The Universe Delivers

We’ve posted several of Judi Hertling’s synchronicities. They usually involve her request to the universe for something specific. Her most recent story is here. What’s particularly intriguing about this story is that it shows how Judi harnesses synchronicity and is similar to an activity in 7 Secrets (p226) called Harnessing Synchronicity. 
In early 2007, my husband and I completed construction of our potential dream home. As anyone who has ever built a house with a spouse and a contractor knows, it doesn’t get much more stressful than that. So when I began journaling about stress, illness, and healing, I was only slightly surprised.

I am a positive person for the most part so this is not a topic I usually write about, however as I hadn’t been feeling up to par for a few weeks, it seemed a natural way for me to release a few negative energies that may have accumulated during the whole construction experience, while at the same time allowing me to explore on paper which areas of my life were out of balance.
While there was nothing physical that I could put my finger on, I had a vague sense that something within me was not quite right. I could not shake the feeling that the house, while beautiful, felt wrong to me and that I also felt wrong in a way that I could not explain. As far back as I can remember I have been sensitive to my environment, to people, and to the subtle changes within my body.

I am also guilty of not always acting on those subtleties, or instincts. Not always trusting my intuition.
Winston Churchill said. ‘You create your own universe as you go along.” So this time I listened. And I trusted.

I made an appointment with my physician and went to see him a few days later. He ran the usual tests, found nothing too unusual, and told me to come back in a few weeks if I was still feeling – off.

Trusting that the Universe was trying to tell me something about myself, something important, I made a second appointment and after more tests and examinations he referred me to a specialist who was not usually available to take new patients. The appointment was scheduled for six days later. This in itself was unusual since appointments to see most specialists in Canada can take six weeks or longer so I was grateful that I wouldn’t have to wait that long, and also because it was scheduled for two days after my husband arrived home from working a five week rotation overseas.

On the allotted day we arrived a few minutes early, filled out the necessary paperwork and then I was hustled into the exam room. An hour later I returned to the waiting area, a little shaken. I told my husband that during the exam the specialist had found two ovarian masses, and I needed to have major surgery to determine if they were cancerous or not.  Given that my Mother had passed away of ovarian cancer, this was not good news.

The date for surgery was still to be scheduled, and we were warned that it would be at least a four to six weeks wait since operating rooms were in short supply. I was also informed that I would need someone to be home with me for at least four weeks following surgery. No lifting, no cooking, no cleaning, no driving. We have no family where we live, we were new in the neighborhood, and my husband was due to go back overseas in five weeks.

I needed a synchronicity so big that it would rearrange people and events once again to provide that which I needed. Surgery and recuperation time all before my husband went back overseas. Impossible? Maybe.
My mantra is always the same. “If it is for my highest good and for the highest good of all those concerned.”
The next day I received a telephone call from the surgeon’s office saying that she had received a surprising and very sudden surgical cancellation, and that she would be able to perform my surgery 48 hours later if we could be at the hospital the next day for pre-op tests.

Not only did the Universe provide a way for me to have the much needed surgery, but my husband would be there to take care of me and the household chores as I needed, and as I had asked for.

The surgery was successful and four weeks later, once the pathology report was back, we heard the magic words, “the tumors were benign. No cancer.”

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11 Responses to The Universe Delivers

  1. Jeninacide says:

    This is an awesome story. I have been praying more lately for specific things, and have noticed that I generally receive some kind of sign/answer/synchronicity VERY soon afterwards. It's very empowering.

  2. Nancy says:

    Great story and lesson here.

  3. Nancy says:

    great story! And wonderful that they were benign!

  4. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Interesting comments! Maybe I need some privacy screens around my office.

  5. Natalie says:

    Great story, and I am happy for a blessed ending.:)

    Another amazing similarity in my life was when Mark and I built this home three years ago. Just weeks shy of moving in, I started to feel real dread about moving there, and my higher self belatedly told me it was a huge mistake.

    Obviously there was a lesson in it somewhere, because I didn't pick anything up previously. It has been the three most miserable years I have ever spent in a home.Health issues have dogged me too(similar to Judith's) I started to feel better a few months ago, when a friend put up some privacy screens against the neighbours and their awful energy.
    Around the same time in my personal life, I started putting up boundaries and listening to my inner nudges AND acting on them.
    My health is a lot better too and I also was cleared from a cancer scare. 🙂

  6. Anonymous says:

    Our bodies do speak to us in many intuitive ways. Mine often speaks to me in dreams. Many years ago, I had dream after dream after dream that I was pregnant, and in the dreams my stomach was huge. But, my tubes were tied and pregnancy wasn't possible, so I determined the dreams were giving me symbols instead of something literal. Then, I began to bleed in the dreams. Was pregnant, and bleeding. Finally went to the doc, told him about the dreams. He laughed but examined me anyway. I had advanced uterine cancer! The tumor was swelling rapidly just as a baby grows within us! My dreams saved my life! We MUST listen and pay attention! I'm so glad your poster did, and that her situation was benign! What a relief! And, btw, I am also fine and cancer-free! Yea!! cj

  7. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    'If we listen and feel' – how true.

    Great story and a nice positive note to finish on.

  8. DJan says:

    I am so happy to hear that it all turned out well, and that the Universe did exactly what was needed for you to have the surgery, and the successful outcome. Whew!

  9. Anonymous says:

    What an enlightening experience! Thanks so much for sharing. IF is indeed the key.

  10. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I'm with you, Gypsy. IF seems to be the key.

  11. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    great great story – we always know our bodies better than anyone else – if we but listen and feel –

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