Four-Leaf Clovers and Luck

Just a note: we’re moving Megan back to college during the next 2 days, so we won’t be online as much!

We all know the tales. Find a four-leaf clover and it means luck is headed your way. But where did this idea originate?

Well, supposedly Eve carried a four-leaf clover with her from Eden. Druids allegedly considered the four-leaf clover to be lucky. The Celts considered the four-leaf clover to be a charm against evil spirits. But for a young man in the UK, the four-leaf clover really was a symbol of good luck. Jim Banzholder alerted us to this story.
It’s a rather odd synchro.

Raymond Curry, 20, was in a bad car accident – his car overturned and rolled through a fence near his home. The hatchback was impaled by two pieces of wood and a third piece impaled Curry, but missed his vital organs. He went through surgery to have the stake and part of his bowel removed. (This surgery in the U.S., by the way, probably would have bankrupted him!) His physicians later found a four-leaf clover stuck to his back under his clothes.

Curry, who had never seen a four-leaf clover before, said, “I know how lucky I am to be alive.”

The four-leaf clover is now mounted on a wall in his bedroom. The original story is here.
Rob: “How’s he lucky? He was impaled by part of the fence. He lost part of his bowel.”

Me: “Hey, he’s alive.”

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10 Responses to Four-Leaf Clovers and Luck

  1. good luck charm says:

    Lovely story, thanks for sharing… I love four leaf clover. It's so much fun looking for it…

  2. Nancy says:

    Now I'm back in the hunt for a four leafed clover.

  3. Natalie says:

    I think it was not only lucky, but a bit of a trickster sense of humour about it too. (irony)

  4. Shadow says:

    sheeeesh, yes, that's luck!!!

  5. terripatrick says:

    I agree with d page.
    My oldest daughter has a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction in her 10th house in Libra.

    Whether it's a good story is always about perspective and attitude.

  6. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Star and Mike – what cool 4 leaf closer stories! Gypsy – 4 leaf clover necklaces. Talk about luck abundance!

    Debra – have never thought of the jupiter/saturn conjunction in quite those terms. Sure seems right on!

  7. d page says:

    That's an incredible story. What are the mathematical odds of all of it occurring, and then finding a 4-leaf clover his back?
    It reminds me of people who have a Jupiter/Saturn conjunction (hard aspect)in their natal charts. The life stories are "the good is__________, the bad news is__________". All in the same story.

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what an incredible story, in more ways than one! geeeeee! and on how he's lucky, i'm going with "he's alive!" as well!!!

    and a neat story of star's as well –

    i remember as a kid sitting in clover and making necklaces and bracelets from them as i searched for my own 4-leaf clovers!

  9. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Good story. When my wife and I first met she took me to Germany to meet her family. As we walked across her brother's fields to the sea (he has an hotel / farm) my wife found a whole bunch of 4 leaved clovers. Must have been a rogue plant. Guess we've been pretty lucky over the last 30 years.

  10. Star says:

    That's some story, isn't it! While I was in Tennessee last May, I found a four leafed clover myself. I have been looking for one all of my life and there it was. I was surprised and delighted. I decided that I was entitled to one wish with it. I deliberated for a week or two, wondering what to wish for. I could think of lots of things but finally settled on one that might do a lot of people a lot of good. I wished that BP would find a way to stop the oil leak in the gulf. They did – eventually. I would like to think that my wish helped.
    You can see a picture of it on my Blog.
    Blessings, Star

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