Numbers in the Sky

 This story, about synchronistic clusters of numbers, was sent to us in an email by Stephanie.We’ve seen words written in the sky by a skywriting plane, but numbers? This one is the first we’ve heard of.

Hello Trish and Rob,
I follow your blog daily and for the first time, I have something to contribute that I thought you might find interesting. On Sunday July 25, my husband and I were on our way home and we saw a line of numbers in the clouds. It was a straight row of the numbers 7 7 4 4   6 (the six was spaced a little further apart than the rest of the numbers, which were evenly spaced and perfectly clear). I’ve never seen a number in the sky, much less an entire row of them.

Unfortunately, I didn’t have my camera with me, so I don’t have proof, but my husband saw them too so at least I have a witness! It was in northwest Iowa, near the borders of Minnesota and South Dakota. Perhaps one of your readers can share some insight into a possible meaning?
Any takers?

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26 Responses to Numbers in the Sky

  1. Anonymous says:

    You might be right Jenn…who knows! :)Maybe it's too late now since I saw the numbers at the end of July.


  2. Jenn says:

    I've seen numbers in the sky. It was early in the morning walking to work in alpine, texas. The sky was very clear not a cloud in sight aside from the very obvious numbers 1 3 2. beautifuly written as if with a cloud pen. I will always kick myself for not playing the numbers 0123 on the pick 4 lotto that was drawn about 3 days later. I would have had $4,000. I keep looking up now but I suppose the heavens figured I'm daft and have given up on me. How stupid do you have to be to over look a sign like that. It was literaly spelled out for me. It isn't much money but at the time it could have changed the course of my life. I would have gotten the hell out of there. maybe I'd be in peru. So my suggestion is to play the lottery.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Terri – the glyph for Pluto! Wow. So was something intense going on in your life at the time?

    Connie – a zoo in blue. Nice title!

  4. Anonymous says:

    Thank you for the kind words, all! It's so gratifying to have one's work appreciated! I see numbers in my head. Does that count? (No pun intended!) I once penned a bit of prose about seeing animals and such in the clouds, entitled A ZOO IN BLUE. But I've not seen numbers there even though I see numbers virtually everywhere else, and like everyone else here on the blogh, am an addicted sky-watcher, especially at night because I'm looking for "other things". It's astonishing how many objects there are way up there in blackness, beyond the highest flight paths of jets, etc. Some are certainly heavenly bodies of one kind or another; some are probably space trash; once in a while we see the space station and we watch the shuttles blast-off. But there are other interesting things that can be seen, some of which go in peculiar directions and take odd turns that our man-made objects don't do. On the blackest nights with no moon and no lights from any towns or highways or anything on the planet, it can be pretty intense to see things zig-zagging around out there, knowing whatever they may be, they weren't created by humnans, as far as we are aware!

  5. terripatrick says:

    Wonderful post and I love Connie's insights. I've never seen numbers in the sky. 7744 6 would really be awesome to see!

    The most amazing cloud formation I ever saw was the glyph for Pluto, the glyph shaped like a chalice with the circle. I wish I had a camera that day.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm sure going to be watching the sky more frequently. I suspect I may become a hazard while driving!

  7. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    dear heavens! no pun intended:)
    i'm just now getting back over here from this morning – running all day – in any event, i could sit and read this another 15 times it is so incredibly interesting – and dear cousin! i don't even know where to start or what to say to your number knowledge! totally mesmerizing in and of itself – and the possibilities for the message here, totally intriguing! great great experience – every time i was out today, i was looking upward to the skies – just hard to see much through the sun roof while i'm driving!

    great post!

    hmmmm…this wv=stalions – within the last 3 minutes just finished watching "the black stallion" again with alejandro – not more than 3 minutes ago! which is why i couldn't get online the last hour or so –

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Vicki – animals and letters, yes. Numbers, never. I think that in itself is significant for Stephanie.

    nat – you ever seen numbers in clouds?!

  9. Natalie says:

    Very interesting post and comments. 🙂

  10. Anonymous says:

    T and R, thanks so much for the kind words! It's wonderful to be appreciated, and I do love to share whenever possible! Vicki, that WV gave me the shivers, too. I didn't like it. But then other WVs were much more positive and seemed to negate that one, so I was more comfortable. The "trickster" at work, possibly?
    Stephanie, I agree that the July 25being 77 could very well have meant the message was a universal one, especially when the WV was
    "unall", which I sensed could have indicated "universally for all".
    Hey, look at this WV: "inless"
    What do you all think of this one?
    endless? Or in less….? I love the thought that the Good Guys who create the true crop circles may be resorting to sky-writing now as a means of communication, considering how many of us are avid sky watchers! cj

  11. Vicki D. says:

    This is fascinating. I am also a sky watcher and have seen animals and letters but never numbers.

    That WV anticr gave me the shivers.

  12. Anonymous says:

    cj–It hadn't occurred to me until you mentioned it that July 25 was also 77. Very cool. I'm wondering how many people saw it–wouldn't that be the purpose of a universal message? I love a good mystery!

  13. simon says:

    See there are just to many facts envolved just "TO" long a string…..

    maybe it's not so simple

  14. simply simon says:

    yeha well guess I can stay on topic after all,, but first since brother Johnny put himself on a "bench" and since that was "bozos" favorite while growing up and since the nephew has abscounded with my 40 yr. old mitt… aaaaa can't tell ya about the doggie and the phenom catcher (not Maur) but crazy "verifiable" CRAZY synchro…. actually Rob it was cliche (in the comment before) not diche,, my eyesist decieved myo

    But to stay on topic wore "77" on the field came to a city in "1977" that was founded in 1777,, born in "57" sit on a campus that was founded in "1857".. bench boy (only sibling, pumpkin to some)landed in a town in "87" that was founded "1887"

  15. simply simon says:

    yeha well guess I can stay on topic after all,, but first since brother Johnny put himself on a "bench" and since that was "bozos" favorite while growing up and since the nephew has abscounded with my 40 yr. old mitt… aaaaa can't tell ya about the doggie and the phenom catcher (not Maur) but crazy "verifiable" CRAZY synchro…. actually Rob it was cliche (in the comment before) not diche,, my eyesist decieved myo

    But to stay on topic wore "77" on the field came to a city in "1977" that was founded in 1777,, born in "57" sit on a campus that was founded in "1857".. bench boy (only sibling, pumpkin to some)landed in a town in "87" that was founded "1887"

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Hi Stephanie, glad you dropped by! No one knows numbers like Connie.

  17. Anonymous says:

    Hey Stephanie. You may be right. The message may have been especially for you. And btw, you saw it on July 25, which was 77, the first two numbers in the line of numbers. Cool. Could be relevant. Numbers in our dreams can be personal or universal, depending on our individual dream symbols, the manner in which the numbers appear in the dreams, and how we feel about it when we awaken. T and R have my email address if you'd like to have it. I'd love to hear from you! Strangely synchronistic WV:
    "unall" I think this indicates maybe those numbers were meant
    universally for all, but of course I could be wrong! cj

  18. Anonymous says:

    Hi, I'm the Stephanie that emailed Trish and Rob. In numerology, my life path number is a 6. Maybe the message was FOR me directly (Of course I'd like to think it was). In every dream I have, there are numbers in them, which I think is significant. I'm so glad my husband saw these numbers too, or I would start to think I was a little crazy! I'd love to answer any questions to help figure out this mystery. I'm in the US-I live in the Midwest.

  19. Anonymous says:

    Nancy is right. The language of the known universe is mathematics. It transliterates into music/sound and light/colors. For those who saw the break-out movie CLOSE ENCOUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND, that movie had more truth in it than the viewing public ever imagined. In the English (Pythagorean) alpha-numeric language system, the letters G, P, and Y resonate to #7. The letters D, M, and V resonate to 4. (Of much greater impact, the sum of the number combination 7744 is 22, and the only letter in our alphabet that resonates to 22 is the letter "V". Remember the recent TV series by that title??) The letters F,O, and X resonate to 6. (HHmmmmm…..FOX = 666). If we wanted to transpose the numbers 7744 and 6 to their harmonic-sound equivalencies, they would be written, or musically sounded, as G G D D and F, because those are the notes in the seven-note scale. It would take a book to put the sky-written numbers into their transliteration with music and color, but I will go one step further and add the meanings of those numbers when transliterated from Hebrew to English, which may or may not be relevant and can be both disturbing yet uplifting. In Hebrew, the #77 means "strength, violence, glory".
    #44 means "blood; the 1st of the 10 plagues of Egypt".
    #22, (transliteration is interesting in that it is AKA, our term for 'alias'), is indication of the "astrological sign of Virgo". (Which we are rapidly approaching). I think the root of 22, 4, is most relevant because in transliteration it means
    "the number of the elements Fire, Water, Air, Earth; is the number of cardinal points; the number of human limbs; the tetrad (square); and MERCY". Crossing the sky-space to the #6, in transliteration it means "Abba: The Supernal Father".
    In the English language, GOD is #8. But in Hebrew, that #6 is "The Supernal Father". And because I truly sense the sky-written #6 was a "signature", and because perhaps we are the children of ancient ETs, maybe…just maybe….the message was saying "You're in deep trouble, but we're Here". Personally, taking all of it briefly into consideration, I like that idea. Maybe 'Whoever' figured we aren't necessarily getting their messages in the crop circles so they decided to try writing it in the heavens. Certainly gets our attention! Oh my goodness, look at this WV:

  20. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie – thanks for the interp! I deleted the repeated comment. I'm like you, Nancy, always watching the sky and have never seen this before.

    Mike – so there's a synchro involving the name Stephanie. I'm sorry it's a sad one, though.

  21. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Never heard of this before, something to think about there.

    The name of the writer, Stephanie, shook me a little as I've just this minute finished writing a post about someone I once knew called Stephanie. It won't be published until August 18th but, seeing the name on your blog, just emphasised the sad coincidence I had.

  22. Nancy says:

    Wow, I'm a consummate sky-watcher and have never seen numbers! I have just read where the language of the universe is mathematics. So if that's true, then this means something. I liked Connie's interpretation –

  23. Anonymous says:

    I don't know what's happening here.
    My comment keeps repeating and keeps giving me new WV. I didn't realize the comment was being repeated on the blog. Sorry for the repetition. THIS comment has a compelling WV: "ningeog"
    My instantaneous reaction to this WV is "in geography"….something pertaining to the planet?
    cj Hope this goes thru without yet another repeat and WV. cj

  24. Anonymous says:

    Pretty amazing. I would try several interpretations of these numbers and see what "feels" right.Initially, I would look at the first four numbers, 7744, as a "single combination" in and of itself and take the combination to its root by breaking it down in steps. That would be 7+7+4+4=22. Most combinations of numbers would then, in a second step, be further reduced to their root, in this case, 22=4. However, because 22 is a Master Frequency, it is never reduced to 4 and is always considered as representing the influences of the higher Master Frequency. So, you have 22. Sitting apart from the 22, you have a 6. One can look at this sky-written set of numbers from several perspectives in terms of "what do they mean?". What are they saying? If the first four numbers had spaces between them, I would take each number individually and interpret it according to its singular influence, ie, the resonance of 7, then 7 again; the resonance of 4, then 4 again. But they were not presented in this manner. They were presented as a whole "set", or "combination", of numbers. Even though their total sum is 22, we can't ignore the numbers that comprise the 22. Here's an example: the 22 could have been comprised of 11 and 11. Or of 20 and 2. Or of 17 and 5. Or of 14 and 8. Etc etc. But it wasn't. It was written 7 7 4 4. So the 7 became doubly significant, as did the 4. We could get a great deal by breaking these down factor by factor, but I sense it was the COMBINATION of the two 7s and the two 4s that were significant because they were written out as a whole set which reduced to 22. Separate from that, you saw the 6.
    6 is what I refer to as a "soft" frequency. Sensitive. In modern numerology it generally represents family matters, community matters, (on its master frequency of 33, it would signify universal love and responsibility, but it appeared as the root 6), children, teachers of children, responsibility to and love of all of these. 22 is the foundation, the square matrix, the IDEA of the basis of all that is, being brought into manifestation into this 3rd dimension from its higher form.
    Interestingly, and I believe importantly here, 6, (usually 15/6), is the frequency of anything and everything having to do with UFOs and ETs. In a nutshell, you saw a 22 and a 6. In some countries, months and days are written with the day preceding the month, which could mean the 22 day of the 6th month, or June 22. I'm not sensing this. If that had been the case, I believe it would have been written as 22-6. The numbers could have designated an earth location: longitude, latitude, parallel, etc. There are so many important things those numbers could have meant. I would have been thrilled and excited, especially if there was no sky-writing airplane in the area, because sky-writing from planes tends to fade quickly, so if these had been written by a plane, the plane would have still been visible even if no wind were blowing to disperse the numbers. What a great and provocative experience! To be quite frank, I have a powerful sense the "6" was a "SIGNATURE". I tend to feel the 7744 was the message, and the 6 was the messenger. Enigmatic, like the genuine crop circles, written by Visitors and having some poignant meaning that we humans have difficulty deciphering. "They" seem to try to communicate with us in codes and symbols that we might be able to understand, but often don't. In any event, your experience was simply great! Thanks so much for sharing. If you see more, please share! And if you don't mind telling us, do you live outside the continental U.S.? That could matter. OMG! Look at this WV:
    "whopitt" who put it? cj

  25. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Let's get connie on the numbers case here!

  26. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, wow!!! i have to start looking up more often notwithstanding i cloud-watch every chance i get – have always loved it! but numbers! neat! this will be right up the alley of my newly found cousin! 🙂

    very neat story!

    wv= logil [log it?] [logical?]

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