World’s luckiest lotto player

Her name is Cris Carmona and she knows how to pick numbers. She won $10 million in June in the Texas Lottery. Not bad. Anyone who wins is considered lucky. But for Ms. Carmona, it was nothing new. She has won the Texas lottery four times in 13 years. Her smallest pot was $2 million.

Is she psychic? If so, she’s not saying.  The 63-year-old former college professor avoids interviews. Recently, she has moved from her home in Bishop, Texas, where she bought her tickets to Las Vegas. Watch out Vegas!

So what are the odds? Mat professors Eduardo Duenez and Sandy Norman of the University of Texas say that the chances of winning four times are as high as 1 in 18 septillion – that’s 18 followed by 24 zeros. That would be if she had only purchased tickets on four occasions. We can guess that she’s bought a lot of tickets over the years, reducing those odds. But still…what are the chances?

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27 Responses to World’s luckiest lotto player

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vicki – great story!
    Nat – 14 races in a single afternoon! Left hand, left side…this is good info.

    All you lottery dreamers. Start dreaming, Everyone can split the winnings!

  2. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    That's some odds! I have dreamt of 2 horse race winners – even though I never bet other than one ticket on the UK lottery each week. Maybe she's a dreamer.

    A healer told me about the left and right sides a long time ago. He would only touch someone he was trying to help with his right hand.

  3. Natalie says:

    I, too have picked horses for friends. 14 winning races in a row in one afternoon once. I have also backed the winner in the Melbourne Cup 22 years in a row .I am guessing my guys let me win as long as I only backed $5 . Last year, I put $50 on it and came last! The horses usually appear shiny or lit up when i look at them or the names on the form guide.
    I definitely agree with Connie, (about everything really)there have never been any wins of any note for us, as i also feel it was only given to me when i was very,very poor and desperate.

    As for the left /right thing, I always carry a crystal in my bra on the left side, and often hold my left hand open when reading. I think I learned to receive in this way in a NLP workshop. During Reiki, I also shake off negative energy from the right hand down to the earth to be transmuted.

  4. Sansego says:

    I've had a lot of coincidences with the number 22 in my life, so I definitely feel like its my personal number. However, none of my "numbers" add up to 22 in numerology.

    Connie, I appreciate your interest. I know that we had some disagreement in the past but I've always appreciated your spiritual insights and find your views to make a lot of logical sense (from a spiritual perspective).

    Unfortunately, I do not want to allow anonymous comments because I like knowing who posts. However, someone in Federal Way WA keeps posting a comment in Chinese or Japanese, which I can't read. Its frustrating!

    I'd be interested in hearing your thoughts on NDEs, though. Maybe a post on this site can feature that subject? 🙂

    wv: heepl

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Sansego – I think connie just gave you a reading!

  6. Anonymous says:

    Joan Ginther's name, if anyone is interested, resonates to 49, which is 13, which is 4…and how many times did she win the lottery so far? I think it is 4 times in 13 years? that's pretty synchronistic, any way you care to look at it. Our individual lives are constructed within certain frequencies and we each have operative numbers that exist throughout our lives, regardless of name changes. I'd say this lady is holding true to form according to her soul's pre-birth choices in some regards.
    WV: "verip" verify it?

  7. Anonymous says:

    Sansego, I clicked over to your blog, which I do from time to time, and read your post about NDEs. Wanted to make some comments, but I don't have a google name and for personal reasons don't want one, and you don't allow anonymous comments even tho I always sign my initials to my comments. Is it possible for you to set up your blog like Trish's and Rob's so folks like me may be able to comment? That would be great. Your post on NDEs was thoughtful.
    (Thought-filled). WV here:
    "allynabl" all enable??? cj

  8. Anonymous says:

    The person who won the Lottery four times is Joan Ginther.
    Cris Carmona is the name of her friend quoted in an article about her.
    I add this lest anyone start counting the numbers in the names etc.

  9. Anonymous says:

    And thank YOU, Sansego!! Sometimes I'm reluctant to share my convictions with others because they often seem pretty off-beat, but they've seemed to work for me so I just keep on pluggin' along with them. Cool WV on your comment. Kinda funky. The number of your WV "bedemb" is 22….a great master frequency! If we switch the words into an anagram it could become "embeded"…maybe as in "embeded" in one's soul Destiny? Just a thought….cj My WV here is "vescro". Drop the v and we have "escro". Escrow? Profit?

  10. Sansego says:

    Wow, CJ, what you said makes perfect sense. I really believe that is true…our soul probably planned to come into some money in order for it to happen. And the ethics of people with psychic ability not abusing their gifts for windfall gains also sounds true.

    Great insights! Thank you, CJ!

    wv: bedemb (be dumb? be them? be de money bank?)

  11. Vicki D. says:

    Happy Birthday Gypsy !
    I am like Gypsy in that if I just say numbers without much thinking I am more successful.

    I have been known to win football pools.

    One year my boyfriend at the time was betting on football games with his best friend and the winner at the end of the season would have to buy the other couple a lobster dinner, well, I love lobster and I didn't really like this "friend", he always thought he was so much better than others and would also make fun of my "feelings" about
    things. So…..
    I convinced my boyfriend to trust me and "he" won every pick that season! He had to put up with being made fun of the first few picks but as we kept winning that changed.

    That lobster dinner tasted so goooooood!

    After we had won this " friend" looked me in the eye and said " it was you wasn't it?"
    I still smile when I remember this. The friend stopped making fun of me after that.

  12. Anonymous says:

    Happy happy birthday, Cousin! Kick up your heels, dance, laugh, be naughty, and have a ball!
    Hugs and candles on a cake!
    HO! Lookee at this WV: "toping"
    Guess you better add some whipped cream to the top of your cake, hmmmm? cj

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Happy birthday, Gypsy! Love these 11s.

    Butternut wants to split a ticket with you.

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, wow! the story goes on! i had a little number thingamajiggy today – today is my birthday – when i checked sitemeter this morning the number of hits was "1122" – the time was 10:22am – now, the 11th is my b'day and the 22nd is my mother's – a bit later, i received two text messages simultaneously – both timed at 11:28 – perhaps my 11 was talking to me?

    and about picking horses, numbers, whatever, i find that most often, my hits are when i've not given it much thought at all – they just "feel right" – with the horses, i needed to "feel" the card and say aloud the name of the horses to "know" if the horse "felt" right – with the lotto numbers, most most frequently, i will just say aloud the numbers in rapid frequency – and boom! they literally just "come to me" – anyway, my kids do really fuss cause i never buy a ticket! 🙂

  15. Butternut Squash says:

    That's a fun trick! I have tried, but the lottery just hasn't worked for me yet.

    If Gypsy want to try, I'll pay for the ticket and split the profit with her 🙂

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good to know, thanks, Connie. I deleted the repeated comment.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Have no clue why the blog is repeating today. Weird! Sorry about this! cj WV: teectici

  18. Anonymous says:

    Yep…bring things to us, including healing, through the left side, and send things out from us, (releasing) through the right side. So in meditation or magic or whatever if we want to bring something to us, we envision it coming in to our left, and if we want to release something, such as an illness or pain or even the energy of an unwanted whatever, we send it out from the right. It's similar to working with the phases of the Moon. We banish or end when the Moon is waning. We collect or begin when the Moon is waxing. And with the tides. When the ocean goes out, we release. When it comes in, we accept. Seems to be a kind of universal working. I've found it to hold as truth in my life. Hubby takes his little piece of gold with him when he plays poker, and he tells me there are people playing there with all kinds of personal "lucky charms" that they rub or lay by their places at the table. Hubby just keeps his in his pocket and says once in a while he'll put his left fingers around it.
    Power of the MIND in alignment with the natural powers of the Universe, I think. cj

  19. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    cj – I never knew that about the left side/right side. Good to know.

    Vegas – they'd have her number as soon as she walked in the door!

  20. Anonymous says:

    After winning such an unthinkable amount of money, why in the world would someone go to Las vegas? This is not a criticism, just a puzzled question? Seems as if she's tempting Fate? cj

  21. Nancy says:

    I'm sure Las Vegas will have a constant eye on her.

  22. Anonymous says:

    At the risk of being a bore, I have one more tidbit to share. Hubby is an independent renovation contractor, and when the recession hit hard, condo and home owners up and down the beach closed their pocketbooks, afraid to spend money. Hubby's work slowed to a creeping crawl. One day he said, "Honey, you need to do a little magic for me!" Well, I knew I couldn't perform my magic for money, per se, but for work? Yep, I felt that was OK. So I did the magic towards that purpose: "BIG WORK"! and afterwards gave hubby a consecrated, small piece of gold to carry in his left pocket at all times. (Left brings things to us; right things leave us.) Within a day or two his work began to pick up, and he now has more than he is able to do! This once again demonstrated to me that sincere need trumps greed…at least for us that has been the case! 🙂 cj

  23. Anonymous says:

    I have rather odd ideas about this situation. One, her soul obviously planned for her to have the potential for these experiences and for economic wealth and freedom, or it would not have happened. Two, her Higher Self or Spirit Helpers are influencing her to pick the winning numbers. I've had a few similar experiences. Over the years I can't tell you how many clients have come, asking me to choose lotto numbers for them. I refuse because for me, personally, that is a mis-use of my cherished psychic gifts and I don't want to risk losing them by using them for gain. However, I have a medical professional client who owns and oversees two not-for-profit facilities in Jax, and a few years ago her funds were running out and she was losing her last grant. Her AIDS facility was faltering. She came and told me that she had been "prodded" to asked me for numbers. I was reluctant, but during the meditation portion of our session was given a "go-ahead" sign from my Guys on the other side. I gave Patty the numbers that were given clairvoyantly to me. Lo and behold, those darn numbers came in, and she won enough money to pull her AIDS facility out of the hole, allowing her enough time to apply for and receive new grants! She was gracious and generous, and shared a little bit of the winnings with me! Needless to say, I was thrilled. Hubby plays all the time but I will never give him numbers. He can't understand why it was OK to give them to Patty but not for US. I did do that on one occasion, but it wasn't lottery. We had come down here on vacation, and our car, which was new at the time, developed a mechanical issue not covered by warranty and wasn't able to be driven back to Atlanta. We had run out of our vacation money, it was Sunday so the banks weren't available, and we were stuck. Hubby asked me if I'd pick some dogs, and he'd go to the track in Jax and play. I wasn't happy about it, but told him to go get a program, bring it to me, then take the boys and go to the beach, leaving me alone with the program. I had no hopes for success, but fervently prayed for assistance. I'd never bet on a dog or horse in my life and didn't even understand the terms on the program. But, I sat cross-legged in the middle of the bed in the motel, with the program and a pencil, and stared at the names of the dogs. i used no system at all. I simply picked the dogs by names that I liked. Hubby went to the track, played those dogs, and he won EXACTLY, to the penny,the amount of money necessary to have our vehicle repaired! Exactly! Not a penny more or less than that! One other time I was shopping in the grocery store and he had been up to the front. He walked to where I was and said, "Honey, pick three nhumbers for me." My mind was busy elsewhere and I didn't even stop to think. I just blurted out three numbners. He bought the ticket with those numbers, and be darned if they didn't win that night! But,there seems to be a "rule" at work in my life regarding this. I can use the gift for others in need, and for us in moments of desperation, and of course in the store I didn't even think about it….just blurted out three numbers. Bottom line, my sense is that, at least generally speaking, our life's plan must include such an experience of wealth or it doesn't occur, and secondly, when a genuine need is present, it may be met in such a manner. I'm tickled pink for the woman. Perhaps in another life she was generous and helpful and this time she's receiving gifts from the Universe! But huge wealth comes with certain responsibilities, and on occasion can be both a blessing and a curse. i wish her health and happiness to enjoy her gift!! cj

  24. maggie's garden says:

    I have to agree with DJan…I think she pulled a back to the future! Or she's psychic!

  25. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Good theory, DJan!
    OK, we're going to the track, Gypsy.

  26. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    geeeee… i'm really compelled to go out and actually BUY lotto tickets – my kids are constantly at me because i don't – and then walk in front of the tv and call out all the winning numbers as they are drawn – they keep telling me i can't win without the ticket! 🙂

    many many moons i used to pick horses for a friend of mine who just also happened to be an arkansas state trooper – he had his race sheet out one night and i off-handedly told him to pick a certain horse which ended up winning – my friend was astonished especially because i'd picked the horse by its name and the way it "felt" when i said it – anyway, lots of horse races after that –

    fantabulous story, this one!

  27. DJan says:

    I think she traveled to the future and got ahold of a book with all the winning lottery tickets from past years, a la Back to the Future. How else could this even be possible????

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