Category Archives: visualization


Since Esperanza was published in September, there has been sporadic movie/TV interest, but so far, nothing has solidified. Our daughter calls these kinds of things driftwood,” a term that comes from Abraham/Hicks and suggests that your desire is starting to … Continue reading

Posted in Kate Duffy, visualization | 32 Comments

Lost Wallet Blues

We’ve all done it – misplaced or lost something practical or valuable and then we tear through our homes and cars and lives, looking for whatever it is we’ve lost. Losing a wallet, for instance, can make you feel like … Continue reading

Posted in lost objects, visualization, wallets | 23 Comments

The Universe Delivers

We’ve posted several of Judi Hertling’s synchronicities. They usually involve her request to the universe for something specific. Her most recent story is here. What’s particularly intriguing about this story is that it shows how Judi harnesses synchronicity and is … Continue reading

Posted in health, law of attraction, visualization | 11 Comments

Seed Money

 One of my first stops every day in blogland is Mike Perry’s blog on synchronicity. A few weeks ago, he posted a wonderful story that he called Seed Money. It’s an exercise in visualization and belief. And it’s uplifting. I … Continue reading

Posted in beliefs, money, visualization | 15 Comments