
Our daily newspaper rarely has anything about UFOs.  But  on July 7 there was a short piece about UFO disclosure.

Apparently an Italian member of the European parliament, Mario Borghezio, urged member countries to open their secret files on UFOs. He believes people need to know about close encounters and that the EU should have its own X-Files archives that would be open to the public. What’s surprising is that he believes this archive should include data the military has gathered. He urges all European governments to go public with this information and stop what he calls “a systematic cover-up.”

In the above photo, taken during the Apollo 16 mission, there’s what appears to be a UFO in the upper right hand corner. For a long time, NASA was mum on this object.  But in 2004, NASA investigators analyzed the photo and concluded that the object was the spacewalk floodlight/boom.
Disclosure. Maybe that should be the litany for the 21st century, in all aspects of government and life.

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15 Responses to Disclosure

  1. Natalie says:

    I can't help but feel energetically that will be some sort of 'conscience' asserting itself.
    Let's hope that the guides of those in power, start whispering louder in their ears, and things start to change.
    I have been picking up mass unrest energetically, let's hope we can resolve it peacefully with the powers that be.

    wv = minsc ?

  2. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    At least they released a bunch of files, Mike. That's more than the U.S. has done.

  3. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    The UK have just released a load more UFO files, the second time this year. Even includes a statement from Winston Churchill censoring a UFO report. Of course, if this includes all of them from the period quoted isn't known.

  4. d page says:

    A book that examines the extraterrestrial phenomena in Vedic and other Indian literature:
    Alien Identities: Ancient Insights into Modern UFO Phenomena, by Richard L. Thompson.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    makes sense. it's always about power, isn't it?

  6. d page says:

    What the "super-powers" believe they gain is power. They don not want it pointed out that there is something greater & more powerful than themselves, that they have no control over. That is their fear.

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I agree that it would create more questions than answers. But what has been accomplished through through decades of denial? The irony is that people continue to believe despite the denials. Fascinating about the Vedas.

    Connie – pretty cool sighting!

  8. d page says:

    The disclosure problem is such a sensitive issue. My understanding of it came down to this (after being part of a research team in Berkeley, which worked openly with the Soviet Union: the world governments consider this phenomena a threat. Especially the so-called "super-powers". Disclosure would bring out more questions than answers. The phenomena is very trickster oriented, and cannot be labeled with any degree of certainty, so it's considered a "national security" problem. I feel there should be disclosure, but I also know that it will cause problems with mass delusions, especially in re: history, religion and power structures.

    On another note: the Tibetan literature has recorded remarkable
    encounters, pointing back to the Vedas. It is not even considered as extraordinary: it's a part of every day life on Earth.

  9. Anonymous says:

    I watched Ancient Aliens night before last, for probably the third or fourth time, and see something new each time I view it. Good, valid material. Several years ago at sunset our boys were on the beach, and there were several dozen other folks up and down the sand. On the horizon, at the water's edge where it meets the sky, a large bright white light suddenly appeared. All those people stopped what they were doing to look at it, because it didn't look like a boat….too early for the shrimper's lights to be on….and it was too bright. At first they all wondered if a plane might have crashed. Then as they all watched, the central whitelight actually split into three distinct and separate lights of colors and flew apart in three directions, disappearing into the sky. It was in the newspaper the next day, and the following day, that same phenomenon happened off the beach in Jacksonville and was witnessed by hundreds of beachgoers. A single blazing bright light that split into three colored lights and zoomed away. It then appeared in the Jax newspaper. No one had any answers, not even the Coast Guard or military. Military was mum. The event was witnessed by a number of police officers in both cities. Undersea flying objects?
    cj WV: ressom

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    don't see the word "diche," simon!

  11. simple simon (saior song) says:

    beeen waiting for another UFO post.. You guys are all so literary.. Got to go get a dictionary and find out the meaning of the words "litany" and "diche", this is a good thing… But will mention this.. Me I do believe in the enities that are able to move and come in and out of our reality in a way we can't fathom,, but am also of the belief that's it a bit like a Dog hanging a person kitchen and wanting to know how to prepare a Lasagna dinner… Course maybe this isn't as absurd as it sounds….

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I removed the reference to dan. He must have taken down the post.

    I enjoy a good mystery, too, butternut, but… decades of coverups and misinformation. It's gotten old.

    If you can, check out the history channel's 2 hour program called Ancient Aliens. It's fascinating.

  13. Nancy says:

    I couldn't agree more. The "just say no" attitude of our governments regarding UFOs is becoming a cliche.

  14. maggie's garden says:

    You should know that yours is the first blog I enter onto each morning…I very much like popping in here…always fun and a learning experience. I did try to link to Dan's site…actually have been trying to for some time now…and it seems it's unavailable. Was wondering if Luminosity changed to another blog title. The link in your post shows unavailable also.
    Have an awesome day

  15. Butternut Squash says:

    There is no point in cover-ups, it just makes everyhing more confusing when the truth finally appears. But then, I do enjoy a mystery.

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