The Power of Words

I was reading over a  book proposal Trish and I putting together called The Law of Attraction Oracle. I came to a section about the power of words, got distracted, and was thumped with a synchronicity.

The section begins in this manner:

“Language, spoken or written, possesses subtle power, like the moon’s influence on tides. Words invoke action that create change. “The pen is mightier than the sword is a familiar adage that originated in 1839 as a line in a play by English author Edward Bulwer-Lytton.”

I read on, then paused after reading the following paragraph.

“The way we speak can reveal our deeper beliefs and those beliefs,when backed with strong emotion, are the magnets that attract what we experience. Many of us have such habitual ways of speaking about certain topics that we speak without giving it much thought. So if you live with other people, ask them to point out whenever you say something that sounds as if it reflects  a deep belief, particularly if what you say is negative.”

I took a break, glanced at Facebook, perused the list of comments, and one immediately caught my attention. It was a link to an article that psychic Marla Frees had put up. The title of the article was: “How to Use the Power of Words as a Blessing.”

I was stunned by the synchro and clicked on the article by Sandra Ingerman, who is a Western shaman and author, one whose writings and recordings have resonated with me. Here in part is what she wrote:

“The teaching that our words can either bless or curse is thousands of years old. This teaching is part of all spiritual traditions. Through our thoughts and words we can bless ourselves and others….

“I encourage you during this month to listen to phrases and words that seem to strike a chord in you. Try and bring more awareness and listen to the words that come out of your mouth. Notice if the words and phrases you use come from a true place of blessing within. Or do you speak phrases and words that come from habit and don’t truly reflect what you would you like to communicate and create for yourself and others.

“I know so many people who are afraid to tell friends or loved ones about a new idea they have or a new project they are thinking about undertaking. For often when we share something that is considered “edgy” by others their immediate response is, “You are crazy” or “That will never work.” When we respond in this way we usually really don’t consider the excitement of the other person in following their passion. And we end up taking power from their dream instead of feeding the energy with adding our support and enthusiasm. Often people feel “shot down” by other’s responses and this can end up cursing those we love and want to support.”

Good stuff. It all fit together as if part of the same work. Here Sandra’s complete article.

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12 Responses to The Power of Words

  1. Folks,

    Just reading your posts causes synchronicity…

    Marla Frees, Sandra Ingerman, the five tibetans, EFT, Paulo Coehlo… It. Goes. On.

    Be well


  2. Words can serve as an example that the (already weird) definition should include repeated events and words (since words are almost synonymous to “meaning” and “meaningful”) heard or read not necessarily at the same time, but across longer time intervals. I experienced these days something like that – almost the same sentence (including I guess not so frequent word “pronounced”, especially not in that context) I read two years ago, but with a different word in the middle. It was like adding the same meaning to totally different words and very personal, so I won’t go here into more details.

  3. Nancy says:

    This reminds me of a recent conversation I had with a loved one. I definitely agree. I have also heard when we use foul language we attract negative energy beings that feed off the energy created with the words.

  4. Vicky says:

    Thanks for this lovely post – I really enjoyed Sandra’s article too! Synchronistically, I’m reading this on the day my “word of the year” necklace finally arrived. I had the necklace made with a special inspirational word on the pendant – a guiding word which I chose for 2012. I began the “word of the year” practice last year and found it very powerful. Building daily affirmations and intentions around this one word also helps to give it meaning and momentum.

    Also, your article reminds me of the Native American Indian quote
    “we create our world with our words”.

    Blessings to you ! 🙂

  5. Momwithwings says:

    Thank you, I needed this .

  6. I completely agree that words are powerful. In a simplistic way we only have to say to someone, “You aren’t looking too good” or “You look well” and we can influence their thinking and day. Everything we say, write, do, think has an effect – though it’s sometimes difficult to keep them all under control.

  7. gypsy says:

    i remember many many moons ago becoming more and more aware of the power of words in our every day life – particularly negative words – and how those negative words do disseminate into our spirit – our perspective – however lightly they may have been uttered – for example: that old adage “you scared me to death!” – or using the word “hate” – anyway, i make a conscious effort to not let those kinds of negative words fall off my lips – same being true for all those goodie words – how, in the opposite, they spread light and love both inwardly and to others – again, we create with our thoughts – with our words – neat post! thanks for article!

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