
We watched Touch, a new show on Fox, featuring Keifer Sutherland – formerly of 24.  The setup is simple: Sutherland is Martin Bohm (any relationship to David?), the single father of an 11-year old son, Jake, played by David Mazouz, who is autistic and mute and can apparently  predict the future.  One of Jake’s constants is Fibonacci numbers.

The Fox publicity department describes the series this way: “A drama that blends science and spirituality to explore the hidden connections which bind together all of humanity. At the center of this distinctive new series is a widower and single father whose quest to reach his emotionally challenged 11-year-old son will shape the destiny of the entire planet.” The description leaves out a vital element: synchronicity. And yet, synchronicity is the driving force of the plot – the mystical essence –  obvious through this pilot/trailer episode.

The father’s last name, Bohm, brings to mind David Bohm, the physicist who believed in a deeper order in the universe, an implicate order, out of which everything else, even time, is born. Andrew Teller (probably a nod to Edward Teller, the theoretical physicist), played by Danny Glover, is an eccentric professor who specializes in children gifted in math and  numbers. He  helps Sutherland begin to piece things together after his son is institutionalized by child welfare services. His home is on Tesla Avenue. Glover says Jake doesn’t have a need to speak because he can see everything – past, present, future – and can see how we are all interconnected.

The interconnections in this  teaser episode involve a restaurant equipment salesman who loses his cell phone,  a young man in Iraq, a woman at a cell phone company, and an ex-fireman who wins the lottery. We subsequently discover he is a traumatized ex-fireman who, on 9-11, found Keifer’s wife in the World Trade Center and tried to rescue her. There’s a bigger picture emerging and Jake sees it all, but can only express it in numbers.

There are echoes of Heroes in this show, which isn’t surprising since Tim Kring, who created that show, wrote the script for this. Kring understands connections and synchronicity  and we enjoyed the first season of Heroes. But it got to a point where so many characters had such extreme psi abilities that it became unrealistic and we stopped watching. There are also elements of Lost in this show, the essential mystery of what’s going on, what’s going to happen, what it all means.

Everyone is interconnected. The businessman desperately wants to recover his cell phone because it contains his only photos of his deceased daughter. The cell phone operator, in attempting to track down a lost cell phone, connects with the kid in Iraq who is about to become a suicide bomber, using the lost cell phone, which has traveled the world. Even the cell phone operator was recorded singing a song on that phone!  The story is complex, multi-layered and moves rapidly.

The connecting numbers involved throughout the scenario are 318, which appear on a lotto ticket, a school bus that crashes and the children are saved by the fireman, who won the lotto! And there’re more number connections.

You’ve got to drop your sense of disbelief, but if you do, it’s quite a ride. A show that addresses synchronicity, psychic ability, and the interconnectedness of humanity in a way that is, ultimately, about a relationship between a father and the  son with whom he so desperately wants to communicate. We’ll be tuning in for the premiere on March 19.

Here’s an oddity. The morning after watching the show and getting involved with 318, I (Rob) read an article that included repeated references to 38. They appeared in an article called Uncoiling the Snake, by Glorida Feman Orenstein, which details her journey into shamanism in Lapland. It was sent to us by Lauren Raines, who posts here frequently.

Orenstein was born 3/8/38. Her childhood address was 138 51 Hoover Avenue. She was married on 8/3/58. She visited a sacred site near the North Pole on 8/3/89. March 8 is also International Women’s Day and Orenstein had become a feminist scholar and activist. The last date she saw her mother alive was 8/30/83.

So, far out as the Touch premise might seem for some viewers and reviewers, the above example – vaguely linked numerically to Touch – shows that, yes, such things do happen in real life as well as fiction.





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24 Responses to Touch

  1. Nancy says:

    Geeze, I hadn’t realized you had posted on Touch until now. I posted on it last night as I had recorded it from last week. I can see you liked it as much as I did. I do wonder about the numbers of autistic children born just as humans are going through an evolution.

  2. Darren B says:

    Oh,what I originally was going to write was I have just finished reading a book by Kim Carlsberg called “Beyond My Wildest Dreams”.
    I got it from Amazon about a year ago,after listening to an audio podcast between her and Mike Clelland
    I hadn’t heard the interview since and went back to re-listen,after now having read the book.I was at about the 50 min mark of the podcast when I was reading this post about “Touch” and Kim said something like she was glad that after all the trauma with the abductions she had these extrasensory powers from being a “Touched” human being !?!
    Great book and very good podcast.

    • Rob and Trish says:

      Wow. OK, off to check out these links.
      You’re a trove of info.
      I’ ve got to hit the sack soon. Early this morning, a busted sprinkler head in our yard shot water thru our bedroom windows, created a minor flood, and I ended up getting about 4 hours of sleep.
      It totally disrupted our day. Not sure what the symbolism means yet. Hmm. Other than lots of laundry.

  3. gypsy says:

    SO THRILLED you did this post as i watched the intro last night – had meant to send you a note asking if you’d seen it but got busy with birthday goings on here – ANYway, i LOVED what i saw – and will not be missing the premiere! great post – and can’t wait for what hopefully will be a great series!

  4. Sounds an interesting show. As I see it certain numbers often come up within our lives linking all sorts of things together.

    • Darren B says:

      I saw them talking about this show “Touch” at “The Sync Whole” blog.
      They were linking up Sutherland’s movie and TV roles and they brought up the movie “Dark City” (which I love) ,which was filmed in Sydney and directed and written by Alex Proyas (born on 23rd Sept…my birthday) who could only get this movie made because he made “The Crow” first (the movie Brandon Lee lost his life making) . My favourite Rugby League football team (who I’ve been a life member of since 1988) is the Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks,who’s home ground is just outside the Sydney city limits
      (not that far from where Sutherland made “Dark City”) .
      And as you know from my blog rants Mike,the year that the Cronulla-Sutherland Sharks entered the NRL was in 1967 and often the club sells items with the number 67 on them.
      There’s a few links…in my life (and maybe Mike’s [67 & Sutherland ] .-) anyway.

      It was made the same year Whitley Strieber claims that he met
      “The Master of the Key” in a hotel room in Canada.
      Both Sutherlands (Donald and Kiefer) are key players in the acting of important sync roles,I feel.

      • Rob and Trish says:

        Daz, you always amaze! I never saw Dark City, but will see it now, for sure. Another little synchro here, I just finished writing a review for Strieber’s new one, which goes up tomorrow, then your comment came through.

        Donald S and Keifer often embody whatg seem to be archetypes of a time and place. Keifer’s role in 24 embodied what was going on in the Bush administration in regards to torture etc. Donald’s role in Eye of the Needle, for example, embodied an archetype
        present in war. I hope Touch succeeds. As our daughter said after she saw it, “You guys HAVE to see this. It’s about how we’re all connected.”

        • Darren B says:

          Proyas originally conceived a story about a 1940s detective who is obsessed with facts and cannot solve a case where the facts do not make sense. “He slowly starts to go insane through the story,” says Proyas. “He can’t put the facts together because they don’t add up to anything rational.”

          Originally the the film was going to be titled “Dark World” or “Dark Empire”,but the studio wanted “Dark City”.
          Maybe “Dark Empire” would have been too close to the bone.-)
          It’s funny in hindsight how the movie was made at Murdoch’s Sydney “Fox” Studios and is about a guy named Murdoch being pursued and on the run from the authorities .Just like Murdoch today with his wiretapping newspapers in England.
          “Fox on the Run” .-)
          I always loved that song…and I like it even more now.-)

          P.S. get the Director’s cut version…that’s the version Alex wanted shown at the cinema…but,you know what studios are like.
          Alex has made some great movies,too.
          “Knowing”,”The Crow”,”I,Robot”…and he is currently making “Paradise Lost” with a budget of $88 million.
          Can’t wait for that one to come out.

          Also, the guy that co-wrote “Dark City” also wrote “Blade” which was about the only main-steam Hollywood movie that Shannon Lee (Bruce’s daughter)
          would star in ,besides “Dragon” – the movie about her father’s life…and death.

          • Rob and Trish says:

            Loved those 3 movies you mentioned, although the crow was really dark! Off to check out dark city.

            • Darren B says:

              No doubt about that,”The Crow” was a dark movie.I always avoided it until recently when I read how the graphic novel came about through very tragic circumstances,which unfortunately lead to more of the same in Brandon’s death.
              But,we all have a role to play in the large scheme of things,and from what looks to us as tragic from our earthly perspective may be something we signed up for when we entered this earthly role.
              Not to downplay the tragedy of such events in life,but stepping outside life’s stage curtain,who knows what roles were assigned to us in life’s strange play?
              As Shakespeare (Bacon &Co?) said
              “All the world’s a stage”.
              And maybe he had a point ?
              Line,please .-)

              • Rob and Trish says:

                I definitely believe we “sign up” for stuff in between lives. Look at Christopher Reeves, whose last part in a movie before he was paralyzed was that of a paraplegic. In instances like this – and with the deaths of lee and others – there usually seem to be synchros that address what they signed up for. The big challenge for the rest of us, it seems, is figuring out what WE signed up for. I’ve got some of the picture, the woods, not the trees.

          • Rob and Trish says:

            I just red the wikipedia stuff on dark city – – and I think we saw it way back when. We watch so many movies that I often lose track of what we’ve seen and haven’t seen.

            I’m always amazed that Fox the TV show division does such great work – the simpsons, x-files, touch etc….and yet, their news division is based on derision, division, and hatred.

            • Darren B says:

              It’s because boneheads like Murdoch will never watch stuff like
              “The Simpsons”,or “The X-Files” or “Touch”…and get what it’s about.
              If he was interested in shows like that,he wouldn’t be the “Mr. Burns”
              (Burns is a parody of Murdoch,in-case you didn’t notice)
              that he is.
              He needs suck-ups like Smithers to tell him what it’s all about…and do you think they are going to point out the obvious fact to him that he is the “Burn’s character” in
              “The Simpsons” ?
              Unlikely.They would rather let him work that out himself,which he won’t,because he probably has never watched one single episode of the show.
              The laugh’s on Murdoch through his own TV network and shows while he has his eyes wide shut on the $$$

              • Rob and Trish says:

                Murdoch has done so much damage to the u.s. thru fox news. It’s the mouth for the party of hatred, intolerance, racism, and every other negative term you can imagine.What I don’ understand is how murdoch or his news minions can live with themselves from day to day. My only conclusion is that they can do it because they really believe in the hatred they espouse. The archetype that is murdoch is as dark as hitler.

                • Darren B says:

                  “…every other negative term you can imagine”

                  Umm…”The Empire ?”

                  The “New World Order” is just the new name for the “Anglo-Roman Empire” …with main offices in London,Rome,Paris,
                  New York and Washington D.C.
                  and minor branches throughout the world.
                  And if you look at their track record throughout the last 2000 years,
                  you’ll see that they aren’t very much into Democracy.
                  It’s the F word these guys love…and that’s what they are trying to do to us…if we stand back and let ’em.

  5. mathmajik3322 says:

    It goes without saying that this series “Touches” me where I live and have my entire Being, and that is in the world of Numbers and their relativity to each of us, individually, and to all of us, collectively. As I watched the show, it seemed appropriate to me that the child is a savant and that mathematics is the language with which he communicates his thought processes, which are precognitive and predictive.

    Throughout my decades of intensive working with the ancient alpha-numeric language systems of the world, (Arabic, Hebrew, Greek, Latin, and the Egyptian heiroglyphics), and their relative applications, it has become astonishingly clear to me that we are indeed all connected; that we each live our lives within a mathematical matrix and that the individual matrices are inter-connected to all other matrices, binding us each to the other within a network of frequencies represented by numbers; a network that, when established for a specific purpose, resembles the intricate web of a drawing spider. (A drawing spider is a spectacular creature; a small arachnid who literally “draws” pictures with her webs.)

    There are no exceptions within these mathematical matrices, and their accuracy is stunning. One cannot study this subject without ultimately comprehending that there is indeed a created Order in life and in our universe(s), and for me, this brings not only increasing astonishment but also tremendous comfort because, again for me, it proves that life has meaning and purpose and that no experience, however dull or common it may seem, or however fantastic and impossible it may seem, is random. A TV show to watch, guys. I hope it doesn’t become too scattered. I’m so glad you posted this!!

  6. DJan says:

    I will have to see if I can watch that episode somewhere. It does sound interesting, but as you say, I’ll need to check my skepticism at the door. I’ve always enjoyed Sutherland when he wasn’t being too awfully brutal in 24. 🙂

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