Time Flies and Happy Birthday, Megger!

                                      Around age 2, discovering the beauty of hibiscus!

She came into the world at 6 pounds and 6 ounces, just a tiny little thing. Even then, her eyes were very blue, her hair very blonde. Yet, the daughter of two dark-haired parents. Sometimes she would stare at us with this penetrating gaze that suggested she was a very old soul who was somewhat annoyed at being a helpless infant. It was like she was saying, “Hey, parents, let’s get the show on the road, shall we?” I think it’s why she didn’t sleep much the first three years of her life.

What’s intriguing in terms of synchros is that a month or so before I got pregnant, Rob remarked that maybe we should have kids, we weren’t getting any younger, and maybe we should rethink the issue about children. The standing family myth is that he invited Megan’s spirit into the physical world. I refer to it as myth, but I honestly think it’s real.

She never really went through the crawling stage. It seems she went from the rolling over and sit up stage directly into a walker, which enabled her to zoom around the house, her laughter a kind of music. Around 7 months, she uttered her first word: kittie. Her second word was dada.Not sure what happened to mama in the language scheme of things – down there on the language list just a bit!

By the time she started preschool, she could make friends with anyone, anywhere, at any time. Human, animal, or flowers, she didn’t discriminate. It was all a wonder to be discovered, a mystery to be probed. She was also utterly fearless.  The first time we took her to a carnival, the roller coaster was the place she wanted most to be, in the front seat of the front car on the roller coaster that moved the fastest, that had the most downhill plunges. That’s true to this day. Here she is, during her first tandem skydive. The face of joy.  We wrote about her second skydive here.

 Just this month, while she was home from college, we asked her if she wished she’d had a brother or a sister. She gave us one of those distinctly Megan looks. “Are you kidding? I love being an only child.” Then she threw her arms around us. “MacGregor group hug!”

So today, Megan is 21. Instead of skydiving, she and a friend went to a Jack Johnson concert. She’s truly the most joyful person I have ever met, quick to smile, to offer a hug if you need it, the most loyal friend to her friends,  a young woman with so many talents – writing, art, a love for animals, psychic in a uniquely Megan way. We are humbled to be her parents.

Have a great 21st, Megger!

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17 Responses to Time Flies and Happy Birthday, Megger!

  1. Jen says:

    Happy {{Belated}} Birthday to Megan! She sounds lovely! :o)

  2. simply truth full says:

    Aw Mac.. hate to be an ole superficial male,, but ya got ya self one heck of a looker there,, with all do,, even though… guess who, synchros L N other…. question does she always photo that well…

  3. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Natalie, it's Megan as in Meg…but we call her the Megger!

  4. Natalie says:

    Such a wonderful age to be. Happy,
    Happy Birthday Megan. I am glad you are so special,because anything less just wouldn't have fit. 🙂

    Something I have been wondering is your pronunciation of Megan. Here,in Aus. it would be MEEEEEEEE-gan.
    Do you say Maygan or Megg -an or Meeeegan?

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Megan finally dropped by the blog and left her thank yous with us – so thank you all. I can see she needs to learn to blog!

    Vicki – I remember this amazing story of yours!

  6. Vicki D. says:

    It does go by sooooooo fast.
    My oldest, Laura who turned 21 last April,actually first introduced herself to me in my car one day, when I was a Junior in college. Then again one evening when I was with my soon to be husband several years later.

    When she was less than 2 years old we were getting her ready for bed and I asked her, out of the blue, " Laura did you know us before you were born?" and she answered back "yes, I saw you and Daddy and new you were my parents but had to wait for the two of you and then I came down to be your baby. "

    We were floored! Especially the " had to wait for the two of you " part because my husband was a bit noncommittal at first.

    So, your Megan was probably waiting for the two of you to open the door for her and then….baby!

    Happy Birthday, her energy just jumps off the screen from her picture.
    Happy birth remembrance day to both of you too!

  7. maggie's garden says:

    Happy Birthday! You're beautiful…and have picked the most amazing parents. I can truly feel the love in this happy birthday post your parents have written here for you. Wishing you all good things today! Have a fun birthday.

    Rob and Trish….well done…she's beautiful inside and out. Adorable photos!

  8. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thank you for the good wishes. Megan rarely drops by the blog, so Rob posted this on her facebook page.

  9. Cole says:

    What a wonderful post to your daughter! I am sure she is blessed by you both as well. Meg is no doubt a special and beautiful person. Wishing you all a happy day.

  10. d page says:

    And the time does go by so fast.

  11. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    Megan sounds a very special daughter – you have been blessed. Enjoy those group hugs and treasure every moment.

  12. Nancy says:

    Having met your beautiful daughter, I can absolutely agree she is very special! Happy Birthday, Megan!

  13. terripatrick says:

    Happy Birthday to Megan!
    {{{{{Group Hugs}}}}}

  14. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    what an incredibly extraordinary spirit she is – brilliantly obvious in those magnificent blue windows of her soul – as cousin cj said so eloquently! words so inadequate but happy happy, megan! and congratulations on the magnificent parents you chose!

  15. Anonymous says:

    Seems like only yesterday she was just a kid! And what a journey it has been and continues to be for the three of you.
    Happy, happy 21st birthday, little Megan all-grown-up! And congratulations to you, Mom and Dad Macgregor, for having had such an extraordinary, ancient Indigo/Crystal soul join your circle of love and life. Cheers! cj

  16. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    I think souls hang out up there, too, Djan, shopping for parents. Years go,Spielberg had a half hour show – the title escapes me – and one of the episodes was about a little boy doing exactly that.

  17. DJan says:

    Amazing how fast they grow up, isn't it? She is such a beautiful person, and I do believe that souls hang out there shopping for parents. You are truly blessed to have such a person in your life, Trish. Now I'm off to read about her skydive (having made a few myself).

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