The Doggie Synchros

Clusters are among the most interesting type of synchronicity. They often involve a repetition of numbers, phrases, words, names, dates…well, almost anything. Even dogs.  Sometimes, the message is challenging to decipher. But other times, as with this cluster, the message is obvious! This cluster  was sent to us by Rita H.


My dog is sick with lymphoma and she recently contacted a good friend, Jim, who is an acupuncturist and practices oriental medicine. A little bit of information about him…he grew up very in tune. His mom was on the board of directors for the theosophical society where I live. She is actually photographed on the cover of most of the Quest brochures (a photo of her in a labyrinth)….and her son (my friend) grew up conscious of life and is a wonderful person to be around. His energy/ spirit is amazing.

Anyway, I contacted Jim and he was very helpful with a holistic approach for my dog. I thanked him and haven’t spoken to him since.

What happened next was really surprising. This is about 2 weeks after I’d spoken to Jim.

One evening my sister was walking her dog and came across a loose yellow lab. She decided to catch the dog and return it to its home. She found the address on the collar….you’ll never guess who’s dog it was!  It was Jim’s dog.  He helped my dog….and the universe used my sister who lives in his neighborhood…to help his dog, who by the way almost got hit by a car in all of this.

And to top things off, my sister had just been told previously by a friend she works with that his dog Jack – a yellow lab- was hit by a car and killed.

Here  we find out ….Jim’s dog is named Jack too, and my sister saved him from being hit by a car….the same name as her friends dog that did get hit. She felt like she saved at least one Jack that day for the sake of the one lost. And Jim’s dog was returned  as a thank you for helping mine.


The underlying message here is that one good turn deserves another. The universe is listening!


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4 Responses to The Doggie Synchros

  1. Nancy says:

    What a wonderful set of synchros!

  2. Great synchros – and, as you indicate, one good turn can start a chain reaction.

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