Another Cloud Message

We wrote about numbers appearing in cloud formations not long ago, now here’s one with letters. I was driving to yoga class, one I was taking, not teaching. The instructor, a young woman named Genevieve, is very talented and teaches as if her students are on the same level. Most of them are at least twenty years my junior and athletic. I remembered the last class I took from her was quite challenging.

I came to a red light and looked up at the sky, noticing odd script-like clouds. At first, I tried to look for numbers and then realized that three of the formations, one after another, formed letters. I read them as:
E Z X. Since I’d been thinking about the yoga class,  I tried to interpret the letters as if they were a message. The first two were easy–literally. E-Z (Easy). The last one took a moment longer, then I saw it: X-ercize. In other words, ‘easy exercise.’

I interpreted the message to mean that I should take it easy, not push myself. But when I got to class, I found two of my best former students were in class and right alongside me. So, I wasn’t too keen on taking it TOO easy. I worked hard during the class, enjoyed it, and came out of it thinking that maybe I had read too much into the cloud message. Maybe it was something much simpler, that it would be ‘easy exercise,’ and not to worry. At least, that was how it turned out.

The photo above is actually one of the asanas (postures) we did, one that I can do one side, but have trouble on the other. Getting old, I guess. 😉

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13 Responses to Another Cloud Message

  1. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    and rob – i can't even comment on your comment! i can't get my tongue into position!!! 🙂

    oh, good grief! and then, there's this silly wv = HUMAN!!!

    it should have read PRETZEL!

  2. Marguerite says:

    If you can do even half of this pose, then you are not getting old!

  3. Nancy says:

    Wow! That's all I can say, Rob!

  4. Natalie says:

    OMG! You are a lucky woman Trish!

    My hat off to you, Rob. 🙂

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think the pose (koudinyasana) looks more difficult than it is. What's really impressive to me is people who can jump into it from downward-facing dog, or out of it to down-dog. That takes great body control. – R

  6. maggie's garden says:

    Holy crap! You can do that? Are you a pretzel?
    I'd love to be able to do that pose…or any other for that matter! The yoga classes here seem to be for people already able to get to that pose…so I've been hesitant to even try. Once I went to a class that moved through poses like it was an aerobics class. Phew!

  7. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    This photo makes me ache, too. I can't do this posture, wouldn't even attempt it! – Trish

  8. lakeviewer says:

    Oh this photo makes me ache all over, and makes me envious!

  9. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Like it – must look at clouds more often. I do think though that sometimes it's possible to over analyse.

  10. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    cousin cj – you know, i think you are right on with the wv – soul tool! very neat, lady! thanks so much – and of the "tool", sometimes i struggle even with the morning sun salute! 🙂

  11. Anonymous says:

    OOPS….I know you are ROB and not Bob. Slip of the fingers! cj

  12. Anonymous says:

    I love this post, Rob! Gyps, maybe your WV was "soul tool", since Yoga is certainly that! Of course, being me, I transposed your cloud letters to numbers, Bob. The number are E=5, Z=8, X=6.
    5-8-6. (=19/1) Do those numbers have any particular meaning to you, I wonder? But your interpretation is cool. I immediately thought "easy exercise" before I read further. Like Gypsy, if I tried to get my body into that position, I'd be there for the rest of my life! 🙂

  13. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    ok, now, you're just showing off!!! dear heavens! if i could get my body into that position, well, i can't even go there! 😉

    wv=soltul – soul somethingorother???
    or "so true!"

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