Gaia Updates

An earthquake of either 6.9 or 7.1 (two different reports) rocked Ecuador this morning, It apparently was felt across much of the country, including Quito, one of my favorite cities. Fortunately, it was 131 miles beneath the surface, which may have mitigated damage and loss of life. That story is here.

In Pakistan, floods have put a fifth of the country underwater. 1,500 people have lost their lives and another 7 million need emergency aid. The U.N. warns that even more dams could burst. Story here.

Then there is the chunk of ice – 4 times the size of Manhattan – that broke off from Greenland. An article on Huffington Post calls it global weirding. Sure fits. David Orr, a professor of environmental studies at Oberlin College, believes it is all evidence of climate destabilization.

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17 Responses to Gaia Updates

  1. Anonymous says:

    I'm in on the blog as well. Just waiting for instructions, as I'm still not super computer literate!

  2. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i'm in on the blog –

  3. Healing Mudras says:

    I like the idea of a collective dream blog!

    BTW do you know of national dream center. it's a database of prophetic dreams…

    Also Pakistan the figures are much higher than that: 13 millions displaced, 500,000 affected, and 45 millions dollars neede ( I used to work for UNICEF in Pakistan..) serious that country needs help!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    How about a collective dreaming blog hosted by several people?

  5. Natalie says:

    I feel the same way about getting snippets about the missing girls, Jenean. It is doing my head in lately.

    Great idea for the blog, Butternut.

  6. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    you know, when i first began my dream blog which i've since closed, that was one of my intentions – i've always said i was going to sit down and chart out my dreams with local/global events – and just never have – years ago i tracked my dreams in a way – i would write them down, dated, and then give them to my high school english teacher – sealed in an envelope and not opened until i would tell her to – and then, for me it became a bit burdensome in a way – because the dreams dealt with injury, sickness and/or death – a tragedy of some sort – and i at times felt perhaps it was my own dream/thoughts that "caused" the events and i also was at times overwhelmed with the burden of the "knowing" and not being able to do anything – i mean, i dreamed of a plane going down, i saw the small plane, i saw alan alda in the plane clearly, i saw the plane crash into the swamps near the air base in the city where i was living – i remember thinking, as i usually did, so just who do i call? do i call barksdale base and tell them i dreamed of a plane crash in the nearby marshland/swamp area carrying two men, including alan alda, and both men dressed in camoflauge, etc, but i didn't know it it had already happened or if it were about to happen – yeah, that phone call would have been received well – a few hours after my dream, when i woke and went into the living room, on the 10pm news, there was the coverage of the plane i had seen and the two men, one of whom was a ringer for alda –

    or like since i've been blogging, i dreamed of a little girl being "mistreated where lots of other children were mistreated/abused" – and i saw the man who did it as clearly as day – i saw robin williams in the doorway of the white house where the little girl was being lured in – i even made handwritten notes about it – but at the time i thought it must be related to the little girl missing/found in georgia – anyway, that's a very condensed version of the very detailed october dream – then, a few months later, out of the blue when i was telling one of my daughters about it, and the robin williams guy, she said "oh, that's the dr bradley man who just got arrested" – bottom line – a local pediatrician had just been arrested for many many counts of child molestation of little girls in his office – the white building i saw in my dream and dr bradley a dead ringer for robin williams [well, to me anyway] – it was the man i had seen in the doorway of the house in my dream – and again, i felt so badly because i kept thinking i "should have" "seen" more – should have "known" more – there were several times i even looked up the number of the law enforcement agencies handling the little girl who was in all the news because it was in the media so much and i thought maybe it was about her since it was the only story i was aware of – but when bradley was arrested a couple of months later and i saw his photo, it was just unbelievable – it was him –
    another recent one had to do with massive "muddy water" flooding – riverlike sweeping away people and things – bodies with dark hair floating past me dressed in long attire – and then nothing happened for a while – until this recent flooding in pakistan which is what i mentioned above – when i saw the media coverage, there were the people in the muddy raging waters and the garments i had seen – sometimes the time line is much closer to the dream and sometimes not –

    anyway, don't know how i got into all this again – but i guess my point was to be that at times my own dreams and their actual endings are very overwhelming – and i will focus on "not dreaming" or not remembering –

    in terms of your suggestion, butternut, a great idea – which would make great reading, participation, etc – and, you know, macgregors, a great book, don't you think? 😉

    oh, get the wv = seese

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Butternut – I'd love that kind of blog. Just wish I had the time to do it! Any takers?

  8. Butternut Squash says:

    Thinking about Gypsy and her dreams, I'd love to see a collaborative dream blog for correlation with global events. I'll contribute if you have the time to host it.

  9. Vicki D. says:

    Oh. Speaking of the cardinal cross,I know of 4 strange occurrences over the past weekend.
    1) a woman I knew ,but not well,died suddenly leaving her young family. Total shock.
    2) a relationship of several years broke up.
    3) a close friend (finally) had an epiphany about a longstanding relationship.
    4) rough time with arthritis and my fibromyalgia.(I consider this strange because others also have had a tough time).

    Wv: bleymer.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    weird WV, Vicki. All this planetary stuff could be part of the cardinal cross that occurred on august 6-7

  11. Vicki D says:

    …and 1100 dead in China mudslides.

    What is happening today? I'm having a rough time.

    Weird wv-cipedgi- slip and dig?

  12. Anonymous says:

    Felt the quake coming for several days. Just too worn out by other issues to mention it. Mother Earth is talking to us more and more. cj

  13. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thought of your dream, gypsy, when I saw the photos on Huffington post.

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    trish, remember my "flood" dream some time back? and the dark haired people in their "long" native dress? – these are the garments – i've meant to mention it since i saw the first images on tv but keep being pulled aside from things lately –

    and quito? good grief!

  15. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    At least the smog from wildfires around Moscow has started to clear…

  16. lakeviewer says:

    My goodness, never a dull moment in this world.

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