Solar Storm


According to this article,your GPS, cell phone, air travel, and maybe your electricity may be impacted tomorrow morning by the largest solar radiation storm that the planet has encountered in seven years. According to NOAA – the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Weather Prediction Center – a solar flare erupted on Sunday, January 22, and was accompanied by a coronal mass ejection, “the name given to a blob of the sun’s atmosphere that lifts off with the explosion and goes speeding out into interplanetary space,” says Terry Onsager, a NOAA physicist.What comes to mind with that description is like a scene from The Exorcist – projectile vomit. But it’s invisible. On a scale of 1 to 5, with 5 being the weakest, this storm is expected to be around a 2 or 3.

Not surprisingly, we received an email this evening from one of the planetary empaths. She says she has been practically incapacitated for the last 36 hours and sent us a link to an article about the solar storm. Since these storms can mess up geomagnetic fields, it makes sense that some empaths might be feeling the effects.

Frankly, I can’t understand how these empaths get through a single day, much less a month or an entire year, in any sort of coherent way. They are so intimately attuned to fluctuations in the planetary texture that they are  bombarded  by physical sensations that are connected to what affects the planet. Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, 9-11: they feel any kind of natural or man-made disaster.If you’re one of these empaths, we’d love to hear from you.

For the rest of us, we had better not rely on our GPS devices to get us to where we want to go tomorrow.


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22 Responses to Solar Storm

  1. mathmajik3322 says:

    Thanks, momwithwings! A bit disturbing about you missing me, considering that every night…every single night for the past month….I’ve had at least one, and sometimes more, dreams about me “going home”, The settings of each dream has been different, but in each one, I’m “getting ready to go home” and am happy about it. Probably a symbolic message that I’m not “getting” or it wouldn’t keep occurring. I refer to Death as “going home”, but obviously it can have other meanings. My very dear friend of 25 years died just prior to the beginning of this series of sleeping dreams, and mere minutes before she suddenly transitioned, (she wasn’t sick, and she was alone), Sherry had written in her journal, which was on her kitchen table, “Home. Tell everyone Home. Ascension into light body”. That last sentence has all of us puzzled.

    Her entire situation has all of us puzzled. Her cause of death was listed as congestive heart failure by a coroner, but no autopsy was done and Sherry did NOT have CHF. She wasn’t depressed or suicidal. She was one of us, and was a happy and intelligent woman. She was found lying on her kitchen floor in a sleeping position. She evidently felt as if she were about to faint or something and laid down so she wouldn’t fall, and then simply stepped out of her body and went “home”. Or, her Invisible Helpers actually TOLD her, “Sherry, we’re here to get you”, and she laid down and left with them. None of us understand that final entry in her journal, considering that she wasn’t ill. I find myself wondering if perhaps my dreams are relative to Sherry and if SHE may be trying to communicate something to me about her transition, and that it has nothing to do with me at all.

  2. Momwithwings says:

    CJ, I hadn’t thought much about it but my eyes and my daughters have been tearing up and “jumping”, it s really annoying. that has been going on for several days.
    Today all of my electronics are working better, but yesterday ep. It was bad.
    Glad that you are feeling better!
    (wow….I just wanted to write that I miss you..hmm, interesting!)

  3. D Page says:

    It’s been very difficult for me, as well. The symptoms are the same as for an earthquake.
    My ears , balance, and head haven’t been right since the 22nd. I still keep feeling like the Earth will respond to the solar bombardment, soon.

  4. mathmajik3322 says:

    Jen, I don’t think the eyes are coinicidental. Both my eyes have been giving me fits for the last four days, and I don’t have allergies as you do. And the computers? I’ve had to phone the techs repeatedly. Mine is “freezing” on me, when it DOES decide to function, and is hopping from one site to another without my doing it. I decided to have the techs do a clean-up on it for me, which will be done in med-Feb if it doesn’t clear by then. I also spent two days, Sunday and Monday, in and out of bed. Unheard of for me in the daytime, but the PE symptoms literally had me knocked off my feet and I didn’t know about the solar flares until later. Being a PE isn’t fun, but I do understand there must be a reason for it. If we knew the purpose, it would be much easier to handle.

  5. nobody says:

    ain’t no empath.. but did mention Linda Blair in a e-mail yesterday… just trying to figure if it was coincidence or mind goof 9 14 0 0 0 18 Rabitt… breeding synchronicities like nobody’s business…

  6. Jen says:

    I have been having a lot of inexplicable trouble with my eyes the last couple of days. Almost as if I have allergies or something- although it is dead winter here and raining relentlessly so none of the typical allergens are present. Also yesterday I could barely get out of bed. I dragged myself to work and forced myself through half the day before going home and getting back into bed. I had no idea at the time that there were any solar flares going on, I thought I was getting sick. I feel better today though- but my eyes are still weird.

  7. I don’t use GPS. If I go wrong, there’s probably a purpose or reason for doing so (other than my map reading!) – and I’m not often on a tight schedule nowadays. Empaths and sensitives must have difficult times, but there is no doubt a reason for this, as with everything.

  8. Momwithwings says:

    I have had significant ear ringin in my left ear and so has one of my daughters since last Saturday.
    You just learn to deal with it.
    I must say that something inside of me is concerned for this summer, I can feel something coming, I find that I am “nesting ” again. Getting extra batteries, food, canned water etc, cat food etc.

  9. gypsy says:

    yes, the middle/end of last week and i already knew something was up and then checked my solar activity chart and saw the beginnings of it on thursday/friday with my own symptoms of increased heart rate/palpitations and left ear throbbing the warning signs – and actually, i posted about it on my family/kids facebook page last friday – and i’ve done a couple of posts on my personal FB page since then – not about my symptoms – but about the flares – i think really interesting is that on january 20, 2005, solar flares released the highest concentration of protons ever directly measured -anyway, aside from the impact upon the physical body, in terms of earth happenings i would not be surprised to seen more volcanic activity – course, there is the one on the coast of mexico – can’t remember the date but within the past few days, i think –

  10. DJan says:

    Since I don’t use GPS to get around, I’m thinking I’ll be okay. But you’re right: how do empaths function? I’m almost glad I don’t notice these things consciously. Almost.

    • gypsy says:

      for my own part, i begin with heart palpitations in terms of solar activity – something i discovered as long ago as the early 90s when i began charting out symptoms/solar activity – anyway, my kids have somewhat gotten used to such mutterings as “ok, solar activity has increased” or “there’s a solar storm going on – i feel it” in the days right before and during – and there are times when i have consciously worked to block out such things as it can become more than overwhelming in light of the goings on in every day life crisis – which have been rampant for me of late –

      • Rob and Trish says:

        math addict is having a tough time of it, too. She’s the one who wrote us last night.

        • gypsy says:

          i’ve meant to come back and add this ever since the day i first commented – but my mind has been wondering of late – more than usual – anyway, the other thing that for a couple of weeks that has been going on was also my eyes – another person commented about it and when i read it i realized i’d omitted that somehow in my own comment – now, i know mine is not allergies because i’m on allergy meds and my eyes issue is not responding to the meds like my “real” allergies are/do – there has been a feeling like extreme dryness and i find myself constantly “rubbing” my eyes – now, as i said, i had failed to add that to my comment in the haste of doing the comment – and then caught it when reading later – and even then, i never made it back over here – anyway, what brought this all up again for me is that yesterday i had both my grandchildren with me for the day as school was out – they are 8 and 5 yrs of age – it was a beautiful blue skies sunny day for a change and so we decided to get out and about – headed to a big state park – but hadn’t been in the car very long when i saw something blue my rearview mirror – something in my car blue – my granddaughter had opened my umbrella and was holding it in front of her and my grandson – he had moved over toward her and was hiding his face, too, under the open umbrella – both of them said that their eyes were hurting and they were blocking the sun coming through the [tinted] windows – i pointed out that the windows were tinted – and that there was no direct sunlight coming into their area – but they both kept complaining of their eyes hurting – anyway, just interesting that on the day of such solar goings on both kids complained of the same thing –

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Do you have a GPS when you hike, DJan?

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