Synchronicity and the Job Hunt

One area where some of us falter in making use of our intuition and paying attention to synchronicities is when we’re looking for a job. Sometimes the need to find a job overrides our better sensibilities and we make poor choices. This story from Janet Stalowski is a case in point.

I just was laid off unexpectedly from a position which my  intuition was telling me and telling me “not” to take.  No matter how I thought, Oh, it’s my imagination and I’m over exaggerating, something was still telling me not to go.  Because I really needed a job, I took it, against what I was feeling  The guy I interviewed with seemed really weird, he was overly pushy for me to start working for him and I just didn’t have a good “vibe” when I interviewed for the job, even though the interview when extremely well and I was offered the job within hours of my interviewing. 

Once I was there the job turned out  to be nothing that it was supposed to be. My agency told me the job  was one title, the person I was working for told me it was a paralegal position. I ended up creating countless files for him (400 to be exact) plus a database.  The day after the database was completed and put on the company network he told me he didn’t need me anymore.  The entire time that I worked for this guy, he gave me the creeps and I ALWAYS received bad vibes around him. 

So now, I’m out of work again, I’m not sure where I’ll be going in this economy, but I wanted to write to you to tell you about my synchronicity.  Had I listened I would have saved myself from a lot of aggravation, work and I maybe would be in a meaningful work position right now.

Best of luck, Janet. But maybe it was fortuitous that you got out early. It sounds like you wouldn’t have liked the job very much, and might’ve gotten stuck there.

Occasionally, someone in that position quits a bad job in a very big and bold way. The flight attendant Steven Slater made national news when he went down the chute. The lady in the photos above went out the door in another bold way. Take a look here.  A good warning to all bad bosses, that!

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11 Responses to Synchronicity and the Job Hunt

  1. terripatrick says:

    I've been thinking about a new job I want and am considering all aspects of place and type of work that will nurture me, and fit my life and writing schedule. 🙂

  2. Nancy says:

    I agree with Mike – good lesson learned. I always tell my girls to listen to their "little voice." It never fails.

  3. Star says:

    That was bad luck. This happens too many times. I have also had this experience: you go to the job thinking it will be one thing, but invariably they want you to do more or work you're not qualified to do. They want more sophisticated work for less money. It happens too often and it's an employers market at the moment too.
    Hope you get something soon dear lady.
    Blessings, Star

  4. 67 Not Out (Mike Perry) says:

    I sympathise a bit with Janet but, if she hadn't have taken the job, she probably wouldn't have learned the lesson properly.

    Having had to interview lots of people in the past for employment, intuition is also useful when sitting on the other side of the desk as well.

  5. Trish and Rob MacGregor says:

    Thanks for the link, Maggie. A good chuckle on this Monday!

  6. maggie's garden says:

    Thanks for the morning giggles! I also found that they sell a front load backpack that drops a jet chute to the floor for the Jetblue job exit found here:–AD–Gear.html

    Hope to give you some smiles in return.
    Happy Monday everyone!

  7. Anonymous says:

    An experience well-learned! And good for Janet….she went in and did a great job even in the face of the warnings from her intuition. She lost the job, yes, and she was used, yes, but it was that employer who was the one who really was the loser here, because he lost a great employee who gave the job her very best shot even when she felt she shouldn't! You go, girl! The perfect position is waiting for you just around the corner! You'll see! Love thie WV: fulayo Use your imagination!
    f..lay off! 🙂 cj

  8. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    oh, and september 9 inked in on my calendar!

    fantastic on esperanza!!!

  9. GYPSYWOMAN says:

    so sorry 'bout janet but i'm sure she will find the right thing for her and that one obviously was not – now, about the dry-erase story – MY KINDA WOMAN!!! WAY TO GO!!!

    great post!


  10. DJan says:

    I hope she finds a job. This wasn't one, but somebody taking advantage of another. Love those two pictures!

  11. Natalie says:

    Yes, that is hilarious! I love it.

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