A Cluster of 11s from Brazil!


A reader from Brazil, Rita Galloro,  sent us the following email about the Portuguese version of 7 Secrets of Synchronicity.

Hello Trish and Rob,

I’m just fascinated with this book! I always have been interested about this theme and 3 weeks ago I was at a library and asked for the universe to send me a book to understand some phases in my life. You won’t be surprise to know which book I chose.

I have some synchronicties in my life…some of them are really simple – like taking a  number to be attended to at the hospital and realizing that these 4 numbers are my extension in my office or bills in the same day with the same price. But I can highlight other ones:

1) How I realized I was with the right person, my actual husband. I met him in 2006 and we just felt in love at the first sight. But I’m Brazilian and he’s Argentian. So our 2nd date was 2 years after our 1st date. We started to date and know more about each other. First coincidence: his name is Victor and his sister is named Lorena. When I was young these were the names I chose for any children I would have in the future. Second one: His mother’s name was Maria do Carmo; my mother’s second name is that – Sueli Maria do Carmo. The last one: We both have the same religion, Umbanda. Even though it’s commom in Brazil, in Argentina it’s not so easy to find.

2) When I’m feeling down or insecure some lady bugs just appear for me and disappear! Many times in my room, on my arm, in my clothes. So the first day I left my parent’s home I was in the bathroom asking myself if I made the right decision. I was not surprised when I saw in the mirror a lady bug just looking at me. Oh…just forgot to tell…I’m on the 12th floor in the middle of a busy street.

So…my question is: Is it on purpose that the  material about 11:11:11 is on  page 111? Is it just  in Portuguese edition? And isn’t that a synchronicity?:)

Thanks you both for the enjoyable reading!

Rita Galloro

So we immediately checked the English version of 7 Secrets. The 11:11 material doesn’t begin on p 111 – but on page 92! 9+2=11.

The day before we received Rita’s email, I was at Barnes and Noble and found a book by Gary Schwartz called The G.O.D. Experiments. I looked in the index and found synchronicity listed, then read Schwartz’s personal story – Extraordinary Synchronicity in New York City. His sequence of experiences with 11s launched the search he talks about in this book. I immediately  bought the book – and will review it when I’m done.

So for several days running, there have been clusters of 11s popping up all over the place.

Rita sent us a link to the store where she bought the book:





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15 Responses to A Cluster of 11s from Brazil!

  1. lauren raine says:

    Good story! I seem to have times when number sequences pop up as well……….someone once said it meant my angels were letting know they were around, so, since I like that idea, I figure it’s a good sign.

  2. Melissa says:

    My cousin has always told me she constantly sees 11:11 when she looks at the clock.

  3. gypsy says:

    seems 1s are running rampant these days – they’re following me, too – or perhaps they do so every day – great stories – and as mike said, especially neat of her husband –

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Do tell, Gypsy!

      • gypsy says:

        oh, just that ole thing of time – whenever i glance down at my monitor clock [which i usually try to keep covered cause you know how i am about “time” hanging around] it’s 11 after or 11 before or o1 before or after the hour – or another 1 or 11 time –

        and remember when i said i wanted 111 pages in my poetry book? well, when i did my first compilation of all my pieces – without images – just a running single document of pieces i had pulled for use [before any editing] – when i inserted a page numbering command and ran the document, it came to exactly 111 pages first go ’round – that was the section from gypsywomanworld – when i ran the section on words unspoken, that number came to 146 pages which = 11 – it went like that the entire time i was running 1st go drafts on the book – enough so that i took cell phone shots of the screen to send you and then, forgot and never sent them – anyway, that’s a bit of the 1st going on down here – what i can remember at the moment –

  4. Like these sort of synchros – especially those between her and her now husband. Must be a good omen.

  5. Momwithwings says:

    just after I finished my last post I checked the time and it was 11:44!!

  6. Momwithwings says:

    Interesting, I don’t normally have a lot of number sunchros except recently I keep getting 11’s also.
    I check the time, it’s 7:11. I checked something with a day and it lands on the 11th etc.
    11 is a master number and I believe a mystical number.

    so interesting forb me that I then check out your site and it is about 11’s!

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