Under our Noses

This little synchro goes along with the one Trish posted below.

Sometimes synchronicities are right under our noses. While Trish was wondering why we hadn’t experienced any during our trip to the keys, I noticed that I had set down the book I was reading, Time after Time, by Karl Alexander, next to a book that the owner of the house had left on the table. It was The Invisible Man, by H.G. Wells.

The synchro? Time after Time is a time travel story in which  H.G. Wells takes his time machine to 1979, the year the book was published. So Wells appeared as a character in one of the books and the author in the other.

H.G. made a surprising encore shortly after we returned home. I was writing up another synchronicity about the editor of FATE Magazine and downloaded a copy of the cover the new issue. That’s when I noticed mention of  an article about H.G. Wells’ novel, The War of the Worlds in a list of articles accompanying the cover .

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10 Responses to Under our Noses

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    DJan – share the synchros!

    Natalie – banging fair on the head. Nice phrase!

  2. DJan says:

    I like the number 13, too. I tend to think that I resonate more with odd numbers than even ones, which is kind of funny, I think. Since starting to read your book, synchronous events that happen all the time are suddenly much more noticeable to me.

  3. Natalie says:

    Some synchros waft around us and some bang fair on the head.

    I reckon sometimes that little synchros are spirits way of saying HI!
    Maggie's story is a funny 'bang on the head' one.
    Enjoyed the post, thanks Guys.

  4. Nancy says:

    Yes, keep us updated on the radio show. Like other commenters here, I have to wonder how often we have synchros and miss them.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Just the taping…I actually like the 13th – since it proved pivotal in esperanza!

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    yes, so true i think the times they go unnoticed – love the book cover images, by the way –

    and the 13th is the "taping", right? please keep us posted! oh, dare i mention that date? 🙂

    wv= innonf = enough???

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    PS – I think this one qualifies as a cluster, Maggie! So here's another synchro. As your comment went up, I was working on the clusters chapter for this radio show we're doing Friday.

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I agree – I think it happens frequently! That's a cool synchro, Maggie. 3 arch support nudges in one day! You gotta love it.

  9. maggie's garden says:

    I think Mike's right….this must happen to us all the time.
    I just had a synchro recently that I'd like to share.
    Been having some issues with my knees. My sister mentioned an insert for my shoe with arch support. Didn't give it much thought. Later in the day I was at the grocery store when an employee commented that we both had the same shoes on…I said yeah your right we do…then she proceeds to show me that she had an extra arch support insert in her shoe. And if that wasn't a big enough brick to hit me in the head…later that day my sister showed me a pair of shoes she bought at a garage sale…and inside the shoes were arch support inserts she hadn't noticed when she purchased them…they were just my size. BTW my knees feel a whole lot better!
    Thanks for the link to Susan Miller's site…I had great fun with it and learned much! Hope you're enjoying your vacation at the keys. I was wondering if the "keys" had another message for you in those books as in the key to the answer to a question you might have been searching for is in one of those books. Maybe I'm just thinking too deep on this!
    Happy Sunday!

  10. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    The synchro was nearly invisable and this must happen to us time after time.

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