Mouse Medicine


We have three cats. Two of them, the females,  are pretty old for cats– 12 and 15. The third cat, Simba, a male, is about five. They have a peculiar language that they speak among themselves – meows, squeaks, hisses, a kind of keening, and the pitches of their voices always communicate nuance.

This evening Rob and I were in our respective offices and I heard a slightly elevated meow from one of the cats, that sound that usually means, Hey, look what I caught!

I walked out of my office and Powder, the pure white cat who is 12, was huddled over a dead mouse. She looked very pleased with herself.

The other two cats and the dogs immediately crowded around for a look and a sniff. Rob came out of his office and told the dogs to back off and I hurried into the kitchen to find a garbage bag.

When an animal appears in your midst like this, dead or alive, it’s a messenger. I’m sure our cats have this whole secret life where they catch mice and rats and lizards we never know about.  But when they bring one of their catches into the house, we’ve learned to pay attention.

On an esoteric level, mice indicate details. These creatures fit into impossibly small spaces and because of their size, the world is up close and very personal. So the details this mouse symbolizes seem to be obvious. As soon as I started refreshing my memory this evening about mice as messengers, I suspected the context of the message.

For the pasts few weeks, we’ve been working on a law of attraction oracle. The system grew out of something I developed for a creative writing workshop some years ago, a way for writers to evaluate their manuscripts. Our editor for the synchronicity books helped us to develop and expand the idea – then got laid off!

So while she’s looking for a job, we have continued to perfect the oracle. When the mouse appeared this evening I realized we now had a time frame. The gestation period for mice is between 19 and 21 days. So let’s call it three weeks, give or take. I figure we’ve got about three weeks to turn this idea into something solid.

The oracle doesn’t involve cards, dice, or any  tool other than what you create for yourself. It’s consists of words – language –colors, numbers and elements, and each facet tells you something about your ability to attract what you desire.  As Carl Jung explained in his introduction to the Richard Wilhelm edition of the I Ching,

Synchronicity is the basis for any divination system. In the moment you ask your question, draw the cards, toss the coins or the runes, erect an horary astrology chart, consult a psychic, you are freezing a moment in time. And that moment is intrinsic to your question and usually answers it.

I think mouse also pertains to our daughter’s move to Orlando, and to such details as: what do an empty bedroom, kitchen, and living room need? You know, details. The electric can opener, the microwave, the glasses and plates, the bed, the chair and desk…

Well, you get the picture.  I suspect that for the next 19-21 days, our lives will coalesce  around such details. And in the meantime, we’ll be here, experimenting with our oracle. I mean, honestly, how many times can you ask how your daughter will do in her new life?





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32 Responses to Mouse Medicine

  1. I’m interested in being one of your mouse volunteers for this Law of Attraction oracle you’re developing. If you’re still seeking volunteers. 🙂

  2. A dead mouse in the house as a sign that means three weeks of details. Okay, I’ve often heard it takes 3 weeks (21 days) to truly change a routine or habit though most give up half way, at about 10 days.

    Regarding your question, “how many times can you ask how your daughter will do in her new life?” I don’t ask, I just pray for their health and happiness. Try that for three weeks. 😀

  3. Natalie says:

    Hi guys! I enjoyed your post, even though I hate mices to pieces. I agree that messages are everywhere. Good luck with your oracle, yell if you need a volunteer.xx

  4. mathmajik3322 says:

    This is so weird! We have a rat, not a mouse but a rat, in our garage, that we’ve named “Ben”, from the movie “Willard” years ago. Our cat, Thoth, huge tuxedo cat, is afraid of Ben and runs from him! Anyway, a sunchro: just this morning, before going online at all (I just did that and it’s now night here) I wrote a line in a piece of creative writing I’m working on that says “I am content to be a mouse upon thy hearth and watch thee at thy work”! Then here we go….your post is about a mouse!! My piece, btw, is an out-of-body experience where I am seeing a person who cannot see me because I’m in astral-travel mode….my ehteric body!!

    • Rob and Trish says:

      A rat named Ben….ok, what’s the esoteric meaning of rat??

      • musingegret says:

        Could y’all write an entry about the ship wreck off the western Italian coast and the lives lost?

        I’m really curious about Sethian ideas of “we choose our own deaths” and yet, the responsibility of others we entrust our well-being to.

        I’ve been in a wrestling match with these ideas since 1978.

        Given than any one of us will die at any given time….what do you think determines
        whether it’s natural disaster (tsunami, hurricane, tornado, flood, earthquake, volcano)

        or human-made?

        (Bombings, disease, murder, shipwrecks, airplane wrecks, car wrecks, or any other freak accident brought on by human cause)

        Your thoughts?

        • Rob and Trish says:

          We’ll do it! What a terrific idea. I’ve wrestled with these same ideas since the 70s, too.

          • musingegret says:

            Thank you for responding.

            Bottom line seems to be…..we don’t know the ‘logic” or reasons for the deaths that have impacted our personal realities.

            Some seem so senseless.

            Will we get answers ‘on the other side?’

            Are there ultimate ‘answers?’

            I’m leaning towards not getting U.A’s.

            And….if we (personal consciousness) get a few answers….then that experience only structures the platform for more questions.

            What do you think?

            Can those of us on the earth plane and through
            meditation actually achieve any insight, answers, conclusions to our questions?

            Thank you for your site for all these years.

  5. Jennifer R says:

    I’d also be interested in checking out this oracle….

    Finally, a good excuse for having a mouse in my house 😛

  6. DJan says:

    You remind me of my cat from years ago who would always bring me a bird, always dead, and place it right in the middle of my meditation pillow. She was always pleased with herself, too. 🙂

  7. Nancy says:

    I really enjoyed the Oracle when you tried it on me. Can’t wait to see the outcome in three weeks. As for asking how your daughter will do in her new life – it is a moving target. 🙂

  8. Lauren Raine says:

    The oracle sounds great! And your analysis of the symbolism is wonderful.

    As the adopted human of several cats myself, I know what “oracular” beings they can be. Sometimes also, when I find a dead mouse or lizard on my bed, I have to thank Sweetpea for bringing me her gifts. It’s the thought that counts.

  9. Strange, I’ve never thought of what the cat brings in as being a messenger. Interesting. My son also has three cats (as we also did once upon a time) and his Poppy brought in a mouse that was still alive – must give that some thought. Hope the oracle goes well – and I reckon you’ll be asking it about Megan for a long time yet! It’s never ending being a parent.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      A living mouse…hmm… That happened here a couple of times and I think that’s what we wrote about previously concerning mouse medicine. Will have to check back.

      • Melissa says:

        Mike, I am with you on this. I have had cats my entire life and never, ever thought of their little victims as any sort of message. You learn something everyday. I will be keeping all of my eyes wide open from now on.

  10. gypsy says:

    the law of attraction oracle! cannot wait! love the little mouse critter/details perspective – ya’ll had another one some time back – but darn it, i’ve forgotten the “details” of it! 😉 running out the door but back later to read/absorb more – have a great day!

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