Saucer Smear Syncho

Click the mysterious box

On July 28, a call came to the house in the evening. The name on the caller ID said Moseley Industries. I answered guessing correctly that it was Jim Moseley, a long-time acquaintance and editor of  Saucer Smear, an 8-page irreverent newsletter filled with gossip about people and organizations involved in UFO investigations. It includes both skeptic and believer points of view from readers, and Jim is more than willing to slam either side, depending on the case at hand. He also occasionally  inserts his view that UFOs are a multi-dimensional  phenomenon. He calls it the 3 1/2-D theory.

Saucer Smear is  always a fun read. But as soon as I answered, I realized that I hadn’t seen Jim’s rag for a few months. (It usually comes out about eight times a year.) That’s when I realized that I’d forgotten to make my ‘love offering’ as Jim calls the donations he receives from  ‘non-subscribers.’ He was calling up to see what had happened to me.

As we talked, I told him about 7 Secrets of Synchronicity and he expressed interest. He called synchronicity ‘a complex and mysterious matter,’ but added that some people he has known see synchronicities in everything that happens to them, and he finds that annoying. He went on to say that he would like to read and review the book for Smear and wondered if there was any synchronicity in his calling at this time.

That’s when Trish walked in the room and reminded me that we were headed down to Sugarloaf Key next Tuesday, which is 14 miles from Key West, where Jim lives. There’s the synchronicity, I told him, suggesting that we meet for dinner on Aug. 4. “Great he responded. That’s my 79th birthday.”

Jim tentatively accepted the synchronicity, but wanted to know how often we went to Sugarloaf Key. In fact, the last time we made the trip we had just started this blog and had published our first post before we left.

More Moseley weirdness manana. Dinner tonight.

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5 Responses to Saucer Smear Syncho

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Dinner with Jim is never boring!

  2. d page says:

    I can't wait to hear more about dinner with Mr Moseley!

  3. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    You have to smile when these sort of things happen – enjoy your meal, it could be special!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    That's my take, too, Nancy!

  5. Nancy says:

    Sounds like a synchro to me – Jim wanted to have his birthday dinner with you!

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