Oracle" (from the Matrix films) and came across a quote I remember well from the second film: "You can't see beyond the choices you don't understand." Then I read this quote by Jane Roberts. Interesting "synchronicity" within a few minutes of each other.

    I'm thinking these quotes have implications for my life right now.

  4. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Remarkable how everything falls into place in it's own way.

  5. Anonymous says:

    what a very strange synchronicity.

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