It was FATE

Here’s a followup synchronicity from our recent trip to the Florida Keys. We wrote about our dinner with Jim Moseley, the iconoclastic editor of Saucer Smear, who mixes skepticism and belief in his continuing saga of gossip about the strange world of UFO investigation.

We gave Jim a copy of Seven Secrets and when we arrived home we found a call from Jim with a message to call him about an amazing synchronicity that he’d just experienced. When we called back,  he said, ‘Oh I was just reading your book, that’s good, but I’ve got to tell you what happened yesterday.’
Jim had been trying to reach Phyllis Galde, the editor of  FATE Magazine, because he had heard the magazine had folded. He left a couple of messages, several days passed, and he hadn’t heard from her. So he was working on his latest issue, and writing about the demise of FATE. He ended the section, writing. “The latest and apparently last editor of FATE, Phyllis Galde, was a very nice woman. Unfortunately, we have lost track of her…”
He stopped there, then moments later, before he had a chance to begin the next item, the phone rang and there was Phyllis Galde who told him that FATE was alive and well and a new issue would come out in September. Jim quickly added a FLASH to the item and explained the synchronicity, and went on to say that he was about to write a review of a new book on synchronicity!
So, Jim, who is skeptical about a lot of things,  is a believer in synchronicity.
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14 Responses to It was FATE

  1. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Wow, great way to express it, Nancy.

  2. Nancy says:

    cj- I wish my bank would come back online.

    I see the synchronicity in this post, and I believe that once you can tune yourself in – there is much more to see and understand. You go from black and white to vivid color.

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    To be or not to be! Good point, Gypsy.

    Maggie – Esperanza will be released on 9/14, Starting on 9/1, a PDF file of the first 3 chapters will be available on the blog and on the website for the book (if I can figure out how to that!)

    Jim was a tough nut to crack!

  4. maggie's garden says:

    One of the best perks of reading your book 7 Secrets is the fact that once you become aware …more synchros seem to make themselves known. Seems like that's the case for Jim…it's a good thing! And glad to hear that Jim is now a believer.
    When will Esperanza be released?

  5. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    i'm reminded of that quote "to be or not to be" and how easily that translates here into "to see or not to see" and "to choose or not to choose" –

    love the fate story – and yours, cj – gotta follow those signposts, for sure! great post, macgregors –

    wv= worescl

  6. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    It's a synchro okay – but I sort of understand why the first anonymous may think otherwise – though, as you say, he/she has missed the main point.

  7. Anonymous says:

    Get this: picked up the phone to call Ted…no dial tone. At the same time, the computer blitzed out, and I checked the TV…no signal there, either. (We have electronics bundled on Comcast) I thought what in the world?? Walked outside….Comcast truck down the street with ladder and bucket up on pole. I walked over to asked them what is going on, and when to expect things to boot up again? One of their central transformers blew, they don't know why. Our weather is perfect! Anyway, obviously it's back on now, but may go off again, they said, as they work. WE know why it blew, don't we! That wicked Mercury doing the Michael Jackson moonwalk! WV" "teabiliz" That has a very powerful connection for me, reagrding hubby, to the two previous WVs, but can't share. It's absolutely stunning how these WVs sometimes are inexplicably relevant. Absolutely mind-boggling. cj

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Connie (cj), regarding your P.S., that's a great example of following the signposts!

  9. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    To add to Trish's comment, Jim was also reading our synchro book that evening when his synchronicity occurred. That added meaning to the timing of the call.

    Actually, Jim is quite skeptical about synchronicity, and thinks he has had only two synchronicities in his 79 years, and that was one of them. It goes to show that a synchronicity is a deeply personal experience and can be astonishing to the person experiencing it, but just ho-hum to someone else hearing about it.

    If you read the new issue of SMEAR–which should be on-line by now, Jim sort of smears 7 Secrets …even though we took him to dinner and gave him a free book – lol! He questions our contention that there are no meaningless coincidences. But he misses the point. Coincidences, of course, are meaningless if you ignore them or miss them entirely, as most of do from time to time. Our point is that awareness of genuine coincidence is a point of contact with a hidden reality that exists–outside of cause and effect, and time and space–and the one who experiences the coincidence can find meaning and direction…if he or she chooses to follow the signposts. Hence, meaningful coincidence.

  10. Anonymous says:

    P.S. Glad to hear FATE is alive and well. It's been one of my favorite reads for years! Guys, this is truly odd. My previous WV was "magra". Hubby's mother was called "Magra", exactly that, by all the grandchildren and then by everyone, as a nickname instead pf grandma, because her first grandchild couldn't articulate grandma and it came out "Magra", which stuck. Now the WV on THIS comment is "tedat". Hubby's name is Ted. Ted at????? Right after his mother's name in the previous comment? I'd call that a true synchronicity, and am wondering where Ted is at and if he is OK. Must phone him. cj

  11. Anonymous says:

    Hey Guys….just sayin, that "anonymous" wasn't mine! (cj) Although it sounds like a familiar voice from someone else who's "gone missing" for while.
    I think the synchronicity in the story is very apparent. It wasn't as if Jim had left her a message a few moments or even a day before. It had been days. And for her to phone him exactly when she did was certainly not a "stretch" of synchronicity. Regarding belief and skepticism, in my humble opinion, it is healthy to have sufficient skepticism to question the authenticity of events rather than accepting everything and being gullible about incidents that are obviously not real. It is just as healthy to accept without skepicism those events that are quite obviously real. Finding the balance between skepticism and belief is not only healthy but intelligent. It assists us towards finding what might be real and what might be false… each, his or her own Truth in any matter. cj

  12. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    You missed the point, anonymous:

    He ended the section, writing. “The latest and apparently last editor of FATE, Phyllis Galde, was a very nice woman. Unfortunately, we have lost track of her…”

    And right then his phone rang and it was her. Days after he had phoned her, she called him back just as he was writing about her. That's the synchro.

  13. Anonymous says:

    Wait…so he called her and left several messages, and then she called him back…and that qualifies as a synchronicity? Don't you think that's a bit of a stretch?

    I don't know anything about Jim Mosely, but it sounds to me like he's a believer who pretends to be a skeptic. Those types make believers AND skeptics look bad.

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